This blue headed Mallard duck is weird because ether is is by its self or it is with a pair of Wood Ducks, These Wood Ducks are new here never seen them before.
Hi Charleen, You can upload photos from our Participant Gallery home page – look for the upload button, or use this link. Note that there is a “submit as a guest” option.
Sorry about the bad photos, it was really hard to get photos.
This blue headed Mallard duck is weird because ether is is by its self or it is with a pair of Wood Ducks, These Wood Ducks are new here never seen them before.
WOW! A very cool finding, I can tell the difference, very weird that it likes to hang with wood ducks!
curious where you saw this…I’m spo valley too.
No worries about the photos! 🙂 Great find!
I have a mating pair in my little pond right now. Never seen the blue head before.
Have blue headed in Rockland County N.Y. How do I submit photo.?
Hi Charleen, You can upload photos from our Participant Gallery home page – look for the upload button, or use this link. Note that there is a “submit as a guest” option.
Just seen one on our lake n michigan..She was beautiful!@
I just saw a blue headed mallard today ion the golf course in my neighborhood. We are in northern nevada between the town of minden and Carson City.
Do female Blue-headed Mallards have brown heads?
I saw two here (Minneapolis Minnesota) in a park near my home yesterday 5/20/24. Have never seen them before, here or anywhere. Very surprised!
We have a male blue headed mallard in Harrison twp pretty..never seen one before!
Just saw one in Daggett Bay in Crosslake MN.