Junco baby about to Fledge

Junco baby about to fledge, it jumped from the nest basket (fuschia) into another basket (petunia) and then took off from here. Last baby Junco to fledge in 2020.

Violet-green Swallow fledgling.

Violet-green Swallow baby within hours of fledging.

Violet-green Swallow meal time

Violet-green Swallow baby being fed at nest box entrance. They should fledge in the next day or 2. I will miss them!

Nearly There!

This is the first time I’ve seen any of the babies so far out of the nest cup I could get a picture. A few dozen attempts and I finally got this amazing picture! This is 1 of 3 babies on day 11-12. I think at least 2 of them fledge tomorrow, #3 hatched a full day later.

Dark-eyed Junco, freshly hatched!

I’m lucky enough to have discovered this nest in one of my Strawberry baskets. I now have a nest camera on it.

Junco Eggs

I’ve seen this Junco pair in and out of a hanging Strawberry basket for a week or so and just discovered it had 2 eggs in it yesterday.

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology