
Great Egrets Harassing Mom

Anhinga Feeding Time

Juvenile Pied-billed grebe feeding on oriental weatherfish

It is amazing to watch these little pied-billed grebe learning to swallow the whole fish.

Anna’s hummingbird feeding time

We watch and photograph this nest for 27 days. This beautiful feeding moment was capture when babies were about 10 days old. It is amazing how gentle and precise this mother was in feeding her babies with her long beak.

Hungry house sparrow

Ready for dinner

My friend had this nest up under his porch and I went over to snap a couple of photos.

Open Wide!

I caught this male Bluebird teaching his fledgling how to eat at the feeder for the first time.

Male Cardinal feeding baby.

I was lucky enough and surprised to see this male Cardinal feeding his baby in my yard. I wasn’t aware that the males feed the first brood babies while his mate stays with the nest for brood #2.

Begging for Fish

A colony of black skimmers resides on Wrightsville Beach, NC, and I was fortunate to spend many hours observing them while on vacation. The parents were continuously collecting fish and delivering them to the hungry fledglings, who were incredibly demanding. Although many of the youngsters were capable of flying, they still relied on the parents to be fed.

Hungry babies.

More Robins

Feeding time, mama, papa and three baby Robins.

All Day Long

Spring Time is Feeding Time

Feeding Time

This family of Eastern Bluebirds took up residence this spring in my terra cotta birdhouse. They consisted of a mated pair and one older female nestling. The three took turns on watch and feeding times until all three nestlings fledged.

Feeding Time

The Last Supper

Mother bluebird feeding this fledgling one last meal but encouraging it to leave the nest.

Eat first! Groom later.

Juvenile Great Blue Heron out fishing on his own.

Got em’!

Juvenile Great Blue Heron working on his fishing skills.

Western Kingbird Fledglings Feeding Time

All the Western Kingbird Fledglings have their mouths open hoping to be fed next.

Feeding Time for Baby Tree Swallows

One of the parents was flying in with insects to feed its baby Tree Swallows.

Feeding Time for a Chestnut-backed Chickadee Fledgling

A Chestnut-backed Chickadee Fledgling receives some food from one of its parents.

Me First

Swallows being fed

Beetles for Breakfast

Dad feeding baby…we normally have several nests each year…this one was at right height and openness to get this shot.

Handing Off

Male Peregrine handing off baby bird to female to feed chicks

Feeding Time!

American Robin with a mouthful of worms ready to feed the little ones.

Flicker Feeding

Northern Flickers nesting in tree cavity. I captured one of the two juveniles being fed.

Feeding time for baby Blue Jay

Adult Blue Jay feeding juvenile with food taken from suet feeder.

Lizard for Lunch


This nesting platform is at Delta Ponds Natural Area, just across the street from my house. I “visit” the Ospreys every day, and listen to the juvenile holler “more fish! more fish!” off and on throughout the day. I have also been lucky enough to watch the parents catching fish in the Willamette River, which is just a short flight to the west.

Hunger Game

Following a red-winged blackbird mom and chick on their branch. The kid seems to be hungry!


Mom Bluebird


Mom and Dad feeding all my berries to their babies in my yard

hungry baby green herons at lunch time.

Mom is Here

Mom comes to bring food to her hungry babies.

Hungry Mouths

Four hungry baby American Robins call out for one of their parents to feed them.

One hungry sparrow

I believe my niece is a highly talented nature photographer; and this photo is just one illustration of that fact!

Feed us!

Canon 6d 500mm
every year we get to watch three of four baby green herons learn to eat and fly from their parents on our pond.
Butorides virescens

Young robin learning to self feed.

Red-shafted Northern Flicker feeding youngster

Mother/son time – take 3

Mother/son time – take 2

Mother/son time

This mother gathered food for her son who waited patiently on our backyard Siberian elm tree.

Female Downy Woodpecker feeding young male

Male House Sparrow feeding youngster

Feeding baby Robin

Watching young robins being fed by Mom and Dad

Albino grackle Dining

I viewed this rare albino grackle dining out of a Target shopping basket.

Up Up and Away

Here swallow babies sit and wait as their mother is out gathering food. When she arrives they are very impatient to be fed. Both struggle to get to mother first. As the little one feeds, it’s older sibling flies over with mouth open to get fed

I’m Hungry Mom

Here a nest was constructed on the fence of our next door neighbors. I could see her fly in and out feeding her young. One day I was able to get my camera at the perfect time to set up and start snapping shots. She brought in several insects to feed her young. It was a very special moment for this bird watcher.

Feed me

Dinner Time

This bluebird nest box is in my front yard. I get several nests in this box each summer season. I sit on my porch for hours each day watching them.

Oriole Dad

Black-backed woodpecker

Common loon

A quiet moment as the adult loon offers a small morsel to its new family

Finch Babies Asking for Food

Baby Finches beg for food from their nest, located on our front door. We monitored the actions and safety of our guests from start to finish. We are still greeted by them every day in our bird bath and feeders in our backyard.

Meals on Wings

It was a very windy day and these recently fledged Tree Swallows were staying in the tree while the parents fed them.

Hungry Baby House Finch

Birds love to sit on my garden fence. It’s a popular place for house finches to feed their young.

Keep it coming!

Very busy mother trying to keep up with this chick’s demands.

Dad, you take the picture!

Mother and her young in a green pond at nature center.

Yummy Grub!

A hungry bluebird chick gets fed.

Hungry Tree Swallows

Papa cardinal feeds his kid.

Feeding time

Family of Sandhill cranes at the Circle B Bar reserve

Dinner on the ground

Baby sparrow fell from its nest in the Magnolia tree and the parent was right there to feed it.

A Colorful Meal

Breakfast for a grossbeak.

Juvenile House Sparrow gets a treat from Mom

I have a feeder in my yard and love watching all the birds. This was the first time I captured a moment like this!

Eurasian Hobby bringing food for its chicks

While working as a wildlife technician for a year in South Korea, my monitoring team found a nest of Eurasian hobbies. I was lucky enough to capture this great moment of my life. I just wanted to share this great photo. There are so many great Eurasian bird species out there! And I am kind of sad that I have less than 2 weeks left until going back to the US. But I also am excited to see more American bird species once I am back! It was a wonderful opportunity to work with Korean ornithologists and just wanted to share this photo with people from America!

Female Grouse

This female grouse was being guarded by her mate so she could hunt and eat.

Eurasian Hoopoe feeding its chick

I am currently in South Korea and will be back to Minnesota in less than 2 weeks. I worked a wildlife technician, monitoring migratory bird populations here in Korea for a year and found this Eurasian Hoopoe nest in May! Hope you enjoy the picture of this species.


Eastern Bluebird feeding on Winterberry branches.

Barn Swallows get excited when a parent arrives with food

These Barn Swallows were nesting outside of my bedroom windows. One day I decided to poke my head out and take some photos. Moments before this image was taken they all looked asleep, but suddenly “woke up” as one of their parents flew in with some food.

Bluebird baby with Dad

This is my second year as a Bluebird landlord, and after a failed first nesting attempt (due to the cold and a missing male), a new pair settled in my yard and raised four babies. They are now all over the place and hilarious to watch. The female is sitting on four new eggs.

Feeding Time!

Momma black-chinned hummingbird and two hungry chicks. Nion D810 300mm 1/100 sec at f/8. ISO 640

Red-headed Woodpecker

Dinner Time

Feeding Time at the Gourd

Each year Violet Green Swallows next in this gourd on our back porch. This year they did not nest until June. Picture was taken July, 4th, about 8:00 AM. Canon EOS Rebel with a 75-300mm, f/4-5.6, zoom lens was used with a tripod.

Red-shouldered Hawks at Suppertime

After spotting the Red-shouldered Hawk nest in my neighborhood in March, I began checking back frequently for signs of chicks. I finally saw them (there were three) and took this picture shortly after the adult brought to the nest what appeared to be a snake.

A busy mom and dad

This photo was taken on the last day that all 5 nestlings were in the nest. Mom and dad were busy all day flying back and forth trying to keep their babies fed!

Blue Jay Fledgling and Parent

We have had many blue jay youngsters in our yard this year. I kept hearing the fledglings begging for food from the parents, yet had been unable to get a shot of this until this pair landed on our squirrel feeder platform.

Brown Thrashers-Snacktime

A family of Brown Thrashers nested in a fencerow near our home. One afternoon, when they were old enough, Mom Thrasher brought her two babies out for a walk down the fencerow. Thrashers are usually secretive and shy birds, so I felt really lucky to get to watch them on their outing. Every now and then Mom stopped to find a “snack” for the youngsters.

Open Wide!

We have a 12 gourd Purple Martin colony and, as landlords, perform regular nest checks. Dragonflies are a staple in the Purple Martin’s diet and we found this scene during a recent nest check. I took this image with my iPhone, which makes nest photos quick & easy. The baby martin consumed the whole dragonfly!

hungry babies

fledglings of Violet green swallow have their moths open, ready receive food from the parent

Loggerhead Shrike Feeding It’s Chick!

This Loggerhead Shrike is feeding a very hungry chick! (If you would like to see the life story of the loggerhead Shrike you can go to (Loggerhead Shrike Life Story In Pictures Philip Rathner pbase)

American Robin feeding a grasshopper to young

American Robin feeding a grasshopper to young

Supper Time!

Got this photo this spring. The baby loon is just a few weeks old.

Feeeding the babies

Season after Season violet green swallows build their nest in this vent 30 feet above the ground level. I do not get to see the nest or the eggs. However, I get to see the fledglings a couple of weeks before they take of.I see their little heads peeping out of the vent. I hear them chirp, see their hungry mouths wide open. the parents check on them frequently and feed them, This is one such ocassion

House Wren Feeding Chick

When the chicks in the House Wren nest started to get loud and raucous between feedings, I knew it was time to set up the camera and tripod and take a seat in a lawn chair where I could get some photos without affecting the feedings.

What took you so long?

When the chicks in the House Wren nest started to get loud and raucous between feedings, I knew it was time to set up the camera and tripod and take a seat in a lawn chair where I could get some photos without affecting the feedings.

Fledgling Mockingbird Demanding Dinner

Of the five fledglings, this one demanded to be fed constantly. (S)he used every tactic possible–feet stomping, tweeting, stretching its mouth open, chasing its parent, and lifting its backside as high as it could go. (S)he wouldn’t take, “No”, for an answer!

Redheaded Woodpecker eating sunflower seeds at the feeder

Beautiful redhead eating sunflower seeds at the feeder, Birdhaven Homestead

Redheaded Woodpecker at Birdhaven Homestead

Redheaded woodpecker eating sunflower seeds at the feeder.

Loggerhead Shrikes Hatchlings!

I have been watching a nesting pair of Loggerhead Shrikes for the past 4 years. They nest in virtually the same area each year, so I have been able to photograph some interesting nesting shots! In this photo these hungry hatchlings are being feed. When hatched they are blind and featherless. Fact: Though classified as a songbird this bird has a bird of preys attitude, it is the only bird that impales it’s prey!

Breakfast Time!

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology