Mia, John, Abby, Johny C
Villages Of Bear Creek, TX, USA
I’ve been seeing this dove for months now. His wing looks like it’s falling off. I’ve also seen two birds with black intentions on their neck and belly. (Adult mockingbird and young male sparrow) Also, two birds were all puffed up and leaning over. Their beaks were open. (adult mockingbird and female sparrow) The mockingbird wasn’t moving for about 3 hours. The sparrow had trouble walking and was acting weird. There also was a mockingbird fledgling. I noticed it was very skinny and different looking. Then I saw it weeks after and it was very skinny and had matted feathers. I saw yesterday that an adult mockingbird was attacking the fledgling! Why do you think this is?
Any ideas?
The open beaks were panting. Do you have a bird bath in your yard? If not then maybe getting one could help with overheating. I don’t know about the black but I’ve also experienced it with a female Ruby-Throated Hummer. She has black markings all over her stomach. The dove is probably injured, broken wing maybe. I have no idea about the young mockingbird.
We do have a birdbath. We have two actually. The dove can fly but not as well as the others.
I need some help! I saw a mockingbird fledgling. His head feathers or either gone or in really bad shape. He is really skinny and gets attacked by at least two different adult mockingbirds pretty much daily. The adult mockingbirds peck, bite and dig their claws into the young mockingbird. I’m concerned. He looks terrible. What causes this?
I just saw an adult mockingbird with the same thing on its head.
That’s terrible! I wonder why the adults are attacking him. Keep an eye on him, if it gets too bad you might have to bring him to a rehaber.
I’ll try to get a picture of him when I see him again. He looks really bad. He’s really skittish now too. He didn’t use to be.
I did some research and I think the dove is injured or sick.
Probably. Can birds sprain their wings?
I’m not sure
I think the wing is broken
It’s not broken because he can fly, I saw him fly on July 30th
Weird, I wonder what’s wrong then
I saw him yesterday and his wing makes it hard for him to climb on stuff and walk normally.
It’s gotten worse than in the picture.
Poor little guy, you could try to contact a wildlife rehabilitator, or a veterinarian that treats birds.
Ok, we will call tomorrow. So I think his wing is broken, and even if his wing was broken he still would be able to fly because birds can fly with only one wing so he’d be able to fly…
Yeah, keep us updated on his condition
I just saw an adult mockingbird with no head feathers!!! Help!
Have you called someone yet?
We called today. They left a voicemail.
We just saw a baby mockingbird with black spots all over it and and destroyed feathers!
Its head was black because of black feathers and the tips of its wings were black too! The contour feathers on its wings and tail were destroyed! HELP!!
It was probably attacked by something. You could try contacting whoever you contacted for the dove. Also, what ended up happening with the dove? Did you give it to them?
We called about the dove and they said if you can easily catch him bring him to us… But we can’t bring him to them because we haven’t seen him since about a week ago so…
Oh, I wonder what happened to him (the dove).
We saw a male Grackle who had a really bad drooping wing today.
I don’t know… It had feathers on its head but they were black instead of gray… Same thing on the contour feathers on the wings and tail
We saw him two days ago.
AND do I look like a flamingo!?