Cutest Baby Deer
We saw 3 families of Killdeer. The first family had 2 chicks, the second (shown in photos) had 3 chicks, and the third had 1 chick. We watched the 2nd family as they were within feet of us. Two of the chicks behaved, staying together and listening to Mrs. Deer, the other was with Mr. Deer. This chick wouldn’t come over even when Mrs. Deer yelled at him. He came over after lots of yelling from Mrs. Deer but took a lot longer than he needed to. I wonder where these three nests were. We only found two.
Destoryed Killdeer Eggs
We went to see Mrs. Deer. We saw her flying and yelling in distress. She landed in a field and yelled some more. After about 5 minutes. She flew away, also yelling. We saw 2 destroyed eggs. There were 4 eggs so I’m not sure what happened to the other two. What do you think would do this?
Killdeer Deer Nest Failure!
We visited the Killdeer nest. We found destroyed eggs. The mother was in a nearby field yelling. Poor Mrs. Deer! What do you think has eaten the babies? Please see my post showing the destroyed eggs.
2 Killdeer nests
Today Mr. Deer was on the nest. (and he did everything wrong!) We went to the nest and he ran away! No yelling, no broken wing display, or anything. We came back and he was on the eggs, he got up and ran away then he ran towards me (isn’t he supposed to run away with a broken wing?) saying “dee dee dee deee”. I left and he went back to the eggs. Maybe Mrs. Deer should just sit on them. She doesn’t run away. We also found another nest with another Mrs. Deer on them. She did not get up so the number of eggs in unknown.
Mrs. Deer’s Nest
Mrs. Deer is sitting on her eggs. She’s becoming more friendly and doesn’t do her broken wing display anymore.
Guarding my nest
A better view of the eggs. Four Killdeer eggs are being guarded by Mrs. Deer. 🥚