Owl twins

We were hiking and heard some birds calling and finally found these two sitting on a branch.

Tropical Kingbird Chck at St. Armands Circle

This was one of four baby Tropical Kingbirds in a small oak tree at St. Armands Circle in Sarasota Florida. There were Gray Kingbirds nesting in the same parking lot so I was able to observe and phototgraph both and enjoy the chicks constantly looking for more food.

Great Horned Owl Camo Fledgling

Sleepy Great Horned Owl Fledgling

Great Horned Owl Branching

This precious baby GHO was hatched at the Savannah Wildlife Refuge. I took someone out at lunch to see the baby and was treated to this perfect pose!

Baby Robin

Fledgling robin just out of the nest is hopping from branch to branch exploring a new world.

Are you my Mom?

Baby Robin in the backyard learning to survive in the world.

Bird and the nest

The baby weaver bird peeps out from the nest to see the amazing world present outside it’s nest.

Killdeer Chick nap time

This two day old Killdeer Chick looked like it was needing a dark place to take a nap.

Canada Goose and First Born on Nest

The first born of a Canada Goose was keeping warm under its mothers feathers while she sat on her nest.

Head Over Heels

Took this photo when my husband and I were monitoring Purple Martin nests.

You Looking at ME

just before fledge…baby cardinal watching over siblings

Juvenile Burrowing Owls’ drama

Juvenile Burrowing Owls are full of expressions.

Hi there

An American Robin baby siting on a tree branch.

Waiting forom

A flightless baby bird!

A flightless baby bird is being hidden under a outdoor table!

Mom and Me

Little fluffy dark-eyed junco!

A fledgling little guy is watching his mother feeding his siblings and he waits for his turn!

Tree House!

Two juvenile Northern Flickers in a tree cavity waiting patiently for food.

St Patrick’s Island Owlet

These great horned owlet’s are right in the middle of the city, on St Patrick’s Island.

Fishing Delight with Mama

Clearwater Pass Osprey Nest with two babies

Close Quarters

This family came while we were away for two weeks. There are five little barn swallows in this nest.

cute baby wren

We had a Carolina Wren to build a nest in the tongue of our boat trailer and was the home of 3 little ones.
On July 4th they decided it was time to go..The one in the photo was the last one to leave the nest

Goslings swimming

Following a bunch of Canada goose with goslings.

Baby Blue

the Marx Brothers in Duck Soup

Four baby green herons lined up to be fed. They are a big as the adults but still have there baby feathers.

Baby bluebirds

Baby House Sparrow ready for a snack

One little Robin

House Wren babies

These baby house wrens fledged the same day I took the photo!

baby robin

A mother Robin built a nest on our porch light…it was such a pleasure to watch. This is one of the babies, just after fledging.

Irritated Baby

2 fledglings in front lawn.

wait for me

One of three black neck stilt babies seen with the mom at the edge of Gordon’s Pond

Baby Robin

Baby Bluebird

Baby bluebird checking out what’s out there beyond the nest box.

Sandhill Crane Colt

A days-old Sandhill Crane colt stretches its tiny wings while a parent works on finding food.

Prothonotary Warbler Fledgling

I had been photographing the parents coming back and forth their nest and this Prothonotary Warbler fledgling decided it was time to come out. He had only been out of the nest for a few minutes and flew to a branch directly in front of me. I managed a few shots and then both parents came to the tree and coaxed him over to some thicker vegetation and safety.

Piping plover

Less than a day old, this young piping plover chick was already busy running the beach eating small insects. It successfully fledged in the summer

Four Young Finches

These are the same four finches that were begging for food in my other picture. When I checked on them on this day, they were all huddled closely together and all looking at me as I whistled and welcomed them into the world.

Short midday nap.

While out checking my yard, I found this Blue Jay taking a nap near my boat. There were no adults around until other birds discovered it and three adults came to its rescue.

Bath Time

Blue Jaayyy…Jaayyy…Jaayyy!

Little Blue Jay chick joined us for a chat in the backyard while parents perched nearby.

Northern Parula Warbler Nest and Chick

This is a rare look at a Northern Parula Warbler chick fledging. The nest is a work of art, woven in Usnea moss, which is used for nesting material.

Young House Finches

Baby House Finch

Someone wants lunch!

Sandhill crane baby

Found this family of Sandhill cranes at Circle B Bar preserve.

Goose family on the lake.

Sweet Dreams!

Robin’s Nest was built in wreath hanging on storm door. This was her second hatch of the summer. Three in each nesting cycle. All have fledged.

Where’s Mama

Snoozing Blue Babies

Nearly naked Western Bluebird chicks. The first two were hatched July 5, with another in progress. Note the uppermost chick in the photo, with its chin resting on an unhatched blue egg.


Came home one afternoon and THREE owlets were in the Screech Owl box hole which is along side our gravel driveway, not far from the house. By the time I grabbed my camera, there was only one in the hole. This was taken on May 26, 2011 and have never seen them in this box since. We had contacted Cornell to see if they would be interested in streaming a nest cam in spring of 2012 which they were, but we only ever got squirrels in there despite our best efforts. The squirrels have won year after year. We do have a male Screech in another box that has been coming every year almost on the exact same day, but it is inaccessible as far as a nest cam goes.

Loggerhead Shrikes

These Loggerhead Shrike chicks were very impatient and wanted to be fed!

The Little Runt

Several Carolina Chickadees fledged the nest and all but this one flew away. This little guy reminded me of the little train that could. He tried and tried and tried to learn to fly. It wasn’t until the next morning that he was able to lift his body off the ground a few inches. By afternoon (when this photo was taken) he was able to leap up about ten inches to the top of a flagstone. He wasn’t able to leave my backyard until the third day when he took to the skies right behind his parent!

Bluebird babies in the evening sun

Two of the resident Bluebird babies enjoy the evening sun. I am infatuated with their colours.

Black-chinned hummingbird twins

Two week old black chinned hummingbird twins. Nikon D810 #00mm 1/100 sec at f/8. ISO 640

Waiting for directions

Every year the robins build a nest outside my kitchen window. It’s always bittersweet to see the babies leave.

Are you my mother?

Horned Lark nestlings begging for food, Pinedale, WY.

Sparrow pile

BRSP nestlings in the nest

The cutest hawk chicks around

Broad winged hawk nest near our house

Stripey fluffy baby

This beautiful baby owl fled to the ground after a raven pulled its tail. I think it later got back up into a tree safely. It is one of (at least) three juvenile owls that have been living on the UCSD campus, along with their parents.

Warble warble

One of many baby Brandt’s Cormorants at a cliff nesting colony, begging to be fed.

Mid morning Nap

A Canada goose gosling taking a nap in the spring sun.

We’re hungry!

A pair of young eagles (who haven’t yet learned to fly), wait for mom or dad to return with a nice, tasty fish.

Hello world!

A mother eagle looks on while one of her new babies peeks over the edge of the nest and into a new, larger world.

Content together.

These two baby ducklings were floating on a log together alone after a big storm. There weren’t any adults nearby. Fortunately, other people saw several adults with ducklings in the same area the next day, so I think they were reunited.

First to Fledge

The nest was crowded until early evening when this brave Eastern Phoebe flew 5′ to the top of our screen porch.

Handsome Little Fellow

We are lucky enough to have several species of woodpeckers in our area. This year, I spotted a young red-bellied and captured this photo. Such a fine looking bird!

Bluebird Babies Before Dawn

Every morning this Spring, our Bluebird babies were out at dawn, searching for breakfast, most often sitting on the same limb of the same oak tree. One morning I couldn’t resist making this photo, backlit from the sunrise. The Bluebirds were so cute and so serious!

Bluebird Baby Checking Out An Old House

When our Bluebird babies were old enough to do some exploring, they found an old Bluebird house and checked it out. A House Wren family had moved into the house, and Mrs. Wren wasn’t very happy about having the Bluebird babies on her house! The Bluebird babies probably didn’t realize that one or the other of their parents was born in this house!

loggerhead Shrike Chicks

These Loggerhead Shrike chicks were very hungry!

Bluebird Babies at Odds

Early every morning this Spring, our Bluebird family–Dad, Mom and three babies–would gather on top of an old arbor to look for breakfast across the lawn. The parents were usually looking for breakfast, while the babies played, tested their wings, and generally waited to be fed! One morning I saw the three babies sitting close together, and two of them were disagreeing about something!

Mockingbird Babies

“Singing” Mockingbird Babies

Baby Cedar Waxwing

Baby Spruce Grouse

We were on a trail walking and stopped to listen to a bird in a tree. At that moment we didn’t know we were about 5 feet away from a Spruce Gouse hen and her chicks. The Grouse began clucking softly and then we spotted the family. A very special experience.

Someday, a real loon!

After the mother loon spread her wings, this little one copied. It was so cute because the wings are so little! I love loons.

Empty Nest Soon

Phoebe nest on back patio. Three babies,only one parent and one baby shown here

sleeping babies

babies with feathers sleeping peacefully


These are 2 Sandhill crane chicks following their parents around pecking for food at the Circle B Bar Reserve in Polk Co., Florida

American Robin baby napping

“Bathed in the Evening Glow”

Free Ride

Captured this picture just this spring. Baby was just born/hatched!

cute chicks

American Robin built its nest in the rose trellis. I used to climb up the ladder almost every day fro m day one to the day they flew away.


Kestrel nestling

Home Sweet Home

We’re Jumping Tomorrow!

Gobble Gobble Cuteness

While on a trip celebrating the 4th of July I was able to see an adult turkey with two adorable babies. This one defiantly enjoyed being the star of this photoshoot. I can’t get over how cute turkey babies are! ☺

“Mom, tell me stories about soaring in the skies”

A quiet moment between mother and child, as the sibling sleeps, this Spring overlooking the eaglets new playground.

Baby Red Tailed “Hawklets relaxing on a warm Spring day.

We have a family of Red Tailed Hawks that nests on our farm every year. They successfully fledged two chicks this year and my family absolutely loves being able to witness their development. This picture is of this years babies in the earlier stages of their development in late May.

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology