Not a chicken

screech owl in tree cavity

I never would have seen this owl if I hadn’t heard a flock of chickadees scolding it.

Screech owl’s cozy house

This screech owl roosted in the house I put up all winter. His camouflage was perfect.

Enjoying the patio

This is a thumbnail of a video I recorded while sitting and visiting next to one of the owlets. Check it out on the NestWatch page,

We love city livin’!

Here are Dora and David, the first two owlets of a clutch of three Eastern Screech owls. Not shy at all.

Owl the heck did we fit in there?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! This small space was the home tweet home to a clutch of 3 Eastern Screech owls inside the city limits of Houston, Texas. Here you can see the eldest owl, affectionately called Dora in the patio jasmine, while David and Darcy still on the nest.

Dutiful Dewey

I had the pleasure of watching a pair of Eastern Screech owls nest above my patio for several weeks. This was taken in late March, early April before I even realized the hatched owlets were right above my head! In the 6-8 week period, the owls became very comfortable with me! They never screeched at all!

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology