American Robin Nest Update

Excitement on my Windowsill—Ansel attacking his reflection, a male Northern Cardinal eating, and a Carolina Wren entering my nest box for the first time!

Ansel flew to my window AGAIN and attacked his reflection. FOR 30 MINUTES. AND HE’S STILL HERE!!!
He won’t stop even through I drew highlighter on the outside of my window to break up his reflection. This time I’m even more sure it’s territorial aggression because another Tufted Titmouse flew up and he didn’t attack it. I’m guessing she’s Ansel’s mate. While I was videoing, a male Northern Cardinal came to eat and a Carolina Wren entered my nest box! This is the first time a bird has entered that nest box.
Ansel still will not leave though. What will make him stop attacking his reflection in my window sill!?

First Bird I’ve Seen in my Nest Box!!!

4/8/2021, 11:30 AM — A Carolina Wren entered my window nest box!!!
I put it out in March, and birds are finally stating to check it out!!!
Today is the first time I’ve seen one enter it, but a Carolina Chickadee and Tufted Titmouse have inspected it before.

Eurasian golden oriole

Chickadee Threat Display

Eurasian Nuthatch

Whiskered Tern juvenile

Mississippi kite

These Kits showed up this spring 2020. They courted and mated this spring. I was hoping to find the nest. I have discovered we have two pair here now. I am still trying to locate the nest. Very difficult due to all the large trees in the neighborhood.

Male Red-backed Shrike

Eastern Bluebird

Amazing breeding of pheasant tailed Jacana

I have observed complete amazing breeding of pheasant tailed Jacana. Floating nest made on water. Entire process is shown here in photographs.

Nesting of purple heron

Purple heron is nesting at this location

Nesting of tailor bird

Tailor bird started nest building inside my house, I have noted down all its activity date wise. 4 days in nest building , 14 days in incubation and rearing of chicks.

Beauty of Songbirds

Beauty of Songbirds in northwestern Pennsylvania.

House wren nestling waiting for his mum

Almost fledglings!

Water Pipit

Juvenile Northern Cardinal at my Feeders

Red Shouldered Hawk Calling

Eastern Bluebird hatchlings

Blue Bird/ Chipping Sparrow nestings

I build Blue Bird nest boxes for over 25 years with 2-3 successful nesting per year.

Spring Birds

I caught these pics after a light rain. Hummingbird was sitting under our apple tree and the cardinals were underneath my bird feeders.

Carolina Wren

House Finch Nests

House Finch nests at the Kentucky Castle

American Robin Partially Feathered Chicks

American Robin nest with partially feathered chicks at the Kentucky Castle

What kind of Tit is this?

Small, active tit. I think it is a Coal Tit.

Carolina chickadee baby peeking out of nest box

Carolina Chickadee getting ready to fledge

Red Bellied Woodpecker

Eastern bluebird bringing food

Almost grown ups!

In the sparrow nest the story is nearly complete. The 5 nestlings are ready to leave the nest for the first time! They eat a lot of bugs and now it is time to learn how to live on their own.

Eurasian Tree Sparrow feeding chicks

I captured the male sparrow bringing food to its chicks. Look how many bugs he’s carrying!

Fledgling Swallow

Coming in for a landing

I can sit on our front porch and watch the parents come and go. I was luck to be able to catch them as they flew to the nest.

Black Redstart pair

Another birding day

These are some of the species I have seen during my birding session.

Yellow-crowned night-heron adult and chick in nest

Yellow-crowned Night-heron nest in the swamp with adults attending chicks. There are at least two, most likely more, chicks in the nest and the adults are taking good care of them and feeding them a lot of crayfish.

My Backyard Visitors

These are some of the birds that visit my garden, but there are other species that come here too. The Wood Pigeon and Black Redstart are also nesting in my garden.

Waterfowl, herons and gulls.

Wood Pigeon

Eurasian Collared-Dove

European Starling

Wood Pigeon


Doves in White Lilac Bush

Common Grackle Chick Feeding

How many chicks do you see?

This photo was taken for my American Robin nest attempt. Today is the first day I figured out how to see inside a nest that was so high up in a tree with no branches: buy an extension pole that’s long enough, attach a camera to the end, start the video, lift it above the nest and angle it so that it can record what’s inside, lower it back down to the ground, stop the video, then watch it and see what you see.

Robins nest

Wood Pigeon Wants To Nest In Our Garden

Sleepy Wood Pigeon…

Need Bird ID

Do you now what bird is this? Sorry for the photo, the bird flew right away…Its flight was very heavy and silent, the plumage was mostly gray with white stripes on the back and primaries, too ( seen from flight only ) and the head was black with white dots… I’ve never seen such a bird in my garden.

Curious Wood Pigeon

Osprey with moss

This osprey was carrying a long strip of spanish moss to its nest. I estimate the strip to be 5 feet long.

Black Redstart male collecting food.

Tree Swallow hatchlings on Mother’s Day

Looks Like We Will Be Having Baby Downy Woodpeckers This Year!

I was watching the female Downy Woodpecker as she ate from the suet feeder. Suddenly, a male flew up and scared her away. Then a female Baltimore Oriole flew up and scared him away. I happened to look out my window at the oak, and I saw both Downy Woodpeckers sitting on the dead limb. I glimpsed a blur of feathers, and it took me a second to comprehend that they were mating! I’m so excited that I caught that out in the wild!!! Ive seen Barn Owls and Bald Eagles mating on camera, but I’ve never seen it with my own eyes out in nature! It was so cool! I have seen the Downy Woodpeckers pecking at it, but they were moving up and down the branch, so I thought they were only searching for bugs. I’m thinking about climbing that tree in search of a nest cavity, but I don’t want to have to go to all that work to drag a heavy ladder up to it if there’s no nest, so do birds typically only mate at or near the nest site, or do they mate wherever?

Orange you beautiful?

Sweet grape jelly and juicy naval oranges are irresistible for this brilliantly colored Baltimore Oriole!

Red Headed Woodpecker Duo

This beautiful duo is one of two pairs of Red headed woodpeckers calling our woods their home. They LOVE peanut butter suet cakes and go through several every week! They are delightful to watch and can be seen
playing and chasing other birds among the treetops.

2nd fledgling

1st fledgling

on potted fig tree


Parents, nest, and fledglings

A Chip off the Old Block

The Carolina wren on the right was banded by Cornell’s NestWatch program in 2016 (band #2741-54604). Although sex was indeterminate at the time of banding, his nonstop singing and territorial guarding of his turf soon indicated he was a male. He is a daily visitor to our feeders. We call him Randy. On the day this photo was taken, Randy’s latest brood had just fledged from a nest located in our potting shed which, try as we might, we were never able to locate. We did, however, witness Randy and his mate entering the shed through a gap in the roof with food offerings (including peanut splits!) over a period of about 2 weeks.

Breeding: great blue heron

The region’s great blue herons are already fledging young. This one was part of a colony of 7 GBHE nests and countless anhingas.

Breeding: Anhinga

Young finch begs for food

growing chicks

Babies Galore!

It seems all the babies are fledgling now and coming to our feeders!

Mating or Fighting?

Couldn’t tell if they were mating or fighting. They were on top of each other and lots of wing flapping and hitting together, but didn’t see any intercourse… They still could’ve been mating just maybe i didn’t see? I was only a couple feet away from them sitting on the grass, so i don’t know if i could’ve missed it or not.

Baby downy woodpecker gets a scare!

male feeds chicks

Male gives female bugs to feed to chicks

1 day old robin chicks

hatched yesterday or maybe the day before

Mergansers in the Harbour

2 males and a female Merganser, 3 of many in the area during the breeding season.

robin eats meal worms

male feeds female

Sweet moment!

Eastern Bluebird Nest!

An Eastern Bluebird pair built a nest in our backyard nest box! This is their finished product after two days of building.

Male dove

Eastern Bluebird nesting behavior

Pileated Woodpecker Brood

Fledglings getting a bite to eat

Bluebird nesting

We had four nesting pairs in 2019 starting in April ending in August. 5 eggs laid during first brood
0 eggs 2nd time. She abandoned fully made nest. 4 eggs 3rd brood. 4 eggs 4th brood. 2 eggs hatched only one fledged.

cardinal fledglings!

Chicks of Little Grebe

Chicks of Little Grebe are photographed in pond at Rajshahi University campus.

Ash-throated flycatcher near her nestbox at Newell Preserve. Four fledglings were recorded.

Napa-Solano Audubon Society coordinates nestbox monitoring volunteers. One volunteer, Terry England, captured this beautiful picture while out on a walk. Newell Preserve contains hundreds of acres, including dense oak woodlands, abandoned farm buildings, and fallow fields.

Tree Swallow

I monitor nest boxes at Bucktoe Creek Preserve for the Delaware Nature Education Society. During my monitoring I sometimes take photos. When I opened this nest box the mom was sitting on her eggs and just stared at me. I was pretty surprised as the birds typically leave the nest during a check, but this one wasn’t budging. Anyway, I got a really great shot.

Gray catbird chicks

Found a nest on low shrub

Different occurrences in nature

On my monitoring trips, I have found things don’t always go as planned. I have found birds will assume another bird’s nesting spot from building over the existing nest to just lay the eggs in an existing nest of another bird.


Violet Green swallows at nest box

Wood thrush???

I think this is a wood thrush. If someone could confirm please let me know! I have been hearing the wood thrush song almost everyday.

Guarding the nectar

Pair of Ash Throated Fly Catchers feeding young in engine hoist

This is a pair of Ash-throated Flycatchers we have been watching for about 13 days now.

West stadium

Western bluebirds nesting in our nest box

American robin chicks

Found a nest at my brother IL’s house.

baby tufted titmice (rare in our location!)

Nesting Robin

Inca dove babies & mom

the very beginnings…….

Robin on nest

Nest in the East Don Parkland

Our Couple

First bluebird ever!

Before the pair has begun incubating the eggs. He sits outside the box on his favorite branch talking to me! I can even wash outside on my balcony and he doesn’t fly away!

Bluebird Trail

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology