Young Juncos

Sandhill Crane and colts

Although the tall grass hides the colts most of the time, occasionally they are in the open enough to photograph.

Carolina Wrens

Homeless Baby Dove

The first monsoon of the year, in Tucson, AZ, knocked this baby white-winged dove’s nest out of its tree. She found a new perch on a water faucet. Her mom keeps a close eye on her from above.

Independence Day!!!

Cardinal Fledgling on 3rd of July, 2014….thus gaining his independence!

Baby Bluebirds

Baby bluebirds just born in backyard house. I call this one helmet head!

Mummy where are you?

Baby Killdeer

Baby Killdeer.

Waiting for Dinner

Mom and Dad were nearby and kept watch and fed these babies as they huddled together.

Recently fledged Eastern Screech Owls

We heard a lot of racket from several birds on a recent evening. We went to investigate and spotted these 3 young screech owls perched high up in the trees with one of the parents. The parent fled upon our arrival. But these 3 just sat and stared at us, as we stared at them. Snapped this photo just as the light was fading. We’ve since spied the fledglings a couple of times around the yard at dusk. Simply adorable.

Catching Up To Mama

Mama Wood Duck called, and these three almost looked as if they were running across the water to get to her.

Three Little Wood Ducks

I saw these three while kayaking our lake. Mama duck called, and they came out of the reeds to join her.

Three in the Nest

Chicks in a Jar!

Carolina Wrens nesting in a Mason Jar!

Anna’s Hummingbird Chick Hatched

This chick was less than twenty-four hours old. Its sibling hatched the next day. Photographed on location at Natural Bridges State Beach, Santa Cruz, California.

Anna’s Hummingbird Chicks

These Anna’s Hummingbird chicks were about ten days old.

Anna’s Hummingbird Chicks

These Anna’s Hummingbird chicks were just a few days away from leaving the nest.

Curious Canadian goose gosling

Heron Chicks and Mom


Baby Mockingbirds

Mockingbird nest in my rose bush, June 2014.

baby Cardinals

from hatching to leaving the nest in 7 days.

Piping plover chick

2 day old piping plover chick is hardly taller than a piece of seaweed!

Piping plover

Young chick testing out the wings

“Strolling along the lake side” Baby Egyptian Goose

This beautiful little baby Egyptian Goose was strolling along the lake side with his Egyptian Goose parents.

Baby Brown Pelican.

This photo was the first time I have seen a Baby Brown Pelican. And what a joy was it to watch him play in the water.

The joys of PIPL nests.

I work for Virginia Tech on their Piping Plover and Least Tern monitoring program. After weeks and weeks of searching for and finding nests, we then had to wait a second eternity until they hatched. Until one sunny morning, we came upon one of the nests to see not one, but two of the cutest faces waiting for us in the nest bowl. It was a wonderful morning.

I Believe I Can Fly

Blue Jay Fledgling trying out his wings

Just laying Around

Robin fledglings, they left the nest 2 days later.

Open wide!

First Flight

I watched this baby Phoebe stand at the edge of the nest drumming up the nerve to test his wings. He finally launched himself into the air, landing on the back of this folding chair. A few moments he tried flight again and was off!

hatching bluebird

hatching bluebird

Baby Phoebes

Blue Jay

One of the young blue jays posing for the camera.

Looking out.

Two juvenile Red-tailed Hawks watching the bicyclists…

Robins Sleepytime

Cardinals Sleepytime

Young Northern Cardinal

This young Northern Cardinal was at our feeding station today. Beautiful colored feathers will soon transform this young one into a true beautiful adult bird.

Mom showing off the kids.

Treman Babies

I am submitting this photo which was taken by my daughter, Mathea, along the trail at Treman Park. She asked me to submit it for her. Around shoulder height, they found this nest nestled into the rocks, full of baby birds waiting for mom and a meal. Very surprised to see this nest and birds so vulnerable close to the trail and people.

Happy Family

Came home to find on our pond that a mother Hooded merganser duck was raising this mixed family. 7 ducklings are wood ducklings and 4 are Hooded merganser ducklings. They are so cute.

Strike a pose!

This little guy was wondering around out of the nest exploring. When I saw one of the babies in the tree and heard the other one on the ground I raced inside to get my camera. Next thing you know the baby Mockingbird on the ground started jumping and hoping around. This little guy was having a blast. I took so many pictures of the baby and it was like the little guy was having his own photo shoot. Both of us enjoyed the moment and the pictures turned out amazing!

Baby eastern bluebirds

Mallard buddies

Dinner Call

Curious Gosling

Four Dabblin’ Ducklings

These 4 little Mallard ducklings & their momma, were searching for food in a shallow part of the lake. The babies were about 2 weeks old when this picture was taken. By now, the ducklings probably have a little family of their own too!

Redbird Baby

I spotted a female Northern Cardinal hopping around the yard, and then realized she was tending to this fledgling. He/she was very tiny and cute, all bundled up in the grass.

Gaggle of Goslings

These 6 (very adorable) baby Canada Geese, are just a few that call our lake home. The babies were probably only a few days old when this photo was taken. They have their adult feathers in and are starting to like the grown-ups now.

So many birds, not quite enough nest!

Everybody at the office I work in is aware of my love for birds and birdwatching. A lady whose company does our landscaping came in one day a couple of weeks ago to have me come out and see a nest she found in an azalea bush. I’m pretty sure these are Northern Mockingbirds as that’s most of what we have hanging around our office.

Sweet Baby Song Sparrow

I was photographed this fledgling Song Sparrow & siblings one summer afternoon. They were trying to stay hidden in a large evergreen bush, but their (very loud!) chirps didn’t help that. After a few pics, I left them to carry on with exploring & begging their momma for food.

brown thrasher babies

Western Bluebird nestlings in the “Blue Young” stage (2-4 days old).

Photo taken during weekly Nest Box monitoring for Jefferson County Open Space.
First babies of the season for this trail.

House Wren Nestlings

This photo was taken during weekly NestBox monitoring for Jefferson County Open Space.

Day Spa

Baby robins

Mourning Dove

Last day in the nest… used a close up lense… They were like statues! But their eyes were watching me!

Robin Hatching

A clutch of four robin eggs were outside my kitchen window in the crook of a climbing hydrangea – from inside, I was able to watch all four hatch. This was the first and it was in the middle of a heat wave. The eyes weren’t open and the others were just beginning to hatch. Looks like hard work!

Caught in the Act

Lucky Shot – Walked by the nest, heard some noise, looked at the nest quickly and took the picture (with a cell phone). I’m not a professional, I don’t alter images – I just enjoy watching nature as is.

Twins Mourning Doves

New to, I just happened to walk past the nest in our juniper tree and found these lovely newborns. As the mother of twins, the sight of “twin” birds resonated strongly with me.

Spreading my Wings

For a decade, mourning doves have used a juniper tree in my yard as a nesting location. For the most part, they are successful and I am very careful to follow protocols. It just so happens I can lean out of my kitchen window and photograph the doves growth. This was a lucky shot – I am an amateur. I don’t own photoshop or anything like that program. I believe in observing nature as it is – not over thinking or over working it, just enjoying the magic and mystery of nature, much of which is right outside our front door (or in my case, my kitchen window).

Baby Cardinal

A baby Cardinals first trip to the bird feeder

Whooo goes there?

These three Barred Owl youngsters fledged from my nest box which I have on my property in May of 2014. This is at least the 6th year that a brood has successfully been raised in the next box. Very attentive parents and beautiful birds!

Baby Sparrows


Cute little gosling exploring his new world

OMG, I have feet!

Oregon Junco Fledgling

This little baby was in a nest in a wine barrel at a local elementary school right near the classrooms. I went by to check if the babies had fledged for three days, and on the third day, this little one and four others were flying and hopping all over. I used my 300 mm. zoom lens and took this photo while he rested on a rock. I think the few down feathers still on his head make him look especially cute.

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology