American Robin and Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Fully Feathered Carolina Wrens

Nesting in a bird box fashioned from NestWatch plans. I tucked the bird box on top of a column inside of our covered porch in late December in the hopes of attracting a mated pair, and it worked! Such a sweet little couple of birds!

Bluebird’s First Nest

Eastern Bluebird Eggs

This evening when I monitored the nest box, I was pleasantly surprised to see two eggs! I put this nest box up last summer, hoping it would be used this year. It was fun to watch the female collect dried grass from my yard and carry it to the box to construct the nest. I look forward to watching my backyard Bluebird family grow this Spring and Summer!

3 unhatched eggs

Northern Cardinal Eggs

Bluebirds growing fast

Robin’s Nest

House Finch Nest with Cowbird Egg

Discovery of house finch nest on our wreath on our front door! We noticed the house finches stealing our artificial wrath twigs last month and now we found that they built a nest! It seems we have a cowbird egg in there. The House Finch hasn’t abandoned the nest yet! Will keep an eye on it and leave out the back door for a while.

House Wren Takeover

White Eastern Bluebird Eggs

Bluebirds nest of four

Baby Blue Jays

4 eggs were discovered in a nest in my Magnolia tree. It wasn’t too high up so I was able to get a small ladder and take pictures. First time ever to have a nest where I could see it. So excited to have babies. Two for sure, possibly 4 total.

Robin egg in nest

Gila Woodpecker Family in Saguaro

Every year this saguaro gets used by (presumably) the same Gila Woodpecker family! Babies can be heard chattering away.

Rockin Robins

Watched mama and daddy Robin make this nest and added 1 egg day after day.It is right on our back porch by a window, so we can watch this exciting project.

Mourning Dove Hatchings with Father

Father mourning dove with two hatchlings, 12 days old, in potted plant nest on our patio

The Mourning Dove’s First Egg.

The first egg! Yay!

House Finch Eggs

First clutch of eggs from the House Finch nest above our door.

Overcoming adversity

Spike deterrent was put in place to stop the robins from trying to nest above the front door last year. This year the house finches have decided to use it to support their nest.

Overnight, the 2nd egg was laid and discovered in the morning.

Excited about 2nd egg since I thought that only one egg would be laid.

Light sconce robins nest

This photo was taken of a robins next atop the light sconce to the left of the front door. We don’t use that door often so it was all finished with eggs in it before we even knew it was there.

Northern Mockingbird Nest

House Finch Nest

House Wren Nest

House wren nest in a lilac bush.

California Scrub Jay

Clutch of 4 eggs

House Wren Nest.

Tree Swallow nest

tree swallow nest with eggs and parents.

The Final Look At The Eastern Phoebe Almost-Fledglings At The Nest Before They Fledge.

Day 15 Of The Nestling Phase/Period.

The 11th and 12th days of the nestling phase at the eastern phoebe nest.

The cowbird already fledged.

The Cowbird Has Left The Eastern Phoebe Nest, While The Rest Of The Pack Are Still There.

Young are growing even bigger at the eastern phoebe nest.

Nest found but builder unknown.

Little nest found but nest builder unknown.

Chipping Sparrow

The young are almost grown up at the eastern phoebe nest.

Young are growing fast at the eastern phoebe nest!

Mourning Dove Eggs and Nest

Mourning doves are nesting outside our kitchen door!

Feeding time at the eastern phoebe nest!

Chipping Sparrow

An eastern phoebe nest full of young!

We have 3 eggs!

Our first Cardinal nest!! She did a good job.

A lot of little mouths at the eastern phoebe nest!


Some phoebes hatch at the eastern phoebe nest.

Those phoebes are on top of an unhatched egg.

Cowbird egg has hatched at the eastern phoebe nest!

His name is bonbon. I named him!

Some photos I forgot to submit of the last fledgling being taken care of before fledging.

Some photos I forgot to submit of the last fledgling being taken care of before fledging. He sure has nice parents! The cowbird nestling already fledged the day before.

Mrs. Phoebe At Her Nest.

Maya is doing a good job incubating all those eggs! I don’t know how she fits on top of them all!

All the nestlings fledged at the northern cardinal nest.

I’m going to miss them…..
Maybe they will lay more eggs in the nest as soon as they teach their fledglings how to survive.

Another Phoebe Egg Has Been Laid In the Eastern Phoebe Nest, Along With A Cowbird Egg.

Why do those cowbirds find every nest in north america?!

The Eastern Phoebes Are Back In The Same Nest With 4 New Eggs!

Maya & Dino Are Back!

Mother Cardinal Keeping The Nestlings Warm.

Mother And Father Cardinal Feed The Babies!


Black throated hummingbird nesting

This is the second year we have had hummingbirds nest on our patio.

The Empty Eastern Phoebe Nest.

New Robin Nest

This robin and her husband/wife where both running up and down the tree all day building their nest! I went to see what all the commotion was about and found this nest!

Eastern Phoebe Nest Under Deck

I discovered this Eastern Phoebe nest under our deck in an area where it won’t get rained on. The phoebes have been active on the nest since they started to lay the eggs, but only in recent days once they had laid a full clutch have they been even more protective of the nest.

Cowbird & Cardinal nestlings in northern cardinal nest.

Cardinal egg & cowbird egg hatch in northern cardinal nest.

I’m not your step-father, cowbird!

2 Mourning Dove babies

After only seeing one egg a month ago in the nest, Momma never seemed to leave again for me to check on it. I saw her up there a couple days ago sitting next to one baby. Then today I went out and there were 2 babies!!! So excited. She must have laid her other egg and then kept her young guarded toward the back of the nest where I could not see them. Congratulations Momma Mourning Dove on 2 beautiful babies.

Robin nest

Didn’t want to disturb her, but you can see the white off her vent and tail as she sits, just below the yellow leaf. They relocated nest sites due to mourning dove disturbances in thier original tree.

Starling nest

If ya can’t beat em, work with them. Which is why we give our starling pair a larger nest box in our shop they can nest in, so we don’t have issues whith taking over swallow nests on our property. Luckily our pair isn’t very confrontational unless it’s with predators (wich is quite usefull!)

Having a rest.

Mother cardinal peeking out of the nest.

Don’t go near a new nest until the owner has laid eggs.

Don’t go near a new nest until the owner has laid eggs. If you do, the bird will choose to leave and make the nest somewhere else. It happened to my mother when there were sparrows making a nest on our roof. And it happened to me when I wanted to take a closer look at this robin! The owner won’t leave the nest after there are eggs inside. So don’t go near a nest until the owner has laid eggs! Otherwise you know what will happen!

Dad phoebe feeding nestlings.

Mr. phoebe, or “Dino” as I named him is bringing food to the little ones! Miss phoebe, or “maya” had to move out of the way!

Mama phoebe and her nest.

This is mama phoebe and her nest.

Chipping Sparrow In Her Nest

This chipping sparrow is incubating her eggs.

Carolina Chickadee Nest

These chickadees started building 2 days ago.

robin nest

Robin nest, one day after the fourth egg was laid.

Chickadee on next

As I approached the box, the male flew out, but mama stayed put. I think she was actually sleeping when I snapped the shot. I later noticed a spider on the side of the box, who I thought was an unwelcomed visitor. A friend shared that it will manage the insects in the box, so is actually a beneficial guest. There are 6 eggs in the nest, which I first spotted about 2 weeks ago.

Anna’s Hummingbirds nest with two eggs

Nest 4.5′ off ground. Female off the nest to eat.

Mourning Dove Egg

Mourning Dove egg found this morning. in a new nest on my front porch. Momma flew away when I went out to check my mail. She came back soon and resumed her nesting.

Eastern Blue’s

One a day for the last five. We’ll see if the nest gets any more crowded.

Carolina Wren Nest

Robin Nest 4 11 2017

Our first confirmed clutch of 2017…This nest site is directly adjacent to our deck, and has been used for several years as a nest site…last year, three batches of baby Robins came from this site.

Trying to identify this nest

American Robin Nest with Young

“Me first”

male Red Necked Grebe feeding chicks on the nest

Junco Eggs

I’ve seen this Junco pair in and out of a hanging Strawberry basket for a week or so and just discovered it had 2 eggs in it yesterday.

Pileated Woodpecker – Nesting 2016

Adult Pileated Woodpecker, nesting in a live sycamore tree at Hollis Renewal Center (KS) – audible nestlings/fledglings heard a few days later. This nesting pair has been at Hollis, year-round, for 3 years.

Gravel nest

Of a nest

Eastern Phoebe nest with eggs

2 weeks ago this nest appeared complete and had cowbird eggs in it. Last week the Phoebe built a new nest “liner” on top of the old one, burying the cowbird eggs. Today only phoebe eggs. Clever bird

Chickadee nest ready for egg laying!

Alpaca Fur used to line nest.

Potential to be Very Busy Parents

1st time nesting for robins in my woodshed.

Hatched-3 Northern Cardinals

3 little Northern Cardinals, freshly hatched in a thorny bush right outside our front door, just in time for Mother’s Day.

Baby Bluebirds

First nesting attempt a success! Baby Bluebirds at 5 days and 33 days from first nesting of the 2016 season. 2nd nesting attempt has started with the female laying her first egg in the same nest box on 5-4-16.

Pretty Blue Robin Eggs

Photo taken 4/30/16

3 Cardinal eggs

3 Northern Cardinal eggs.

Red-shouldered on Nest

Red-shouldered on nest at Eagle Creek Park in Indianapolis, IN

Mallard Incubating Eggs

Taken on Canon PowerShot SX530 HS
She let me come right up to her making for a great photo opp. In this picture, she was incubating ten eggs.

Female Mallard Incubating

This picture was taken by our Audubon BirdCam that we set up on the Mallard nest.

Female Mallard on Nest

This photo was taken by our Audubon BirdCam that we set up on a Mallard nest in our yard. She had just been scared off the nest by a Gray Squirrel, and in this picture, she was warily sneaking back to her eggs.

Three Baby Barn Swallows

Three baby Barn Swallows waiting for mama to bring their lunch.

Black-Chinned Hummingbirds

Observing a Black Chinned Hummingbird nest since the nest was built.

Bewick’s in a Boot

I kept seeing a wren fly off my porch, but I couldn’t see the nest. My dog was sniffing the boot and my husband pulled it off the rack to look inside. Sure enough, there was the nest. I moved a big bowl and some dog leashes to take the picture and then replaced them. I guess I won’t bother taking the boots in to be resoled. They’ve already been re-purposed.

Mom and chicks

Mourning Dove with 2 chicks (about 10 days old). Little one on the right poses for the camera, while the sibling on the left turned around and is only showing its tail and wings.

Mockingbird in a rosebush.

Mockingbird nest in the rosebush. about 2 1/2 feet off the ground.

Carolina Wrens

2 Carolina wrens very close to fledging

Bluebirds Ready to Fledge

1st Gray Catbird Nest

Catbird nest has 4 eggs now! 😀

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology