Dinner’s Ready!

Dad was feeding his 5 fledglings and this one was very persistent.


I’m lucky to be able to lie in the sand and watch the behavior of the least terns.

Tree Swallow youngster just fed

The Tree Swallow parents were catching dragonflies and stuffing them whole into this youngster’s mouth.

Lunch time

This eagle nest had three juveniles, just about to fledge. They were about the same size as the adults. It appeared they still couldn’t eat on their own, as the adult brought, and dropped, a fish in the nest but the juveniles wouldn’t eat. The adult had to tear off pieces, THEN the juveniles would eat.

Pileated Woodpecker Feeding Time

First time I’ve been able to photograph pileated woodpeckers! I waited over 2 hours to get this shot. I heard, both chicks, fledged shortly after this photograph was taken.

Great Grey feeds lunch

Had amazing experience to see adult great grey feed fledgeling

“Hurry up, I’m a hungry baby tree swallow!”

The tree swallows nest in one of my backyard nesting boxes. I love watching them fly and catch bugs to feed their young.

This Food is Just Ducky

Lunch time

These babies were walking around eating

I Want My Dinner!

This baby swallow jumped and flapped her wings every time the mom flew off to fetch more food.

Nesting American Robins feeding babies

I parked my car and saw the parent fly into a tree right next to my car. I used my car as a blind and after a few minutes they completely ignored my presence.

Snoozing with their mouths wide open

These snoozing baby robins kept their mouths open in case momma stopped by with a snack.

Common Yellowthroat with insects for nestlings

Male Common Yellowthroat collecting insects for its nestlings at Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge.

Finches nesting on my porch

Daddy Cardinal

We had setup a feeder in our balcony. After few weeks male female cardinals were regular visitors 2-3 times a day along with Blue Jay, Dove and Northern Mocking birds. After one week we observed Cardinal with fledglings. We observed feeding behavior with both male and female cardinals feeding fledglings. They might have setup their nest in our Apartments but we did not find their nest.

I took this shot from stairs near balcony.

Mother woodpecker feeding her baby.

This mother Down Woodpecker was kept busy feeding her two babies while at my bird feeders. She was feeding the fledglings from a birdola cake.

Dad helping feed newborns

feed me Seamore feed me

baby birds looking for food

Rufus with a fresh catch.

Dad (Rufus) with a fresh catch for Mom & kids.

feeding Grebe chicks

dad feeds baby chicks on nest–second chick seems to be calling “Me”

Eastern Kingbird

Feeding Time

Peregrine falcon mom in action.

The nest rests on a cliff ledge conveniently (for us) located near the visitor center of the Yaquina Head Natural Area. Our small group, and several others keep watch during nesting and fledging over the last few years. The chicks recently fledged and are now zooming around the nest site. The parents are continuing to bring food as the chicks develop their flying skills. Its a great show with many photo opportunities.

Hungry Heron

As an urban birder, North Pond in Chicago offers a wide variety of birds from waterfowl to raptors. I spotted this green heron on the north end of the pond as it was catching some lunch.

Feed Us!

I got to see baby Bluebirds leave the nest for the first time, they learned to use the meal worm feeder, this is them 45 days after leaving the nest box. Soon after we had a second successful brood, and now waiting on the third to hatch. It’s been a great season for the bluebirds this year!

Sushi time at the Osprey manor

Feeding the baby Osprey

Mmmm..spider, the breakfast of champions!

Feeding time for the Robins

Gourmet dinner!

Proud Mom

Mom bluebird coming into the nesting box with a grasshopper!

“Hey, anybody out there”

This is a bluebird nesting box in my back yard. First time in three years since putting the box up that we have had a pair of bluebirds nest in it. Since I am a nature photographer I have been from a safe distance keeping a good eye on it and taking lots of photos!

munching bugs

these young fledglings were out with their parents, creating alot of noise enjoying bugs for lunch.

Busy mom!

My first outing with my first automatic 35 mm camera. Had to wait for roll to be developed before finding out if I got the shot. Yes!

Take it, little one

A male Red-necked Grebe feeding one of his six chicks

The lunch is ready childrens!

This warbler bring the caterpillar and others insects at the nestlings.

Mommy and dady love

Now what?

A tiny arctic tern chick struggles to swallow a stickleback. The chick’s parents were taking turns bringing food to the hungry chick at Potter Marsh, just south of Anchorage, Alaska.

Aw, Mom…dragonfly again?

An adult tree swallow feeds one of its chicks a dragonfly. This lucky chick was receiving double rations because its sibling fell from the feeder box at Potter Marsh, Alaska, and could not get the parents’ attention.

Loon Lunch

Stumpy the Wild Cowbird

On June 20, My Our cat Cassie (on a somewhat supervised outing) caught her first bird which was fortunately intercepted. We were not sure if the bird was injured as it did seem weak and favoring one side, so to be sure we kept it overnight in a pet carrier (as the Wildlife rehab was closed) and the next day we fed her some skinless grapes (as is recommended) to keep her hydrated.

Our guess was that it might be a Sparrow that fledged too early since she was only able to fly-hop. The next morning, Stumpy (as we came to call her) looked healthy enough for release to her parent’s care, so we placed her in the backyard. Imagine our surprise when 2 goldfinches showed up to feed their “baby”. We took several pics of them trying to accommodate her demands and just couldn’t reconcile the differences between Stumpy and her parents.

After some online searching, it turns out Stumpy is a Cowbird. A species of bird that lays its eggs in another bird’s nest and leaves them to do the work, often at the expense of their own chicks! Poor Goldfinches! Further research on Cornell’s website about Cowbird nestlings in Goldfinch nests indicate they rarely make it past 3 days and are doomed to die as the Goldfinch predominately feeds on seed and the Cowbird requires more protein in its diet. I assess Stumpy made it 2-3 weeks and though I understand Cowbirds are often a birder’s least favorite species, we were rather impressed by her dedicated Foster Parents as well as Stumpy’s will to live. Stumpy may not be a rare bird, but her experience is and we felt she and her parent’s deserved to be highlighted.

Grackle Family Feeding Time

We have many baby birds in our yard, including this Common Grackle family. This female brought her two fledglings to the feeder for a meal on a number of occasions, until they began visiting the feeder alone.

Pileated Woodpecker Feeding

Many birders were fortunate to see this nest right off the trail.

“Feed Me”

Feeding time

This female Song Sparrow is perching with food for a couple of seconds before she is going down to feed her babies in the nest. The Song Sparrow population on Mandarte Island is studied since 1975 and we observe all the stages of their life to document and collect life history and genetic data.

Young Great Egrets Besetting Mom

Downey Woodpeckers

Male Downey Woodpecker feeding his fledgling.


One hungry bird and one flustered Mother

We are Family: Sandhill Crane Parents and Colt

Now two feet tall, this one-month old colt feeds on damselflies and other insects at the George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary with mom and dad, the resident breeding Sandhill Crane pair.

Peregrine Falcon nest with young

I watched and photographed this nest for 2 months, observing with amazement the adults working hard as the young grew rapidly. At this stage of their growth they needed to be fed, which the female did with prey delivered by the male.

Father Sandhill Crane and Colt

Privy to a special moment: Dad Sandhill Crane searches for wood bugs with his first hatched, a 3-day old colt. Photographed at the Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary in late May 2016.

male Violet-green Swallow feeding young

I have 9 bluebird boxes that I built and monitor. Five had Western Bluebirds that successfully fledged young this year but this one box had the only pair of Violet-green Swallows of all the other folks that I know having boxes. I felt very lucky so took lots of photos before I could get this one of the male feeding young just before they fledged. I am very active in our birding community, but building and monitoring these boxes was one of the most meaningful and enjoyable activities i have experienced in the world of birds.

Feeding time

Siblings waiting to be fed

Hungry babies

More Mom!!!!!

Momma Robin just fed this little one a bug but he wasn’t satisfied. Looking for more.

Gold Finch Feeding Time

Daddy was taking the time to feed his baby. There were 3 other males in the bush watching.

Great Blue Heron at feeding time

These Great Blue Heron chicks have been patiently waiting all morning for their Breakfast. Finally the adult arrives and the feeding frenzy begins with everyone’s beak open and wings flapping.

Robin’s feeding

Mother Robin dripping nutrition for her babies.

“Mama, we want more!”

The mama bluebird had just left the nest after feeding her brood, but these little guys were still hungry.

Food for the Babies

Loggerhead Shrikes

I have been watching and photographing this same pair of Loggerhead Shrikes for the past 3 years, This year they chose a bush quite low to the ground to build their nest in about 5 feet high, giving me a great opportunity to watch and photograph their behavior. I did use the recommend protocol of not visiting the nest to often.

Eastern Bluebird Nestlings

Four hungry Eastern Bluebirds wait patiently for lunch.

Roseate Spoonbill Nest

This Roseate Spoonbill nest was located in a rookery in southern Louisiana. Many different species of birds nest at the rookery, including herons,egrets and spoonbills. Alligators also live there, eating all of the nest predators for the birds.

Just A Little Bite, Please

Lucky to catch Junior following Dad to the suet feeder!


After leaving thier nesting box I was able to watch the adult Bluebirds feeding their fledglings!

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology