House Finch Nest

The house finch starting building her nest yesterday in my Christmas Wreath. The wreath is hanging on a window on a small covered porch. I took this photo from inside the house looking out. She is very industrious and alot of fun to observe. Will post pics of eggs ~ should be soon!

Black Vultures in Nest

Fifth year of nesting in my barn loft. Refurbished barn last year, and created a protected room for them in their nesting area.

Female Boat-tailed Grackle Gathering Nesting Material

Cardinal In The Snow

Male Cardinal red color was striking against the snow covered ground.

Dark-eyed Junco on the lookout for predators!

This Dark-eyed Junco stayed on a perch while the other Dark Eyed Juncos feasted on seeds.

Laysan Albatross chick

Carolina Wren Nestlings

Bald eagle bringing home a bass

Bald eagle bringing home a bass for the its mate and the eaglet in the nest

Watching The World Go By

New nest and hard working Hummingbird Mom!

I am so surprised she made her nest right here where I sit and look directly at her! She did come to my patio often to visit, (I thought!) but turns out she liked the digs!


Moma feeding little ones

Cliff Swallow in mud nest

A series of cliff swallow nests were under the overhang of the Visitor’s Center at the wildlife refuge.

Bewick’s Wren

We made a nest out a former hanging pot holder and created a lid of sticks and pine cones. Bewick’s Wrens have used it for 2 years. It hangs on our patio.

Costa Rica beauty

Killdeer nest placement.

This nest was contructed in the middle of a hiking trail; a kind hiker placed the rocks around it to protect it.

Must you poop so close to me?

Barn Swallow nest on top of loud speaker outside of Tractor Supply Store

The Hermit Thrush Family

I watched a Hermit Thrush build her nest in a tree outside our window. She laid four eggs and shortly after the babies hatched the nest was raided by an unknown predator. The mother died protecting her brood. One hatchling was laying on our deck but still alive. I transported it to a local wildlife rehab facility. The baby was successfully fledged and released with a group of rescued robins. Overall, it’s a very unfortunate outcome but an enriching one nonetheless.

First Look

Bewick’s wren chick checking out our patio. This bird house is about 12′ from the back door and only 4′ off the ground.

Nest build to fledging

Had the joy of watching the Robin’s build this nest and raise 2 broods this past summer. First brood had 4 and second was 3. Amazing to watch how hard these parents worked to provide for their young.

Building on any available spot.

Robin’s built this nest on the tire of a vehicle that had been sitting in the same spot for many months. When something stole the eggs they abandon the nest.

Where’s my food?

Nest built on top of utility box next door. First hatchling followed by two more.

Change of Shift

Amazingly, these Killdeer nested on a derelict foundation in the middle of a construction site. In spite of the noise and busyness, they courageously stayed on the nest until all four eggs had hatched. Not long after, the foundation, too, was destroyed as the planned ‘development’ progressed.

Successful Red=tailed Hawk Pair

Red-tailed hawks continue nesting for at least the 6 of the past 7 years, 3 at this site. Open hunting area and high nest and perch locations gave this red-tailed hawk great opportunity for success.

BlueBird House 1 Activity

The enjoyment from observing and learning Bluebird families is rewarding…

First Birdhouse First Clutch

My first birdhouse build project. I wanted to build a real working birdhouse versus decorative. I researched the bird species with the need, and found Cornell Labs Nestwatch. This is now the first of 2 bluebird houses on either ends of our property.

Common Loon on her nest.

Every summer a pair of Common Loons nest on the small lake where I live. I find great joy in watching them raise their family from my kayak.

Cardinal Dad feeding baby

Feed Me!

A pair of Robins made a nest in one of our hanging flower baskets, just a few feet from our front door.

Not a good year!

This years pair fought off another pair. A total of 9 nine eggs were laid this year.
No one hatched due the the fighting of the pair as they both were unable to incubate the eggs.

Surprised by Mourning Doves

My German Shepard and I pass underneath my avocado tree many times a day. I was so surprised when one day a Mourning Dove flushed from the tree, and when I looked up there was a scrabby nest with a Mourning Dove and almost full-sized chick!

MOM NOW MORE – wait, come back!

Dark eyed juncos get a meal from mom that ends too soon.

Red-shouldered Hawks

We have been fortunate for several years to watch a pair of red-shouldered hawks build nests and raise chicks near our home,

Hungry mouths

Chipping sparrows waiting to be fed

Pigeon nest


A Nest and Sunset





Third brood this year

Porch doves 3.0

Third brood this year

Almost ready to fly

This is the fifth nesting cycle in this nest this year. There are videos on this site of earlier ones.

Porch doves

Porch doves

Porch doves

Porch Doves

Porch doves

Porch doves

Front porch

Carlolina Wren was quick to create a moss nest in one of the hanging baskets at my front porch. This year her chosen roost was a New Guinea Impatiens. 3 eggs total were laid, but I only observed 2 live chicks that hatched several days apart. Mom was very attentive resulting in 2 successful fledges!

Bewick’s wren babies! Oklahoma 2021

My first ever nest box! Two baby Bewick’s wrens and a surprise cow bird baby. One egg didn’t hatch. Best box was about 3 feet from my front door! I completely fell in love! ❤

Northern Mockingbird momma & babies update

They are starting to move around so much. They will likely start leaving the nest over the next few days.

Northern Mocking Bird Parents & 5 Babies 07_05_21

Northern Mockingbird parents were trying to build under my back porch cover but, the twigs/sticks kept falling thru the vertical boards. I put in some long screws and tied twine to create a bottom and they built a great nest. They have 5 little babies.

Two plus two

This is the third clutch for this house finch mom. The nest is built into the top of a Christmas wreath.

Osprey chicks

Osprey chicks in the nest. about to fledge

Juvenile Kingfishers on Martin house

We have juvenile Kingfishers that fledged 2 weeks ago—parents seem to have driven them away? They are hanging out with our Purple Martins.

Mom and a baby osprey in the nest platform. June 24 2021

Chick of ground living bird

Black winged stilt is a ground living bird. who nests on ground. chicks grow on ground.

Cozy comfort

Four house finch eggs as of 6-19. Third clutch this year.

Christmas all summer

This is the third clutch this season for the sweet house finch that has set up house in my Christmas wreath.
There have been 11 successful fledgings thus far. As of today ~ two eggs. First cluch was five, second was six.
She used the first nest twice and this time recycled bits and pieces of it and built a new nest in a new wreath
that my sister had left over from Christmas. She built the nest in the same exact place in the second wreath.

Egg shell

Eurasian Collared Dove Nesting Cycle

This video is a series of video clips selected from a nest camera to represent various parts of the nesting cycle from empty nest to flying fledglings. At the beginning some Robins check over the nest site.


From the nest in my garage.

Half a dozen tweets

Looks like half a dozen baby finches! Brood #2. I thought one egg was an infertile egg from a previous clutch. Appears I was mistaken ~ happily!

Chickadees fledging!

One of the babies fledged today, the one almost stepping out of the box, and one of the others has been poking their head out to get food very often, see the one being feed. The third baby is just staying in the box for now.

Hatchlings in a wreath

Three new hatchlings as of 5-22-21. The wreath has been a cozy and safe place for mother finch to raise her family. This is her seond brood this year.

Robin nest

A robin pair built a nest on an old pallet leaning against one of our outbuildings. Any ideas why they would build so low? Wouldn’t that be dangerous?


Gladis (mama bird) pur her nest right in our pergola! Her babies are finally here 🥰

Robins on the gutter

Sweet things

The wreath nest seems to be the perfect spot to raise another brood.

House finch fledglings

Five House finch fledglings ~fledged May 4th. Two new finch eggs ~ May 7th and May 9th. Third infertile egg from previous clutch.

New finch egg in old nest

I just found this new finch egg. This is the same nest that had five fledglings in it just days ago ~ May 4th. The Mama finch returned, cleaned up the nest (with the lone egg that didn’t hatch) and apparently has started another brood!

New brood of finches in Christmas wreath?

As of this morning the previous 5 baby finches left the nest. The parents returned several times checking out different places on the wreath. Later in the day I checked the nest and I was surprised to find one tiny Finch egg. I don’t know if this is the start of a new brood or an egg from the previous brood that didn’t hatch. I will check tomorrow to see if there is another egg.

Baby finches in a Christmas wreath

Late March a finch built a nest in my Christmas wreath. On April 3rd I noted 3 eggs. April 4th there were 4 eggs. On April 12th there were 5 eggs. On April 19th all 5 had hatched. Lots of activity over the last week or so.

Eurasian Collared Dove Nesting Cycle

A series of Still shots and video clips showing empty nest to fledged Eurasian Collared Doves flying. Most include a date and time stamp. Some title cards interspersed.

Nest in hanging fern

Saw what looked like a female house sparrow or house finch leaving my hanging fern. Got down the plant and realized there was already a nest with two eggs, one blue and one speckled. Curious what kind they are?

Loggerhead Shrike Fledgling!

This fledgling was given part of a dismembered bird to eat, but the poor fledgling has no idea what to do with it the bird tries to wedge it into the V of a branch all to no avail. In the end the adult comes back and takes it back!

Loggerhead Shrike Fledglings fighting over a Beetle!

Bushtit nest

In a tree I and my German shepherd walk by many times a day. I saw two little birds pecking at a large oblong mass, and they returned several times. I will try for a better photo!

Loggerhead Shrike Fledgling’s “That’s My Beetle!”

Loggerhead Shrike With An Anole!

This Loggerhead Shrike is butchering an Anole so it can feed it’s fledglings! I guess The moniker “The Butcher Bird” is well deserved!

Two little House Finch babies poking their heads out of the nest almost ready to fledge.

Two little House Finch babies poking their heads out of the nest almost ready to fledge. (And they fledged successfully!)

The Ridiculously Cute Eastern Phoebe

This little Eastern Phoebe has been nesting by our barn for 2 years now! They are amazing parents! This is a female that I named Diva because, well I am sure you can figure that out. Her mate’s name is Duke.

Spring nest 2021

A pair of House finches built this nest on the wreath of my front door. I guess I will be directing guest to the side door of the house. The mail is always close by when the female is sitting on the eggs.

Purple Martins in the cold

Mary and Peter and John and Mary guarding their nests

Loggerhead Shrike Presenting A Dragonfly To One Of It’s Fledglings!

Loggerhead Shrike Flies Onto A Branch With A Gecko!

Loggerhead Shrikes!

This Loggerhead Shrike is Feeding one of It’s fledglings a Mole Cricket!

Baby House Finches in nest.

Baby House Finches in nest. Parents are names Amiria and Avolon! How many finches can you see? 3!

Hummingbird nest with two eggs

After years of seeing hummingbirds flying around in our yard, we’ve spotted our first nest. These two eggs were laid a day apart in this cozy nest, tucked away in a camellia bush just outside our kitchen window.

Baby hummingbirds snug in nest

Three weeks after hatching these darlings are getting their color and wing definition

New Generation

Every year our barn swallows return

Western Bluebirds in kayak helmet

Fallen Humming Bird Nest

Robin babies 2020

Robins nesting under our deck only 6 feet off the ground. Right beside our walkway to the hose for watering everyday. Mother was unconcerned with our presence but fiercely chased away Stellars Jays.

Great Horned Owl

Natural roost site adjacent to our home.

Sunbird Fight Large-Bill Gerygone In Nest

I was observing & photographing the Large-Bill Gerygone tend to their chicks when I captured this incident. A number of times I have seen both the Olive-Back Sunbird & Large-Bill Gerygone trying to chase each other away without actually coming into contact. It seems the Sunbird looked a bit better off in the fight as it flew off but the 2 L-B Gerygone slowly flew away from near the ground in the Heliconia plants.

The Large-Bill Gerygone & Sunbird has their nest about 2.5m apart.The sunbird nest was a meter from my door on a large fan. I push the fan a further meter away and placed boxes behind the nest so the mum could not see me & this allowed her to spend more time in the nest instead of flying off everytime I walked in and out.
The Sunbird came back a few days ago to lay in the same nest for the 3rd time this year.

Late season American Robin eggs

While pruning I found nest in the center of 6 ft cherry laurel shrub/tree. Not sure if it’s active being so late in PNW season.

Cedar Waxwings nesting late!

This is the first nest ever where I live!

Red-bellied Woodpecker Flying Back to It’s Nest!

Cormorant Gathering Nesting Material!

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology