How To Install a Pulley System
If you have been struggling with how to clean and maintain a large nest box mounted on a tall pole, our new blog post is for you. This month’s post covers an inexpensive method for installing a pulley system to raise and lower your nest box. Brought to you by NestWatcher Lee Pauser, the plan for the pulley system is available as a download from the post.
You Can NestWatch Anywhere!
Although it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere, plenty of birds are now nesting in the Southern Hemisphere where summer has arrived. Mary Nelson found this nest of Eastern Rosellas in her decaying fence post in Australia recently; aren’t they beautiful?
Did you know that you can monitor nests for NestWatch from anywhere in the world? Through our website, you can create locations for any continent, and you will be given a regionally-specific species list. Our mobile app currently only supports a North American species list, but our website can accept any nest from anywhere in the world. We can also bulk-upload large global datasets.