Ma It’s My Turn!

Rookery at Ken Thompson Park on Sarasota Bay. 3 nestlings impatient to wait their turn for a feeding. If you look close you can see another GBH peeking at what was going on through the leaves.

First Splash Bath All By Myself!

The cardinals just love to use the fresh water to take a great big splish splash bath on a hot day. The babies learned pretty quickly how to use it too. I always have a couple of these out with fresh water every day. I put them under the patio table with the umbrella’s up, and close to lots of vegetation so they are safe from predators. They love it!

The One & Only

The Northern Mockingbird couple spent well over a month perfecting this nest in my topiary next to my front porch steps. This spot is prime real estate for the Mockers who fight for this location every season. Every time we were outside anywhere in the vicinity, he or she would come with a stick in mouth, and fine tune the nest right in front of us. She finally laid an egg in it on Mother’s Day, but, decided to lay the remaining in my neighbors yard. The egg was abandoned.

Majestic Osprey Nest With Million Dollar View

Osprey and 3 nestlings in gigantic breathtaking nest overlooking Lake Sawyer.

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology