American Robin, Nesting in Lilacs

American robin chicks just hatched!

American robin chicks

Found a nest at my brother IL’s house.

Baby Blues

Nest around my house

Mama Robin on the nest probably incubating eggs

Mama Robin has been sitting on the nest more frequently. She’s probably got eggs now but haven’t been able to check and don’t know if the ladder would reach that high. I would have to go really high up in order to take a picture of the eggs if she wasen’t on the nest and off feeding.

Robins nest went on top of Nesting Shelf and not in!

Robin pair decided to build on top of the nesting shelf. My dad thought they are a bigger bird and wouldn’t have enough room inside the shelf so that’s why they built the nest on top of the shelf. Well this is our first Robins nest. Hoping for success.

Inside the Nesting shelf and View of American Robin Nest

Got up on a ladder to look at the progression of the American Robins nest.

American Robins Discovers Nesting shelf!

Poor baby!

May 4, 2019

Pine tree 4 Robin eggs

Robin’s nest w/ 4 eggs in it


I noticed a nest a few days in a hanging planter a few days ago. I check today an she has laid her eggs. I have never seen anything like this so close before. Literally outside my backdoor.

Front porch nest

Robin on nest

Nest in the East Don Parkland

Newly hatched American Robins

Nest photos of 3 American Robin hatchlings

Front porch nest April 27, 2019, day 7

American Robin and Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Baby robins

I’m making my whole family use the garage door.

Two babies

American Robin Nest

First time we’ve had this particular species build a nest in our yard.

American Robin – Attempt A1320518

I forgot to add these as I took them…


A robin army training camp

This training camp trains these robins to be brave solders to fight worms.

A curious fellow citizen.

A curious fellow citizen.

The survivor

Little baby

Baby robin

One of the baby robins that hatched

The Big Day!

I just happened to see the last nestling making the decision to leave the nest. (I have only been nest watching two.) At first I saw the nestling (now fledgling) perched on the edge of the nest. The youngster was making lots of noise! I went back into the house for the camera. When I returned, he/she was perched on the ladder. I stood and watched this exciting sequence.

I feel like an empty-nester now – wondering how my two nestlings are doing out there in the big scary world.

“Mom likes you better!”- said one robin baby to its nestling mate.

I started out this robin nest watch – with three beautiful eggs. Unfortunately, one of the hatchlings died on day two.

I noticed that of the two remaining nestlings…one was clearly the little one – the runt, so to speak.

On close observation and with these photos, I was able to determine that the larger nestling was clearly being favored by mom or dad.

The first photo was taken while I was hiding behind a blind in our shed. Soon the parent came and perched on a tree limb just outside the shed. The adult started chirping repeatedly for several minutes. The nestlings must have been alarmed and hid from me after that, so not more photos. I left the blind and the parent returned to the nest! Interesting! I did not think the adult would notice anything. Although, I was hidden, the adult could tell the area was changed and did not like this change one bit.

For the other three photos, I hid behind a tree outside the shed, and was able to get the mom or dad coming in to feed the two tykes.


I lucky shot of these new born robin nestlings.

Third Time is a Charm!

One day in late June, I discovered a robin’s nest in our shed, at the end of our hanging ladder. (Not a good location as we need that ladder from time to time.) My husband mounted a shallow wood bowl just a few inches above the ladder nest-site. I moved the nest to the bowl. The Robin decided to rebuild on the ladder again – not taking the new “penthouse” site. This time (wiser now) we removed the ladder and placed the new nest in the bowl. Our girl must have been sooo happy with this change that she laid two eggs the next day in the bowl nest site. And then a third on the next day!

Note: I thought that many birds lay just one egg each day before starting to brood.


Nest found about 5 feet from ground, in a jasmine bush located next to garage doors.This was a low human traffic area with the exception of opening the garage doors. There are owls, hawks, jays, ravems in area but none were seen near nest. Photos were taken with iphone and Galaxy S9+. Nest easily viewed.

4 Robins near to fledging in parking garage in a

June 30, 2018: 4 robin chicks that look to be near (or at?) the fledgling stage in a busy parking garage with no easy way to get to the outside unless they can somehow fly out an opening on one end of the garage that about 5 ft from the floor with a 12ft drop to the ground on the other side. I am not sure how they will get down from this nest once they do start to fledge, which should be any day now it appears! I am so worried about this phase for them because of the risk of falling to the concrete floor with only pipes to at ceiling level to perch on. Also the risk of frequent cars entering and exiting especially at dusk and dawn, not to mention a very loud scary garbage truck during the week. I’m fretting, to say the least! Any help? Nevertheless, both parents have been extremely attentive to them the entire time. Today, July 1 2018, we heard them for the first time making little chirps when one of their parents flew in with a bill full of food for them. The dad has been very territorial all day with his squawking and swooping around near some bushes and tree outside of the garage not far from the nest. Mom also has no qualms about scolding passerby as they walk past the nest from their cars. This is a recent behavior of hers, so she must be getting very tired of this situation and just wants them all out of this concrete box, especially considering it was over 95°F today and humid.

American Robins

Robin Lays Eggs On My Back Porch

We have recently discovered that a Robin has laid eggs on our back porch frame that is at the bottom of the roof and I’m deciding to try and watch them hatch and gets pics and everything…this is a very rare experience for me and I love nature! ??

Two little birds


Here we have one of our three Robin peeps that flew the nest yesterday and today (5/28/18).

He made it as far as the top of the fence, and there he’s been for a while. We cannot go near that end of the fence without getting swooped by the adults, as the other two fledglings are in the landscaping adjacent…

One note about the photo…I shot this with my “ancient” Nikon D300 and my “amateur” Nikkor 70-300 VR lens. The old D300 was maxed out on it’s ISO setting, as it was almost completely dark when I shot this. Yes, I PS’ed the heck out of it, but I was nonetheless impressed with the performance of my old, non-pro rig.

Robin’s Nest

Nests I’m Watching

Robin’s nest

I was watching this nest from Mother’s Day for a week,

Robin’s Nestlings

American Robin nestlings

Robin\’s Eggs

Found in an old nest at the base of our only tree in our small yard – it’s very low to the ground! Beautiful and fun to watch the parents hop and fly around. Our little dogs don’t seem to startle mom/dad away (they don’t bark much).

Deck Nest

American Robin Parent And Chicks Visit 5 (NestWatch Site A1311816)

These images were taken on 05/10/2018. I tried uploading them before, but for some reason they wouldn’t upload.

American Robin Parent and Chicks

No Cowbird activity observed in or around nest, but was heard in neighborhood that morning.

Chicks were not vocalizing yet but were aware of presence of EW when checking nest. All chicks appeared to be healthy, no noticeable health concerns.

Only one parent spotted. Other parent could have been nearby but unnoticed. Accidentally spooked nearby parent when ladder used to look in nest was dropped when leaving site; spooked parent flew into nearby Tulip tree, but still in sight of nest. Returned to nest afterwards.

Red Robin nest


This nest is 215 feet above sea level situated between pillars within a work zone on a bridge.
At this time parent birds have not been sited. Beautifully crafted nest with two eggs.

Bright blue

Robin egg in nest

Rockin Robins

Watched mama and daddy Robin make this nest and added 1 egg day after day.It is right on our back porch by a window, so we can watch this exciting project.

American Robin eggs

This active robins’ nest was discovered in the prayer garden at Park Place Christian Church Sunday afternoon, April 15. Three eggs were confirmed in the nest the following day, Apr. 16, and the fourth egg was documented on a later visit to the nest that same day.

Those aren’t Easter candies!

Built my first nesting box and have a visitor already. An American Robin has decided my nesting box is a suitable and safe place to lay her pretty blue eggs.

Robin nest site for 2017 Nest Watch.

Chronological set of pictures showing progression of Robin nest

Light sconce robins nest

This photo was taken of a robins next atop the light sconce to the left of the front door. We don’t use that door often so it was all finished with eggs in it before we even knew it was there.

Hatching Robins

Photo of two newly hatched and third egg with crack fourth intact taken 7/21/17

Robin eggs Robin nest #$

newly discovered nest 7/14/17

Babies of Fort Mott

These babies were found deep inside Battery Harker at 1896 Fort Mott. I guess mom thought if the fort was strong enough to protect the mouth of the Delaware River during war it was surely strong enough to protect her babies and their little Home Tweet Home. This nest was in a dark area in one of the little dugout pieces of wall that I think were used for a candles to light the path to the artillery.

What I found on my vacation in Illinois

Recently I went on a vacation to Illinois to see a cousin’s wedding. During this stay, I have found many bird nests and these are some of the ones that I found.

Survival of the fittest

This baby robin was one of three eggs to hatch but the only survivor. Now we’re praying for a successful fledge!

New robin family

2nd batch

Second batch of Robin eggs

Robin Nest

Bird feeder nest

American Robin Nest

Robin chicks, 5 days old

This nest is in a playground structure and it gets very hot. I’m kind of worried about how they’re doing. They were getting fed, and at least 3 of them are alive.

American Robin baby and feeding adult

American Robin about 5 days old, and adult feeding grasshopper to young Robins

New Robin Nest

This robin and her husband/wife where both running up and down the tree all day building their nest! I went to see what all the commotion was about and found this nest!

Robin in Wreath

This photo was taken on 5/14/17. The robin built her nest inside of this vine wreath hanging next to my front door. The camera was set up on a tripod, and a bluetooth remote was used to take the photo.

Robin nest

Didn’t want to disturb her, but you can see the white off her vent and tail as she sits, just below the yellow leaf. They relocated nest sites due to mourning dove disturbances in thier original tree.

Don’t go near a new nest until the owner has laid eggs.

Don’t go near a new nest until the owner has laid eggs. If you do, the bird will choose to leave and make the nest somewhere else. It happened to my mother when there were sparrows making a nest on our roof. And it happened to me when I wanted to take a closer look at this robin! The owner won’t leave the nest after there are eggs inside. So don’t go near a nest until the owner has laid eggs! Otherwise you know what will happen!

Robin nest 5/16/17

Double Robin Clutch

It appears that two robins have laid eggs in this nest, as there are eight instead of four

Robin nest

Robin’s Nest

This pair of Robins has just started building a nest for the season.

Robin’s Nest

The mother was off for a bit, so I snapped a picture of what was in it (I couldn’t tell what I was taking because the nest is a little bit taller than me), but after I took it and stepped away – what a shot! Just beginning to hatch! I’m not sure what’s going on with the whitish one though, but still a great shot!

May 10 2017

Video of Robin bringing worm

May 11 2017 Robins

Robin nest 4 chicks

Robin Nestlings

2 nestling, 2 eggs

robin nest

Robin nest, one day after the fourth egg was laid.

Robin’s nest with eggs

Nest with four eggs, under eaves of house. May 2, 2017

4 Eggs – Robin Nest – 5/2/2017

Robin nest 4 eggs 5/2/2017

American Robin

Robin Nest – Hatched April 16, 2017

The parents of these 3 built their nest on our porch, lodged between the wall and attached porch light. All nests attempted here fail, as they fall during storms. Before a storm hit, my husband and I attached a basket right next to the porch light, and moved the nest into it before the robin was able to lay eggs. Luckily, the female robin returned, laid her eggs, and now we are observing their babies.

Blue Eggs in Emerald Green Arborvitae

I counted four eggs in the nest. Had to take a very quick photo before the robin returned.

The nest is in a very sheltered, screened location next to the front porch (a column blocks it on one side). This is problematic because I can’t stop strangers from walking up to the front porch and ringing the doorbell, which disturbs the robin. She will also scream at me if I pick up flyers and whatnot that are left on the front porch. However, I am trying to get her used to my presence by making some noise before opening the door and whistling softly as I step out. It seems to be working. Today, she didn’t yell at me. She just watched me.

Morrison1 location

New Robin Blue

Robin Nest 4 11 2017

Our first confirmed clutch of 2017…This nest site is directly adjacent to our deck, and has been used for several years as a nest site…last year, three batches of baby Robins came from this site.

The Last Days in the Nest

The fledglings hopped out of the nest around 4:00 a.m. on May 22, 2016

First Feathers @ The Dooley House

American Robin @ The Dooley House

From Egg to Hatching

Robins hatching

Waist high at my home office, I had the pleasure of watching 4 Robins hatch and fly away. I took a picture every weekday for about 4 weeks, I only wish I could post the whole album on this site.

Backyard Robins

These Robins nested in a Lilac bush outside our kitchen window. This is the second year they have nested in the same spot in this bush

American Robin Nest with Young

Brand New

These Robins reside on the ledge where the brick meets siding between my house and garage. I watch them out of my front window and have even witnessed two grown Robins feeding worms to the young at the same time. The two robins hunt worms in my yard together. The young hatched July 4, 2016.

MCHM Robins Videos

These videos accompany my pictures submission.

MCHM Robins

This was fun experience, since the nest is six feet and below my window, I was able to observe the nest with some regularity. I took over 2,000 photos over the whole month, with my telephoto lense. This way i did not disturb the family by walking close to the site.

Robin’s nest

In a giant fern in the common patio atea

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology