Great Crested Flycatcher

This Great Crested Flycatcher flew into my yard, and perched less than 8 feet from where I was sitting. I was sitting outside on my deck my camera, as the Pileated Woodpeckers and their young were foraging along the perimeter of my yard. This is the first time I’ve ever had this species come this close to the house. I hear the bird calling several times a day, but it has never flown into my yard and sat on a relatively low exposed perch. It made my whole day!

Six Bluebird Eggs!

This is the second brood this year for this young nesting pair. This sixth egg came as a complete surprise, as the parents were born in this same nest box only last year, so they are relatively young. Their last brood produced five fledglings, so I have my fingers crossed that we will have six more to add to my backyard family!

Eastern Bluebird babies

Eastern Bluebirds nested in my backyard for the third consecutive year, and blessed me this Spring with 5 babies. This is the first brood at 5 days old. Hatch date was April 6, 2021.

Waiting for Mourning Doves

A pair of mourning doves have selected a large pine tree for their nest. The female was working on the nest this morning while the male kept watch. It’s a decent nest for a mourning dove, it has a fairly concave shape. Now we are waiting for eggs!

The Grackles Have Roosted

There are many grackles in our area, but we hadn’t found any of their nests until today. High up in a juniper tree, this nest is very well-built and hidden from sight and contains 4 eggs.

Eastern Bluebird babies at 3 days old

Eastern Bluebird babies at 3 days old. There were 5 eggs in this clutch, and all hatched.

Eastern Bluebird hatch day!

Today was hatch day for my Eastern Bluebirds! Here are my four little bundles of joy, with one more egg to hatch. It is going to be an amazing journey watching these little ones grow up!

Breakfast is Ready

Papa Bluebird brings an insect breakfast to Mama, who is inside the nest box incubating 5 eggs.

Female Blue Jay Sits Nest

Female Female Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata) regards your photographer with a wary eye as she incubates four eggs in a backyard nest.

New Mockingbirds

A series of pictures from a Mockingbird nest in my backyard

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology