House Finch Chicks

House finch chicks nesting in hanging potted ferns!

First-year nestwatching success

House Finch

Bird nest on a wreath

A house finch made a nest on top of the wreath hanging on our front door.

House Finch nests

This documents recently completed nests in hanging ferns on my front porch; I only intended to photograph the nests but to my surprise found an egg in one!

Feeding Time

Daddy finch is tending to the baby finches, 5 total. Mommy bird is taking a break.

First of many House Finches!

We noticed a pair of birds frequenting our tree/shrub on our front yard. I eventually took the time to look through the bush, and found this perfectly shaped cup! I was thrilled to see this pair thriving together.
Went back the second day to find the female had laid an egg! We are so very excited to share and document this journey with you!
~Take care, Kat

House Finch Nest

Just finished nest building.

House Finch nest

House Finch babies!

Nest on a wreath

House Finch Nest

House Finch nest with 5 eggs! On top of Christmas Wreath next to entry door

House finch nest

Eggs and babies. This nest was built on a wreath hanging on my moms front door!

House Finhc eggs

Baby House Finches

They are growing so fast, mom & dad remained in the area.

Baby Birds

All five eggs have hatched and they are growing so fast.

3 Finch Chicks in Pansy Planter

Nesting in door decorations

The eggs look like Robin’s eggs, but the bird does not look like a robin. The bird jumps off the nest every movement in the house. We never noticed the nest building until the eggs were already hatched.

House Finch Nest and Babies

This is the second year that they build their nest on the light porch in our front balcony.

House Finch nests and babies

We have several hanging baskets and each has a nest. Also have a rolled blind on the porch where the babies have hatched.

Mama House Finch

Right outside our patio door this little mama nested on a light fixture. Hoping it will not be too busy for her to raise her brood.

House Finch

Finch nest

House Finch Eggs????

Brand new house finch!

House Finch Hatchlings

The House Finches built their nest in a fake hanging plant on our back porch.

“Father hear my cry”

This guy perched and it was very hot outside and he looked so sad and tired. Poor guy!

House Finch Nest


This is the beautiful male I named loui. He finally let me get a GREAT picture of him. enjoy everyone

House Finch in my Potted Plant

House Finch have found a home in my new hanging plant i just bout a few weeks ago. It’s nice having them out there as well as exciting!

Orange Finch Eggs

house finch nestlings

nest in hanging basket on front porch

baby Robins in Christmas wreath

neighbors went to take down their wreath and discovered baby Robins

Bell Finch Family residence

A momma House Finch decided to build a nest on my front door wreath so now use of the door is off limits so we can enjoy watching the amazing joy of baby finch births and growth!

House Finch Nest

A pair of house finches built a nest in a hanging fern on my front porch.

Name These Birds – House Wren or Finches

Every year I get these birds that build their nests on my patio area which is covered by lattice work. I’ve always wondered, exactly what kind of birds these are. jman3005

House Finch eggs

Last year a pair of House Finches began using a Barn Swallow nest, these eggs are the Finches’ clutch from this year. Taken 19 Apr ’15

2 more eggs!

House Finch Nest

House Finch nest on my front door in my Christmas wreath. Only 1 egg, though – hope it will hatch and survive!

Final Day of my House Finch nest

The final farewell to our nest of House Finches! Mom & Dad seemed to be calling them from the nearby trees, and shortly before they left the nest, flew over the hanging flower basket and fluttered above the fledglings, seemingly telling them to move out! Within the hour, all three fledglings were gone.

House Finch nest

House Finch nest

Four eggs appeared over three days, apparently one belonging to a Cowbird. Less than two weeks later, we have three baby Finches!

House Finch Nest in Hanging Spider Plant Close-up

You can see the details much better in this close-up. I didn’t mean to post the first one.

House Finch Nest in Hanging Spider Plant

This is the first house finch nest in one of our hanging spider plants. We’ve previously had two mourning dove nests in a different pot, though only one of them was successful.

The House Finches House

A House Finch built a nest in friends wreath on their front door & laid 5 beautiful eggs.

Encouraging to fledge

House finch?

Two nests built in my grill, share a common wall. 5 eggs in the second nest built.

House Finch Nest?

We believe this is a house finch nest. Accidentally discovered it when we were preparing to repot this hanging plant. Returned the hanging basket to its place on the porch and the momma bird returned to the nest within 30 minutes. Saw her leave the nest this morning and quickly went out and snapped the picture. Believe its a house finch nest, but with where the nest is, I can’t get my camera to zoom in for a clear picture of her.

House Finch Nest

Two chicks from the recently built house finch nest on our back porch. They nested in a hanging basket.

carpodacus mexicanus are hatching

2 months aftet we moved in and hung our boston ferns on the balcony, finches nezted in one, laid eggs which have hatched and now its day 3.

Finch Nest in a hanging planter

The nest is in a planter on our patio right next to a bird feeder. We’re waiting to remove the bird feeder to provide the nest some privacy.

House Finch

We figured out why one of our Boston Ferns was turning brown and sparse on the top. the last time we watered, I don’t think we took the fern down. I may have soaked the newly-woven nest. We saw birds flying out of the fern for a week after that so I held my cell phone camera over my head and took a photo. No more watering the fern for a month at least.
Mom must have been desperate. We just moved in and hung the fern in February. The nest is in one of two hanging Boston Fern, on our busy balcony,shared with warring hummingbirds and their feeder, potted ficus and 3 planter boxes of flowers, plants and herbs.. The fern is usually taken indoors and watered weekly…well WAS but not any more! Nest built and eggs laid within 5 days.

House Finch in wreath by door.

House Finch Nest 1

Pair of house finches nesting in Spanish Moss on what looks like an Ironwood tree.

House finch nest

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology