Tree swallow male

Tree Swallow Nest box #99

Here is a photo of Tom Bearrs, president of the Delta Naturalists, just after the installation of the 99th tree swallow box. 50 of which are installed on Kings Links by the Sea Golf Course.

Tree Swallow taking a feather

Tree Swallows will take a feather dropped for them during nest building season. How about, Yes they will even take them from your hand?” Cool 🙂

Tree Swallow Nestling

A Tree Swallow couple raised their young in one of our Bluebird nest boxes. The nestlings fledged a few days after these photos were taken.

Tree Swallows ready to fledge

Day that they fledged, waiting for a meal.

Three swallows taking turns in the opening waiting for a meal.
This was the morning of the day they fledged. I was away
at the time and missed it. When I got home they were gone.

Tree Swallow Nesting on a Gun Range :)

This little guy is nesting in a tube on a Gun range (Trap range actually) in Bridgeport, NY,
right on the edge of the NYS management area known as Cicero Swamp.
We didn’t disturb him too much, but it looks like
eggs may be inside, because two of them are guarding the tube.
We think he’s a Tree Swallow? but we’re not pros.
This little bird must be an NRA Member, and was eating insects so he’s ok with us. 🙂
The noise must not bother the birds? Its an active range.
I always see lots of cool, out of the ordinary birds at this range, this is the first one we photographed.

Welcome to the world!

first tenants

Tree Swallow nestlings

Faces only a mother could love

Photo taken during monitoring of bird boxes placed on Green Mountain by the City of Lakewood, CO. Hoping for Bluebirds this year!

Tree Swallow Nest

Tree Swallow in Bloom

This tree swallow loves its nest box so much that upon routine monitoring it doesn’t even leave the nest.

Spring on the farm

Mom’s got food!

The mother was going back and fourth feeding her young swallows she was feeding then moths which was most likely the best thing they ever tasted!

Fledging Tree Swallow

I’m Hungry & Can’t Wait!

This baby tree swallow was impatient as both his parents tried to keep up with feeding him. The parents built the nest on 5-18-14, I found the baby hatching on 6-15-14 and by 7-2-14 he was demanding to be fed.

tree swallows

I have more than one birdhouse but the swallows they always come back and like the same house, it’s adorable to see them how they protect their kids and how much they work looking for their meal

waiting to fly

June 22, tree swallows watching the outside world from the safety of their nest box.

Tree Swallow

Nest Box at Independence Oaks Park (Oakland County Parks)


One of seven nestlings in box due to fledge soon at Independence Oaks Park (part of Oakland County Parks).

tree swallow

Tree Swallow Nestlings

Tree Swallow Nestlings in plastic gourd.

Tree Swallow Eggs

Tree Swallow nest with eggs in plastic gourd.

Tree Swallows’ Success

These Tree Swallows have successfully nested in boxes intended for Eastern Bluebirds. There is another pair in the same general area, which nested and laid eggs earlier than this pair, yet their eggs have yet to hatch.

A comfortable nest

4 pink Tree Swallow eggs

2014 Tree Swallows

Three weeks ago while out in the garage I heard loud chirping to find two tree swallows circling low above the ground where I usually had my nest box. I had forgotten to put it out. Quickly mounting the box where I usually have it, the swallows entered it within a minute. They were clearly looking for last years nesting place. Three weeks later, I have 5 eggs. In 2013 I had 6 tree swallows fledge from their nest in the same location.

Tree Swallows

Taking a morning walk outside in my yard this morning…with camara in hand. was watching my tree swallows when I noticed them fusing and got my camara ready and took these photos.





Nest-box birds of Delaware 2

Nest-box birds of Delaware

Backyard bluebird boxes in use.

Bluebirds of the Jersey Shore

Although Tree Swallows and House Wrens are much more prolific than Eastern Bluebirds, we are always thrilled to house the latter!

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology