Browse our newsletter archives
- Rare Nest Box Occupants
On the blog: when common birds do something uncommon, NestWatchers notice.
- A Major Milestone
We’ve begun the long-awaited process of uploading our nest-record card data into the NestWatch database.
- Tips for High Heat
Are temperatures scorching in your area? Check out these tips for how to help your local nesting birds.
- New Chapter in New Hampshire
Welcome to the newest NestWatch Chapter, the NH Audubon Massabesic Center, in Auburn, New Hampshire!
- Blog: American Kestrel Nest Timing
Read our latest blog post to learn how nest timing affects kestrel success.
- Welcoming New Chapters
Welcome to Cinncinati Nature Center and also Hashawha Environmental Center and Bear Ranch Nature Center!
- Another Data Boost
We recently uploaded 2,053 nest records, thanks to the South Carolina Bluebird Society.
- June Workshop
NestWatch staff will be travelling to a conference at the end of June. Perhaps we’ll see you there!
- NestWatchers Inform Study On Nutrition
Learn how climate change, omega-3s, and insects are affecting birds during the breeding season in our latest blog post.