Bald Eaglet in nest

Other than Catalina Island, this is a first Los Angeles County report of an American Bald Eagle pair have successfully raised a juvenile in San Gabriel Canyon, CA

Mutual Moochers

These two fledgling cedar waxwings were snuggled on the fence together and suddenly began making the “feed me” face at each other. I was laughing so hard I thought I’d scare them away 🙂

Awkward Round Baby

This little robin was the first of many to fledge in our community gardens.

Cooper’s Hawk Fledgling

One of two Cooper’s Hawk Fledglings that hatched and learned to fly in our yard this year, 2016.

Cooper’s Hawk Chick-2016

One of two Cooper’s Hawk chicks that successfully fledged in our yard this year despite 106 degree temps.

A very young (and very hungry) Common Tern

This photo was taken on July 3, 2016, during a visit to the Common Tern nesting colony on Stratton Island, Maine. The trip was organized by Maine Audubon.

Ducklings on parade

Female mallard and her ducklings…they come every year and always present their ducklings on our pond


While visiting the rookery in St. Augustine in June of this year, I was able to see tri-color herons at all stages of development with some parents still brooding eggs and many older juveniles practicing their flight skills. These two were staying on the nest, patiently waiting to be fed and not inclined to venture out of their safe spot.

Bare and beautiful

What a surprise to find a nest in your garden hose!

Killdeer baby

Killdeer baby. One of 4 chicks wandering around with Mom nearby.

Eastern Screech Owlet

I built this box for some Screech owls. they came and raised some owlets. this is one of the owlets

Nap Time

This baby Great Horned Owl looks ready for a snooze.

Are You Looking at Me?

MIghty big baby

At the local Cracker Barrel, a pair of sandhill cranes were hanging out with their baby, who is a big bird in his own right.

Ah Oh !

Bluebirds had nested in my bluebird house and I did not realize the chicks had fledged. I was walking in my yard with my camera and the male and female blue birds were following me and fussing at me when I got close to one of my flower beds. I just happened to look down and this sweet little chick looked so surprised he just froze in his tracks. Luckily I was able to capture the moment.

Baby Robins

We were walking by the lake when a Mama Robin started swooping down at us. We realized that we were walking right towards a not-so-tall evergreen where she’d made here nest. Her babies (at least one of them) was hungry!

Leaf and Petal Share a Moment

I was filming an Anna’s Hummingbird nest for several weeks and just before the chicks fledged, Leaf put a wing around Petal as if to offer encouragement for the big adventure ahead.

Cute baby House Finch


Young bluebird squawks for more food

Tricolored Heron Juvenile

Tricolored Heron have been very very good to me. This chick was photographed the same day and few nest over from chick that won this contest last year.

Common Moorehen

Juvenile Common Moorehen is known by many a name. This juvenile was seen along the west shore of Lake Parker, Lakeland.

Downy Baby

Larry, Moe, and Curly

I’m adorable and I know it

Every year the Piping Plovers return to the shore of Georgian Bay. This past spring/summer 5 pair nested. Here’s hoping all of the chicks survive and their numbers continue to increase.

Copyright Barb D’Arpino


This family was found during a survey for these birds for the N Spotted Owl Demographics study, and this cute family was patient enough to have a couple photos taken while there.

Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

A recently fledged Prothonotary Warbler chick explores the great big world.

You’re on your way up
You’ll be seeing great sights
And join the high fliers
Who soar to high heights
~Dr. Seuss

Northern Mockingbird

This young Northern Mockingbird was setting on the wall around the hotel pool waiting for food. I observed one adult feed this baby but I had to leave before another adult came back.

Baby chickadee

A recently fledged set of chickadees were learning the ropes from mom and dad while enjoying their first steps outside the nest. They seemed to clumsily move around the branches in the way that only cute little ones can!

Togetherness in the nest!

Wish I could be back with my mommy

This sweet little Killdeer was taken from its nesting area by a well meaning person thinking they were rescuing a lost turkey or chicken baby, They gave it to a friend to put in with her chickens or turkeys, She brought it to Agway where I was buying bird seed, wanting to know which it was turkey or chicken, when I saw it and told her what it was she wanted to know which pen she should put it in, I asked if she knew where the nesting site was so could return it but didnt and freind couldnt remember so I took it to Cornell University Animal Hospital ( 2 hours from my home) and they just sent me an update baby is doing great and has been transfered to a wild life rehab to be raised and released., WISH MORE PEOPLE KNEW NOT TO HELP BABY BIRDS MORE OFTEN THEN NOT THEY DONT NEED IT .

Fluffy juvenile robin

this juvenile robin fluttered from his nest to my yard so fat and fluffy was surprised he could fly at all then dad came down and fed him before they flew back up to tree, guess he wasnt fat enough

Eastern Screech-Owlet in Maple Tree

We had three Eastern Screech-Owlets fledge from our backyard nest box. Two or three days later we heard a group of smaller birds mobbing a maple tree a few yards over. Sure enough, the owl family was hiding out there and the smaller birds were letting everyone know. The owlets were very curious and cute checking us out at the base of the tree.

Waiting to fledge

Fledgling date for all 5 babes.

Hey we’re over here!!!!

These chicks were tucked under the wings of the adult and the they popped out when the other adult was coming in with food.

Snug as a bug in a rug

Sunrise at the beach I was watching this Tern and noticed she had two chicks tucked under her wings,one chick left and this one stayed

Tomorrow We Fly!

The female Olive-sided Flycatcher returns each year to nest under our Midwestern porch. We call her Phoebe for the distinctive call she makes. This is the 2016 hatch ready to fledge; they flew away the next day.

Too cute

I witnessed these two cuties chat back and forth for some time.


3 Great grey babies in nest box just days before fledging

Hungry Least Tern Chicks

Baby tree swallow and his friend- the bee

The tree swallows nested in one of the nesting boxes in my back yard. One morning I found the baby tree swallow waiting for his breakfast along with his friend the bee!

American Coot chicks

A fairly common sight in spring in the marshes along Bruce Road at the William L. Finley Wildlife Refuge, American Coot chicks look little like their nearly monochrome parents. And their faint little voices can be heard most often in the reeds and cattails, trying to get the attention of the adults to bring them something to eat. Occasionally they would venture out into more open water for a brief look at their outrageous plumage.

Great Horned Baby

This picture was taken on a trail that I frequently hike. The owlet sat very still for me and i took lots of shots. But this one was my favorite.

I See You

While visiting ” The Biggest Week in American Birding” I fell in love with this little Owlet That was watching me from his nest box in Maumee Bay State Park.


This tiny, sand blown piping plover chick was exploring the beach in New England in search of food.

Snowy plover chick

A couple of these cuties were running in and out of the waves and seaweed on the beach

Peek a boo

My son was picking ramps at a campground and a barred owl flew out of a hollow of a tree. He showed it to me and sure enough there were babies in it. One day they peeked out to check me out,too.

Baby Green Heron in a New Tree

This baby green heron climbed into a new tree.

“Hey! Move over!”

Taken at a local swan pond where people can come and see many different kinds of ducks. The swans are privately owned and have babies every year.

Baby Green Heron Explorer

This was this baby green heron’s first time out of the tree.

baby male cardinal

Even Baby Magpies are Cute!

Very young baby magpie in my front yard being loudly coached by it’s parents in the trees.

Mama’s Favorite

Sibling Moment

Local celebrities for several weeks, these Great Horned Owlets charmed birders and photographers with moments like this.

Begging baby Virginia Rail

Virginia Rail chick flapping its wings as it begs to be fed at Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge.

Best Buddies

Wood Ducklings Dozing

Baby Barred Owl

Baby Barred Owl out exploring… with mama nearby.

“Don’t you have something better to do?”

1 of the 2 recently fledged American Kestrel chicks that have used our salt dome at my job. Kdot. Kansas Department of Transportation. Recently fledged female American Kestrel. I think she was saying “Don’t you have something better to do?”

Fluffing skill: Mastered

As I was gardening one day, this sweet little fluffed up American Robin fledgling sat and watched me.

Baby Great Horned Owl

This was taken in our woods.

First day out of the nest

I observed this young sparrow along with two other siblings on my nest. I believe it was their first time out of the nest based on the short flights and constant encouragement from mother sparrow.

A Bed of Flowers

This Eastern Bluebird fledgling found a pretty place to rest while waiting for breakfast.

After a swim, back to the nest.

Momma Muscovy Duck dutifully led her brood to the nearby lake every day for about ten days. She would let the babes have a paddle around for a while then lead them back to the nest she’d made in my friend’s porch. She’d often give them a rest-break en route, herding them into the shade beneath someone’s garden furniture.

A Tender Moment

A muscovy duck made her nest in my friend’s porch and laid 16 eggs. Her ducklings were an absolute delight and she always looked so proudly maternal. After about 10 days the family made their final trek to the nearby lake.


One of 2 fledgling Northern Cardinals waiting for their next feeding. Mom and dad were busy nearby finding bugs.

Are you my mommy?

While I was helping monitor birdboxes, this baby started gaping at my camera!

Ugly cute

This baby and its sibling fledged from a nest in my family’s front yard, and spent several days bravely exploring the neighborhood. All day we heard their shrill squees and the scolding snaps of their parents.

Baby black bellied whistling duck

Abby on her 1st hunt.

A nice pose from daughter Abby. From one of their 6 specific “go to” areas they frequent.

Rusty on his 1st solo hunt.

Baby ”Rusty” trying to acquire his 1st catch. What I found interesting was that Mom took daughter and Dad took the son and they paired up for almost 1 full day of teaching them how to feed for themselves.

Piping Plover Family

A tiny piping plover chick snuggles up to its mother to get warm after exploring the beach in New England.

Baby Grebe

baby Red Necked Grebe swimming

Baby Steps

Cutest Baby

I had a couple of baby mourning doves in a nest above my doorway, they left the nest and a couple of days later I seen them in my backyard.

Baby House Finch

Baby Osprey w/egg tooth

Was able to catch a glimpse of the lone baby osprey in the nest …and she still has her egg tooth

Trying to look fierce

An Eagle flew over head and it looked like the osprey was trying to look fierce

Not quite ready to fly

A pair of Canada geese nested by a neighborhood lake and produced six goslings this year. The one in this picture was running to catch up with the family as they were feeding one evening in April.

Just Dance..Dance Dance!

Baby Mockingbird exploring the world. Saw this cutie at an apartment complex. The little guy was bouncing around. It was if the baby mockingbird was dancing. Twirling around, spreading it’s little wings and showing the world nothing can stop this baby. What character this little guy showed!

Tiny Mohawk

This little house wren was with a sibling in our pine tree, he makes us chuckle every time we see his photo.

baby hummingbird getting ready to fly for the first time

A baby hummingbird getting ready to fly for the first time

What up G?


This trio of juvenile Northern Flickers were playing chase through the trees. Then decided to take a break for a cool drink of water from the spring.

I see you.

A fully feathered mountain bluebird in the foothills of Colorado observing me as I monitored a trail of nest boxes for or local NestWatch program.

Mockingbird baby

I was walking one morning and heard little sound, I looked to see what is it then found the little baby bird eating on the mama to feeding him…

Exploring the world

A Canada goose gosling hones its eating techniques on a stalk of snake grass (Equisetum) at Potter Marsh, south of Anchorage, Alaska.

Down here!

This picture breaks my heart every time I think about it. The young tree swallow was trying to get its parents’ attention after it had fallen from the nest. It was in an area where not only could I not reach the bird, there was no way to get it back to the nest. I fear the tiny thing died soon after.

Purple Martin Nestlings

Sleepy Purple Martin babies, 11 days old. This nest of 5 young are a part of a backyard colony consisting of 8 nesting pairs, 25 nestlings, 1 fledgling, 6 eggs and a couple of trouble-making bachelor males.

Killdeer Chicks!

Juvenile Northern Mockingbird

Juvenile Northern Mockingbirds in our neighborhood have been stopping by the feeders for a meal.


Trumpeter Swan family

Not the Cutest Baby

Brown-headed Cowbird waiting to be fed by it’s host parent the Yellow Warbler.


Staying cool under Daddy’s wing

Mandarte Island is a fabulous place to watch this amazing seabird colony. The Glaucous-winged Gulls and three different species of Cormorants are currently nesting and fostering their chicks on this tiny rock in the middle of the ocean. However, the Glaucous-winged Gulls and the Cormorants are going through a rough time right now, since a lot of Bald Eagles are predating their colonies at the moment. Therefore, it is always amazing to see that some of the chicks survive really well due to the great care of their parents. This chick was resting under its Daddy’s body during the warm tempertures of the day. The parents are usually highly aggressive towards us (We are researchers on the Song Sparrow population and we have to move around those guys quite a lot), but if you keep distance and sit down for a while, you can see how lovingly and beautiful the interactions between the adults and their chicks are.

Northern Cardinal fledgling

Northern Cardinal fledgling

Mute Swan family

Mute swan family on the River Corrib in Galway, Ireland

baby American Robin

What do you want to do? I don’t know, whatever you want to do

Baby Bobolink

Picture of a baby bobolink in grass.

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology