Carolina Wrens on Seed Bell

I placed my camera outside on a remote shutter and within minutes a pair of Carolina Wrens appeared! The pictures turned out really nice and sharp.

Banded Carolina Wren and Downy Woodpecker/nest ID needed!

Birding at Edith Moore in Houston, lots of birds including a banded Carolina Wren and a banded Downy Woodpecker. We also came across this nest.

Carolina Wren Babies

Our “Workshop Nest” built by the Carolina Wren contained two beautiful little eggs, which we were pleased to observe as successfully hatched today (Easter Sunday)!

Workshop Nest

We’ve discovered an unusually placed nest, eye level in the old workshop next to the light switch of all places. Power to this building is off, and we don’t often use it anymore, so the wren has taken up shop.

House Wrens KILL

Tree Swallow nest

House Wren De

East Pilgrim wren, an unexpected guest

Right in our own backyard, this adorable little bird took up residence and delighted us much of April throughout May, but seems to have left.

A Chip off the Old Block

The Carolina wren on the right was banded by Cornell’s NestWatch program in 2016 (band #2741-54604). Although sex was indeterminate at the time of banding, his nonstop singing and territorial guarding of his turf soon indicated he was a male. He is a daily visitor to our feeders. We call him Randy. On the day this photo was taken, Randy’s latest brood had just fledged from a nest located in our potting shed which, try as we might, we were never able to locate. We did, however, witness Randy and his mate entering the shed through a gap in the roof with food offerings (including peanut splits!) over a period of about 2 weeks.

Pick Up Sticks

A House Wren constructs a nest in a Gilbertson-style nest box in my backyard.

House Wrens

We had a House Wren nest in our garage, there were a lot of fledglings.

Wren in workbench

Carolina Wren Babies

As we have been watching these four Carolina Wren eggs in the NestWatch spirit, these four little fellas hatched sometime between our last checkup!

House Wren Nest.

Wren with Spider

Wren feeding babies.

House wrens


Baby Wrens!

The Wrens should fledge soon!

House Wrens have hatched!

The House Wren eggs in birdhouse have hatched! 😀 The babies are so small!

House Wren eggs

5 House Wren eggs.

Wren hatchlings – 2 down, 3 to go.

Wren nest – 2 hatchlings, 3 eggs

story of the wrens

The resident Carolina wren decided to build a nest in my porch. Out of a brood of four, three fledged.

four chicks

Yesterday I heard small peeps then to my surprise I saw four little fuzzy heads with beaks opeb waiting for some bugs! They are so cute!

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology