Browse our newsletter archives
- eNews January 2024
-On the Blog: NestWatch Data Aid in Snake Study
-Grackles Galore
-Data Resources for Analysts
-Attend a Free Webinar - Our Focus for 2023
This year, we’re highlighting the conservation needs of a group of birds called “aerial insectivores.”
- Preserving Legacy
Our latest blog post celebrates the late Mr. Dick Tuttle – and a huge data upload.
- New Chapter in NJ
Wishing a warm welcome to Woodford Cedar Run Wildlife Refuge!
- New Nest Box Plan
The newest nest box construction plan on our website is for Peregrine Falcons!
- Calling All Kestrel Data
NestWatch is collaborating on a new project that will study American Kestrel populations.
- New Research On Our Blog
NestWatch data were used to examine correlated reproductive success in chickadees and bluebirds.
- Mountain Bluebird Status Update
A recent virtual conference provided insights into population trends for this charismatic bird.
- Data Boost in British Columbia
Thanks to Cowichan Bring Back the Bluebirds Project for providing 250 nest records for our database!