
While biking near a reservoir in Colorado I saw a pair of swallows taking turns entering this box with an abundance of bugs and exiting as soon as the other appeared. .

Grebe feeding her chicks.

Dad fishes and brings the catch to mom who will feed the hungry chicks cruising on her back.

Tree Swallow feeding its youngs.

Very hungry chicks make parents busy.

Unusual Feeding….

Who is feeding who here? This male cardinal seems to be feeding an immature blue grosbeak.

Chow Line

Double Helping

Both Mockingbird parents came in with a bite to eat, at the same time. Busy parents with 3 little mouths to feed.

A little wine from these grapes would go great with a worm mom.

After building a nest in my garden and not having her eggs hatch the mother built a second nest in my grape vines. I didn’t find it until she’d laid three eggs, which all hatched in the last two days. I’ve been growing the grape vines for 4 years and this year was going to be my “crop” year, however with the nest I can’t really get close and I certainly couldn’t spray the vines insects, etc. The crop is pretty well half destroyed by bugs / black rot, but the bird family is doing just fine.

Osprey Feeding

Dad brought dinner home again

Two Adult Cliff Swallows on Nest with Chick Inside, July 2, 2014

Although a pair of Barn Swallows was perching near this already-built porch nest earlier this spring, the pair ceased doing so during May. On June 13, 2014 we first observed adult Cliff Swallows inside the nest, guarding and adding mud to it. In retrospect, assuming a 14-day incubation period, there must have already been at least one egg in the nest on that date because on June 30 and on subsequent days we observed a chick through the nest’s entrance hole. There may have been more chicks in the nest, but they were not visible. On July 2 I took this photo from inside my apartment through a crack in my blinds and through two layers of glass. It shows the chick inside the nest with two adults on the outside, presumably about to feed the chick. During that time period, there were often more than two adults seeking entrance to the nest, but not all of them were allowed inside because an adult inside the nest’s entrance would peck some of them away. Once an adult would gain entrance to the nest, it would often seem to be feeding the chick and adding mud to the nest at the same time. We no longer observed this chick in the nest, or any adults guarding the nest, after July 8. We therefore assume that this chick fledged on July 9. A detailed chronology is available at

Hungry Chickadee

Chickadees have been making their next in this decorative birdhouse on our deck for two years. Last year two chicks left the nest, this year there were three.

My baby robin

First glimpse of the Robin nest I had been watching. She would never leave the nest when I was watching until this time.

A Kiss For Good Luck!

This baby American Tree Swallow had just fledged and landed on the wire where the male was feeding him.

Feeding The Kids

Male Eastern Bluebird bringing a stinkbug back to the nesting box for the kids.

Give it to me!

Male Tree Swallow bringing one of his babies a dragonfly. I can not believe how many dragonflies they bring back to their young. It was non-stop and they ate every one.

Ma It’s My Turn!

Rookery at Ken Thompson Park on Sarasota Bay. 3 nestlings impatient to wait their turn for a feeding. If you look close you can see another GBH peeking at what was going on through the leaves.

Hurry Mom, I’m Hungry!

I was very lucky to be able to see this wonderful display of family among birds, with the Mother Crow feeding the baby Crow.

“Dinner Time” Mother Crow feeding baby Crow.

I have been following this family of Crows since the baby was just out of the egg. I was treated to this wonderful display of this Mother Crow feeding her baby. The Mother Crow actually found a bone and was taking the meat off the bone to feed the baby. Quite the site to see.

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology