Kylie Beevers
Alpena, MI, USA
An alarm from a Black Capped Chickadee sounds off. All the rest in the flock freeze like branches. The only movements they make are the slight movement of their chests and the occasional blink. I walk closer, so close that I could rub my finger along a chickadees back. It took almost a full minute till they snapped out of it and flew away. What kind of behavior was this? I’ve seen flocks fly away when one sounds an alarm but never stay still for a complete minute! These little energetic balls almost never stay still.
Species: Black-capped Chickadee
Hi Kylie, This is a typical predator response – for example, when a hawk is nearby or flying overhead, birds may freeze in place until the danger has passed. Some have noted birds frozen in place even for 15 minutes or more!
Thank you!
fascinating… that information is new to me!
Me too!