Its NOT a Cowbird! Its a Blue Jay!

It’s NOT a cowbird! It’s a blue jay! We saw it today and it has blue feathers, a black beak, and white and black on its face. The two eggs didn’t hatch so they are probably infertile.

Robin Nestlings

Three baby robins in a pine tree.

Better picture of the Cowbird

A better picture of the Cowbird. What a sweet little cowbird. It’s taking good care of its not yet hatched Cardinal siblings.

Nests Need ID

Three nests need ID. The 1st was about 10 feet high in an oak tree. The 2nd was in a small oak about two feet from the ground and the same with the 3rd.

Young Cowbird in nest

Baby Cowbird in a nest. Eggs need ID. White with brown speckles. The eggs are about an inch long. There are two eggs. The nest was made of mostly sticks and lots of white down feathers. Any ID?

The last egg hasn’t hatched. Should I be worried?

The babies were sleeping when I got there but I accidentally woke them up. The last egg hasn’t hatched yet. It’s siblings hatched sometimes between the 18th and the 20th.
7 / 21 / 22

2/3 Northern Cardinal eggs hatched!

Two of the three Northern Cardinal eggs have hatched! They’re so cute. They hatched sometime between the 18th and today. I need name suggestions for these two!

old nest,id maybe.

Brown Thrasher eggs and Nest ID help!

Two nests I found in a shrub/tree in one of my relative’s yard. One is an active Brown Thrasher nest with three eggs. The other is right next to it about 6 feet high and it is made of sticks, a pink string, and some other random materials. I didn’t get a good look at the inside.

Northern Cardinal eggs and nest

I had photographed the female with a stick in her mouth on the 1st, and I found the nest but wasn’t sure if it was actually a nest. Then I went to double check on the 11th and sure enough it was! I’m so excited to get to watch them grow up!

Mockingbird Nest

we visited this nest and it was destroyed.

Northern Mockingbird Nest Progression

A northern mockingbird nest found at 2 eggs, a few days later it had progressed to 4.

mama & her chicks

i want to put a photo on nest watch to share it

Ground nest among myrtle

Small nest disturbed while weeding Three ~1/2″ speckled greenish eggs … don’t know what bird is most likely

Baby Robins

Found these photos from years ago.

Blue eggs

First nest in this location

Curve-billed thrasher

2 curve-billed thrasher eggs in a nest in the arms of a cholla cactus; mom was watching nearby in a mesquite tree

Unknown Bird Nest, Please Identify

Can anyone please identify these bird nests? They blew down from some yard trees at my home in Western New York.

Great Horned Nest

Early February, Owl on nest throughout daytime visits , likely incubating. Nest located in city park located along stretch of Red Deer River. Mixed deciduous and conifer forest.

Gray Catbird nestlings

Nest next to front porch.

Gray Catbird Eggs

Nest in Juniper shrub next to front porch.

Hidden Gem

Happened upon this lovely female Rose-breasted Grosbeak sitting on a nest as I went for a walk at our farm.

Roseate Spoonbill on nest

Roseate Spoonbill on nest

Hummer on Nest

From Spring ’21 – This hummingbird built its nest over Prairie Creek in Richardson, TX.

Nest Builders

Two Carolina Wrens carried a variety of materials to a hanging basket in my back yard to build their nest.

Cup full o’ Jays

Steller’s jay triplets


Blue-gray Gnatcatcher in the nest

Parent and Nestling

The Ocean City, NJ rookery is an extraordinary place. It affords easy, safe and unobtrusive photography as well as monitoring of 5 different species of herons as well as Glossy Ibises.

Abundant Ring-billed Gull Nest in the Open

One gull was flushed from the nest as another joined in harassing from a few feet above as this visitor strolled by to check on the nest.

The Cooper’s Sublings

Located in a tree next to a sidewalk on a busy local street, these Cooper’s hawk chicks were well fed by their parents. Not bothered by passers by or local photographers, they grew up fast and all fledged soon after these photos were taken!

Needy Nestling Needs More Nourishment

Built remarkably close to a road, this Eagle’s nest offered a rare opportunity to view their care of this nestling.

This was the Pied Bill Grebe’s nest in the cattails

The Grebes successfully raised 5 of the 7 babies in the little lake at Lake Park in Louisville, CO

Messy House Finch nest

Never seen a cardinal nest like this before!

I saw cardinals building this nest and have never seen a bird nest like this! I don’t want to use this door and destroy the nest. It is now November, so the little ones are gone. Should i leave the nest alone? Will they come back? It is a perfectly protected area for a nest – smart cardinals!

ground nest by 1×2 stake

Precious robin eggs

This nest is in the rafters of our barn which is a small building with no door providing good flying access. The nest is built right alongside another Robin nest that i am pretty sure never got used.

Robin’s Nest 2021

Robin’s Nest 2021

Robin’s Nest 2021

This robin mom built a nest in a day, lay egg #1 the following morning, then lay eggs #2-#5 on each of the following days. Photos were taken with a 4K security camera set up to monitor the nest and stream it live on YouTube

Great Blue Heron Mama

This heron is taking a break from incubation.

The Bald Eagle

Notice the pines are framing his face.

Hungry Birds

Trio of Cardinals


As I was about to go on a hike with my parents and younger sister, I saw a grayish bird fly into a bent tree. I took a few more steps and looked harder, trying to figure out what kind of bird it was. Then I realized it was sitting on a nest! I slowly approached the nest and the bird flew away. I peered inside and, to my delight and surprise, found a beautiful baby blue egg!!! This is the first active nest I’ve found this year! Time to start NestWatch patrolling!!!

2020 Hooded Orioles Nesting site in our back yard

I have had a pair of Orioles nest on the side of our house. Their nest has been built between a rolldown blind and a screen door, that we wedge in place so it will not move during nesting season. We have had 27 babies fledge from our site over the last 4 years. This year I plan to mount a nestcam to capture more of their behavior. I do have video, however that has not been loaded online yet

A day in a life of a breeding female American Robin

Junco baby about to Fledge

Junco baby about to fledge, it jumped from the nest basket (fuschia) into another basket (petunia) and then took off from here. Last baby Junco to fledge in 2020.

Ruby-throated humming bird nest

We used a GoPro camera tethered to a pool pole to check out this humming bird nest. We had observed it being built, and estimate it was completed on/about 25-Jul when the bird’s activity slowed considerably and the bird appeared to “sit” more.

Northern Cardinal Fledge Day

For a few days, I noticed a male and female N. Cardinal repeatedly flying near a small cedar tree. I checked the tree and could not find a nest. So, I gave up. Then, on another day, I just had to check for a nest again because I was still seeing the adult cardinals in the area. This time, I found the nest with the fully feathered three nestlings inside. The parents did a great job building this nest in the thickest and most difficult part to access (for me) section of the tree.

Chipping Sparrow in tiny bush

Chipping Sparrows- The Day Before the Fledge

Four Fabulous Phoebes Ready to Fly!

On June 9, instead of climbing up a ladder to check on the nestlings in their mossy nest on the light fixture of our shed, I elected to take some photos. I was worried that getting too close would flush them too soon and I also wanted to confirm just how many nestlings were in the nest. Through out this nest watch, I had a difficult time counting the nestlings, as phoebes just don’t lift up their heads with wide open mouths like other species. (At least in my experience.) There were 5 eggs to start. When I did try to count the nestlings during my visits, I could basically only count three little beaks or maybe four. My final photo on June 10 around 10 AM, submitted here, shows four fully feathered youngsters, so ready to leave the nest. At 1 PM they were gone and I found one egg left in the nest. So, at last, it was confirmed that there were four fabulous phoebes added to this world. Good Luck to them!

Blue-headed Vireo nest

A Blue-headed Vireo nest found right next to a hiking trail in Danby State Forest, and containing one Brown-headed Cowbird egg. Nest is about 5 feet off of the ground in a forest.


What a look!

What kind of chicks are these?

My dad took me to the Kentucky castle’s farm yesterday, and we found four active nests.

Naked Baby Dinosaurs with a Bad Hair Day!

Stretching my wings

This Robin nestling is flapping its wings in preparation for learning to fly.

Sleeping Robin Twins

2 Robin Nestlings after the nest fell off the ceiling fan. I replaced the startled babies and they snuggled in to relax. I was able to replace the nest with assistance of packing tape.

Robin Eggs

4 Robin eggs!

Robin Trading Places

Male Robin watches over nest and switches places when female returns. Eggs are 5-7 days old.

Eastern Phoebe 05.10.2020

Eastern Phoebes have hatched! 3 or 4?

Mama Blue Jay

Notice the pink ribbon through the nest and tied to an adjacent limb? They unwound this from another limb and nest on the same tree when building their nest. They probably spent 3 hours on the ribbon. It is not just wrapped around the limb, it is tied.

Bluebird nest

House Finch Nest

House Finch nest of a pair that keeps visiting my feeder! There are also two other nests in the area.

Unoccupied Hummingbird Nest

Here is an unoccupied (as of right now) hummer nest. The mailman said there had been chicks in it earlier. Hopefully they all fledged safely!

Female blue jay on nest in oak tree

Northern Cardinal’s First Egg Laid!

American Robin Nest 2020

American Robins have found the nesting shelf once again and of course built it on top instead of inside. or well thats there choice. Guess it gives them more room. I am glad they came back. Hoping it will be another sucessfully year because last year they must of had 5 eggs of last years nest and my mom and I saw two babies and when my dad cleaned the nest off the top 3 non viable eggs where left. My dad didnt think any babies survived but he didnt see want my mom and I saw. Two little beaks stuck theres heads out of last years nest so I guessing it was sucessful otherwise the robins wouldnt be back. I am happy they are though and will moniter them.

Cherokee Golf Nest

I took this photo on April 11, 2020. It is on the top of my front porch post underneath the roofline of my house.

Killdeer eggs

I was walking down my street and my dog flushed the adult from the nest, that’s when I noticed the eggs.

House Finch Eggs!!!

On my porch, there is this little white hanging bench swing that is supposed to be a bird feeder, but I never filled it up. And now, there is a beautiful pair of House Finches nesting in it!
The eggs are SO cute!

Northern cardinal nest

second phoebe nest with eggs

Phoebe nest

My “Many layer nest”. Newest bird.

Red-eyed Vireo

Red-eyed Vireo on nest in Red Pine

Concerned about eggs not yet hatched.

First sited these eggs on 7.11.19. 7.22.19 very nasty storm came through. We had a lot of damage in our town but nothing too bad at our house. We duct taped hanging basket earlier in the day but were not home when storm came through. When we came home basket was still there, nest and eggs intact. Noticed Mama Bird next morning, but haven’t seen Papa Bird. This morning haven’t seen Mama Bird either. Could these eggs take that long to hatch?

Phoebe is more than ready to leave the nest!

For a few days the phoebe nestlings were poking their heads up. This nesting attempt started with 5 eggs. But I could only see three nestlings the entire time. The nest placement is in my shed and on top of the ceiling light fixture, so the nestlings were difficult to see.

I decided to take this photo to confirm the number of nestlings. As you can see, there are only three nestling visible, there may have been one or two more looking out the back of the nest. I’m not sure. But I will never know. That same day, three hours or so after I took this photo, the nest was empty.

recently fledged cardinal

adult male cardinal feeding baby!

Male House Finch Feeding Leucistic Female at the Nest

Male House Finch Feeding Leucistic Female at the Nest

Red-eyed Vireo builds a nest

Watched this Red-eyed Vireo and its mate bring pieces of grass and other plant matter to weave into the cup nest and shape it with their bodies.

Northern Cardinal nest

A Northern Cardinal nest tucked away in a bush by a pond.

hungry babies

Wood thrush nest

This nest is located in a concord grape vineyard in western New York. The nest is built around some goldenrod stems, just off the ground. A small rusty brown colored bird with a white breast and brown spots flew out of the nest. My husband was weed whacking when he saw the nest and stopped. The photo was taken on May 26, 2019, and there were 4 eggs in the clutch.

Nest of Little Tern

The image was taken this morning from a charland of Padma River near Rajshahi, Bangladesh. The size of the charland about 1 The whole charland has a lot of nests of six birds as Little Tern, Small Pratincole, Little-ringed Plover, River Lapwing, Indian Thick Knee and Blue-tailed Bee-eater. There is also a lot of chicks of different size of Little Tern, Small Pratincole and Little-ringed Plover and this is the Little Tern nest with newly hatched chick.

North Texas Wrens

Possible cardinal nest

American Robin and Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Brown Thrasher Nest – Three Eggs

American Robin Nest

First time we’ve had this particular species build a nest in our yard.

Vermilion Flycatcher nest

Killdeer Nest

Three eggs in a Killdeer nest.

House Finch

Morning doves

This is the 3rd year this pair have nested in our courtyard

Lucky 7

Large brood of fledgling barn swallows almost ready to take flight!

Nestling Eagle

This is a picture from 11/21 which is the first time we saw the eagle in the nest. I may estimate this to be the date that the egg was laid. We shall see, because there’s no safe way to view the contents of the nest. I do not think it would be wise, or legal to bring a drone to the site. It’s not necessary, the activity of feeding the hatchlings is pretty obvious. We have been observing these same for a couple of years of successful rearing, but never with ebird or nestwatch. Very grateful for these programs and instructions.

The guarding their finished new nest.

There’s been a history of 5 or 10 years where a nest was in the adjacent tree. This nest grew and grew til last March, 2018 it just collapsed in high winds falling apart over the month, despite their efforts to repair. They had hatched a few eggs and the juveniles matured and departed. With the nest gone, one had to wonder if this pair would return. in September we noticed sticks at this tree in the picture about 20 yards from the former nest. This picture represents the first time 11/14 we saw the eagle at the nest. and then last week 11/21 we saw the eagle inside the nest. It’s a much poorer picture, since I didn’t want to disturb. Today, I went by during a storm and saw no activity, but I trust they are close.

The survivor

Little baby

Sadly…It comes down to this…

In the end…I think this is what happened…1 egg,3 hatchlings…I believe,since the last egg was laid much later than the first three,after hatching,the other three chicks buried it and it was forgotten…3 hatchlings,one perished…after hatching,the bigger of the three,trying to stay warm in the absence of the parents,wound up on top of the weakest,thus accidentally suffocating it. And lastly…2 chicks,both perished…last night,and the day before,we had 2 and 3/4 inches of rain in about 8 to 10 hours,in which totally filled the nest,thus drowning them both.I personally want to thank Ms Robyn,Ms Holly from Nestwatch,and also thank Ms Micah (if you’re male…then Mr Micah),my great follower through all of this. Now,I will relocate my focus back to my hummers…again…thank you all….and until next time…keep watching!

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology