Tree Swallows

Tree Swallows, June 12, 2024

Nestwatch data for Trustees of Reservations, Eleanor Cabot Bradley Estate

Swallows stick it to house wrens

I was surprised to find that a pair of tree swallows built their nest on top of a house wren’s stick nest that was not completed yet. I was worried that the wrens would pierce the swallow eggs and take over again, but no, the swallows were able to complete the nestling and fledged 3

Tree swallow straw nest

Strange that the tree swallow used these straw like materials instead of the grasses nearby like the other swallows used.

Tree Swallow

Nesting box placed at the edge of the pond on our property. Box was built with a video camera in the top with the ability to have a live and recorded feed. The male swallow spent a few days popping in and out of the box until 3 days ago when he placed a single piece of grass in it, has grown to this since.

The Tree Swallows Fledged!

About A Week From Fledging!

Bluebird wins

A bluebird gained control over a tree swallow nest and laid eggs, and here’s the nestlings at 7 days old.

Tree Swallow Mama and Eastern Bluebird Babies

Beautiful Tree Swallow Mom with her clutch.
Eastern Bluebird babies.

Baby Tree Swallow checking out the world with parent on alert

Tree Swallow Young!

Tree Swallow Leaving Nest Box!

Tree Swallow Young!

The other day, I saw both the male and female Tree Swallows going in and out of the box. Because the weather wasn’t really nice, I waited until today to check the box. All four eggs have hatched!

Tree Swallow Eggs!

On the 30th of May I noticed that the female tree swallow wasn’t really leaving the nest box, so I thought that she probably laid at least one of her eggs. Just to give her some space, I decided to wait till today to check on them. In the photo, there are three visible eggs; but I believe that there may be one more underneath of some of the feathers.

Male Tree Swallow

Nest Box Cameras

YouTube Channel

Falcon Folly

On April 21 an American Kestrel decided the box pole top was an ideal perch for hunting. The Swallows
disappeared for a few days, and I got these photos.

Mom & Dad Tree Swallow sitting on 5 babies

The perfect home

Male Tree Swallow perched on top of a Bluebird box

Tree Swallow

Not sure who this, but we think it’s a Tree Swallow peeking out from a house about 5 feet off the ground in an open field area.

House Finch and Tree Swallow

Have a large variety of nesting structures around rural property. Sometimes birds nest in the most inconvenient places. Otherwise, there is plenty of opportunity for cavity nesters. At least one successful Bluebird clutch per year.

Tree Swallow with chicks

Our favorite kind of guests

We have several nestboxes that we monitor and maintain on our property. Each year, they are full of babies…some having 2 to 4 broods with us.

Tree Swallow Babies

Tree Swallows

Young tree swallows in their nest box

Here’s Mom!

Mother tree swallow just fed one of her chicks and is just about to launch off to get more insects for her brood.

Tree Swallow with Young

Tree Swallow in a nest box with newly hatched young.

Tree Swallow drama

Tree Swallows make for great entertainment. They are stubborn, boisterous, and fiercely protective of their brood.

Getting Crowded

In a box at my daughter’s farm, I opened this box to count 8 eggs of tree swallow which is above the normal.

The End of a Tale

I opened this box located next to my daughter’s pond and found this shocking addition, a bunny’s tail. I’ve seen this in all my 20 years of monitoring. Well, it is white, which seems that what tree swallows like to add to their nest, i.e. white feathers.

Tree Swallow nest check

Tree Swallow Portrait

Does anyone have any requests for bird pictures? FYI I live in New York.

The Tree Swallow Family Photo

Tree Swallow arrives just in time for the next feeding.

Ready to Fledge

Young Tree Swallows

Tree swallow nestling

It was peaceful that day, I was kayaking on one of my favorite lakes. While I was there I saw nest boxes and decided to check them out. As I approached an adult tree swallow came and then left, I lifted the box top and took a quick peek inside, and there were five or six swallow nestling all huddled together. I checked out other nest sites too that day, one had an egg and another had nestlings.

Baby Tree Swallows

Tree Swallows

House Wrens KILL

Tree Swallow nest

House Wren De

Lake birds

When I found these nests I was AMAZED at what these birds can do. Though when I tried standing up on my kayak to look inside a tree swallow nesting box, It was empty! But when I paddled under a small bridge, I found Five pink tree swallow eggs, at first I thought they were mourning dove eggs but after more research I’m pretty sure there are tree swallow. Later when I traveled back, in the reeds there was a red winged blackbird nest. Three white eggs were in this one, I can’t wait to see how these eggs grow up.


This is a clay pot birdhouse on someone’s deck at the Kentucky Castle. It looks out onto a pasture with goats. I saw a Tree Swallow enter it 3 times. This is not the first time I’ve seen a Tree Swallow nest on/near someone’s house. Our friends made a small birdhouse without a back and placed it on their windowsill. They posted pictures of the Tree Swallow in it with eggs on Facebook.

Big Feather, Little Beak

Working together

A house wren started with sticks but a tree swallow took over by adding few grass and lots of feathers so she could get going on egg laying

Mama Tree Swallow Sits on Eggs

Tree Swallow Eggs

Tree Swallow Nest Livestream

The pair is currently sitting on 5 eggs. Clutch completion date was May 8th. Stream uses a raspberry pi and wide angle NOIR camera.

Tree Swallow hatchlings on Mother’s Day

Warbler Galore! (Big Birding Day Part 2)

Sorry for the not-so-great pictures. Aside from the three kinds of warblers, I saw a European Starling, two Ospreys, robins, crows, Tree Swallows, Black-capped Chickadees, Downy Woodpeckers, and White-breasted Nuthatches.

May 3, 2020-spring birds!

Titmouse feeding in tree cavity. I can hear the chicks- both parents feeding.
Tree swallows already have best, but now getting busy.

What a day at the Horicon Marsh!

I also saw a Northern Shoveler, a ton of Red-winged Blackbirds, and my first Forster’s Tern!

Tree Swallows Bathing

Tree Swallows

Do you know what these Tree Swallows are doing?

Tree swallows

Tree Swallow

I monitor nest boxes at Bucktoe Creek Preserve for the Delaware Nature Education Society. During my monitoring I sometimes take photos. When I opened this nest box the mom was sitting on her eggs and just stared at me. I was pretty surprised as the birds typically leave the nest during a check, but this one wasn’t budging. Anyway, I got a really great shot.

Tree Swallow Takes Over House Wren Nest

Somehow, a tree swallow was able to assume the house wren nest that was built and safely laid her eggs.

House Wren takes Tree Swallow nest

After a tree swallow had built a nest, a house wren laid her eggs in the nest.

Tree swallows hatching

One tree swallow already hatched and one has its shell cracking.

Newly hatched Tree Swallows

Albino tree swallow nestling


Tree swallow nest building

Tree Swallows Househunting

This tree swallow pair checked out 2 nest boxes on our property. They began adding material to this box, but ultimately chose the other one, which we are sharing on Nest Watch.

Momma tree swallow refusing to abandon babes

Tree Swallow

Mixed species nest example

A nest box had been occupied first by a Western Bluebird pair and actually had the first confirmed eggs of the 2018 season. The first clutch had 5 eggs but only 3 WEBL chicks successfully fledged from the box as of June 3. When the box was checked one week later (June 10), a new nest was observed with one bluebird egg, one swallow egg and one additional swallow egg was on the ground along with an adult Tree Swallow seen in the area. Another bluebird egg was laid the next day but adult bluebirds were not seen near the box again. The nest remained as a Tree Swallow nest that fledged 3 chicks but the bluebird eggs never hatched.

Tree Swallow Chicks

5 Tree Swallow Chicks fully fledged.
At 9,000 ft elevation in the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming.
Wyoming High Country Lodge.

Tree Swallow

Tree Swallow chicks in nest Box.
At 9,000 feet elevation in the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming.

Tree Swallow pair enters Mt Bluebird active nest

Tree Swallow pair enters Mountain Bluebird active nest of 6 nestlings

Feeding Chicks

Tree Swallow chicks

the Sentry – rarely leaves his position on top of the box

We have watched this Tree Swallow keep watch on top of the nest box for weeks now. Only leaving for short times…The female won’t budge off the nest.

Tree Swallow

Male tree swallow on guard. Female is currently building the nest

Tree Swallows

Tree swallows just discovered my nest box

Tree Swallow at Olson Elementary School outdoor classroom

Tree Swallow nest in box on Olson School prairie walk. Two eggs laid since yesterday. Today’s date May 17, 2018. Second graders got to peek!
Tree Swallow nest box May 18, 2018. Another egg for this nest. Third graders got to peek today!

This is the third year that we have hosted tree swallows in this box. Previously we had three years of bluebirds using the box.
Very exciting for the students to observe.

Tree Swallows

Tree Swallow and Eastern Bluebird

Tree Swallow Fledglings

While checking my nest sites I discovered a newly-fledged site of Tree Swallows. They all fledged (5)!!!!!

Tree swallow

Tree Swallow nest

tree swallow nest with eggs and parents.

Tree Swallow

Tree Swallow ready to fledge!

Guarding the house

All of the nest boxes at Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve appear to be “rented” with adult Tree Swallows valiantly defending their real estate.

Tree Swallows on Leaser Lake Nest Box Trail

Tree swallow and yarn

Our male Tree swallow attempts to get yarn into the nest box under our garage eve whithout much luck. But they got it eventually!

Tree swallow’s luxurious nest box

Tree Swallows on April 29, 2017

These Tree Swallows have been working hard on their nest. The best time to see them is in the morning.

Tree Swallow Nest 2017 Nest 3

This is the 3rd Tree Swallow nest in my yard! They chose a strange location for the nest though. It is right by some trees.

Tree Swallows Win !

We have been watching this box for over a month. The husband has 5-eggs and dedicated Eastern Blubird Parents, while my nestbox has had a half-built grass nest…Eastern Bluebirds chasing the Tree Sparrows away…House Sparrows going in and ou…. and Now Tree Swallows moving in.

Mr & Mrs Tree Swallow nesting box shopping

They have visited the box twice in as many days.

Keeping raccoons at bay

So far the hole extenders have done their job. Twice now one tree swallow has hatched a few days after the others in the clutch and cannot fledge when the nest mates do.

An unlikely home

Found Tree Swallows nesting inside the chase of the cannons at Manassas Battlefield Park

Tree swallow nest box and young

Blue Bird and Tree Swallow Battle Royale

Male Tree Swalllow and Male Blue Bird Skirmish over nest box. The Swallow ended up on box as the Blue bird already had one and conceded

Tree Swallows

Almost ready to fledge

Tree Swallows

Tree swallows hanging out in the trees beside nest box. Also a picture of the nest they built and the eggs

Sentry Watch

The bird nest box was cleaned after sparrows were chased out by a cat. The eastern bluebirds returned and are attempting to block the sparrows return

Nutmeg’s Birdhouse – Nesting Attempt 2016 – Nest Check 05/11/2016

I check my nest every 4 to 5 days. I am hosting a Tree Swallow and these are the 5 eggs. Daddy Bird likes to watch the nest during the day and Mama Bird comes and goes.

Tree swallow

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology