Territorial mama Quail chases away squirrel

Nine eggs in the nest. Quails are comfortable with the privacy of their nesting area. Squirrel tries to infiltrate. Boom!

Second pair of Black capped chickadees excavating woodchips out of nestbox

this is on 82 Camic Road in Central Square in my parents backyard by the lilac bushes. Just to note on the map of my submission it points where my apartment is not my parents house where the video was taken. I go to my parents house to watch the birds and take pictures. This video is a second pair of chickadees excavating woodchips out of the nest box which is right next to the other nestbox that has the nest in it.

Western Bluebird

Four of the five bluebird eggs have hatched this morning in the bird box outside!

Baby robins

I’m making my whole family use the garage door.

Mourning dove lays an egg

A pair of mourning doves nests on a small ledge on our house, and we watch them with a webcam. This video shows the female dove laying the second egg of her first clutch of the season on March 23, 2019.

GET OUT – Black-crested Titmouse protecting her eggs

Needless to say there were some “U”s on the submission form for this day. Parent didn’t leave nest with noises and tapping the nest box. This was from March 29, 2018. She layed 4 eggs and successfully fledged 4 Titmouses.

Bluebird Helper from 2018 ( Baby feeding babies on fledging day )

This is a short clip from a video of the 3rd nest of birds fledging last year from our front yard nest box. This older sibling fed the remaining birds between babies fledging. Several of the older babies fed the third babies and some of the young fed the new fledgling on the feeder too.

Mourning doves nest-building time-lapse

A pair of mourning doves nest above our front door, where we watch them on a webcam. This is a time-lapse video of the doves building their first nest of the 2018 nesting season on Feb. 28, 2018.

Say’s Phoebe Chicks up close

We monitored the nest in our house after we noticed it was occupied.
Mother raised them healthy and strong, they left the next today, and these are some memories.

Birds coexisting

This video was recorded in May 2018. Small birds returned to this nest after raising babies summer 2017. Shortly thereafter, a pair of Robins started building a nest directly on top of their birdhouse. Both have babies and will often feed their babies at the same time. This birdhouse is located under our covered porch, so close to human activity that I assumed this birdhouse would just be decorative.

Mallard family hatched and to river

Hatched on parking lot median and to river via walkway

Chickadees remove Bluebird eggs from Nesting Box in Tennessee

5 Bluebird eggs were in this nest originally. I found 2 broken eggs on the ground and another was missing the morning of April 24. 2 eggs remained in the best. I put up a camera in an attempt to see what bird was responsible. A few hours later, a pair of chickadees are caught on camera going in and out of the nesting box. I edited 2.5 hours of video down to 12 minutes of activity. Skip to 10:58 to see the egg in the chickadee’s beak. Papa Bluebird returns at (12:06) the end of the video to find his home raided.

Bluebird Young working up courage to leave the nest

Eastern Bluebird Nestlings

These nestlings are approximately 2 weeks old. They survived a brief cold snap and storm last week.

Cardinal Mate Feeding

This Northern Cardinal pair was out at the feeder this morning, and the male was feeding his mate a bite of seed.

Back Porch Bluebird Babies

Dark-eyed junco roosting in a purple martin house

For about 2 weeks this junco has been roosting every evening in my purple martin gourds or houses. Video created on 3/5/18.

Mourning Dove Beak Feeding 2

Was lucky enough to be monitoring my camera when I caught the mate fly in with a fresh supply of feed for the hatchlings. Nest duty seems to be equally divided.

Mourning Dove Beak Feeding 1

At 7 days, Dove chicks have grown at a rapid pace and so has their appetite. Mom/Dad handles both at the same time.. Since both take turns sitting on nest, it is unclear which of the two is currently on sitting duty.

Mourning Dove Beak Feeding

Chicks will require food whenever they get hungry. That may be during the day or the night. Infra red camera catching this activity during the night.

Female Chestnut-backed Chickadee busy building nest

The female chickadee started building her nest last Saturday, 2/17/2018. But she’s working hard at it today. I’ve been watching her fly down to the neighbor’s yard, gather a good billfull of redwood bark fur, and head back to the nestbox on my balcony to add it to the growing nest.

Mourning Dove Nesting

Video captured by my Arlo home security camera as dove returns to her nest. Video taken on 2/6/2018 (2 days following first egg) The weather has been seasonal with temperatures in the high 70’s.

Hummingbird raises chicks outside a window of our home-3

While we were away from home for a few weeks in the spring of 2017, a hummingbird built a nest on top of a wind chime about 3 inches from a window of our house. Being unfamiliar with bird species identification, all I did was take a number of short videos from June 16 through July 4, 2017. The first chick hatched between June 9 and June 11, the second sometime on June 11 or 12. The last chick flew away July 4. We were away when the first chick flew away. I named the mother “Constance” because she was of course constantly on the job. The chicks I named Exe and Wye because their size was variable.

Hummingbird raises chicks outside a window of our home-2

While we were away from home for a few weeks in the spring of 2017, a hummingbird built a nest on top of a wind chime about 3 inches from a window of our house. Being unfamiliar with bird species identification, all I did was take a number of short videos from June 16 through July 4, 2017. The first chick hatched between June 9 and June 11, the second sometime on June 11 or 12. The last chick flew away July 4. We were away when the first chick flew away. I named the mother “Constance” because she was of course constantly on the job. The chicks I named Exe and Wye because their size was variable.

Hummingbird raises chicks outside a window of our home.

While we were away from home for a few weeks in the spring of 2017, a hummingbird built a nest on top of a wind chime about 3 inches from a window of our house. Being unfamiliar with bird species identification, all I did was take a number of short videos from June 16 through July 4, 2017. The first chick hatched between June 9 and June 11, the second sometime on June 11 or 12. The last chick flew away July 4. We were away when the first chick flew away. I named the mother “Constance” because she was of course constantly on the job. The chicks I named Exe and Wye because their size was variable.

Breeding female Bullock’s Orioles

A gaggle of female orioles that come back annually during their breeding season arriving each year at the end of March. With this crop, there are two males that show up at the feeder from time-to-time. They are a lot of maintenance – I have to make sure to keep the feeders stocked twice a day. It is a bittersweet experience to go out into the backyard and realize they have all abruptly moved on…usually happens in the first weeks of September…

Eurasian dove feeding baby

Eastern Screech Owl Nest with 2 owlets being fed

I am very fortunate to have a pair of eastern screech owls nesting in my backyard. Using my shed as a blind I set up at night at 830pm to take some videos of mom coming in to feed the owlets.

Enjoy seeing the 2 owlets fed worms and grubs.

Northern Flicker “I’m not ready to go…”

A Northern Flicker fledged with a little help from his sister. Is she laughing after she gives him the shove-off? He flew well for about 100 feet to a tree branch, followed by dad to check on him. Sister fledged about 2 minutes later, followed by mom. I was extremely lucky to witness this event, as I had just gotten the iPhone and scope set up to capture whatever was happening at the nest box.

The other 2 or 3 siblings fledged the following morning. It was hard to tell how many nestlings were inside since they were constantly jostling for position at the hole in order to be the first to be fed when mom or dad came around.

Wood Duck

Female Wood Duck has been busy laying eggs and now lining the box with her downy feathers. Incubation should begin soon. Currently, there are 10 eggs in the box.

Female Wood Duck

Female Wood Duck nesting in backyard box near creek. She is not yet incubating, but has spent 2 nights in the box this weekend. She is currently busy lining the box with her downy feathers. There are 10 eggs in the box so far. Incubation should be soon!

Eastern Phoebe hatchlings

The day I saw an egg shell on the ground under the nest, I got this quick video.

May 10 2017

Video of Robin bringing worm

Live nest cam of Chickadee and Swallow nests

Here’s the link to my USTREAM live 24/7 stream of the split screen now showing both our Black Capped Chickadee nest and our Violet Green Swallow nest at the same time. The screen has a date/time stamp.

The Chickadee as laid 7 eggs which should hatch any day now (as of 5-10-17) and the Swallow is finishing her nest and should lay eggs soon. Please also click on “Follow” when in USTREAM and share it with anyone else who may be interested

Violet Green Swallows feeding newly hatched young

Here is a link to a video I narrated of a male & female Violet Green Swallow (my wife Becky named them Ed & Abby) from last year (2016) tending to 6 newly hatched chicks. All successfully fledged.

Black Capped Chickadee removing a bee from nest

Black Capped Chickadee female just laid 7 eggs and had a bee visit while brooding, and quickly got rid of it!

Baby cardinals and mama

Practice Session

I’ve been monitoring Baltimore Orioles, daily, in my yard, on 1-2 Wingscapes bird Cams, since the first arrival on Labor Day, 2016. During this time I’ve seen some interesting behavior, and have been able to identify, by markings, many individuals over the 8 month period. This was special, as it was the last Baltimore Oriole, on the last day of the fall/winter season, in Florida, before departing for her breeding grounds, up north. I assume, triggered by hormones, this oriole had a little “practice” session of nest building. Wishing her a safe journey!

American Robin feed the baby and collect the baby waste

The nest was on my windowsill so I got the chances to watch close and clear enough and took videos and pictures. ( this was taken last year 2016 )

Male bringing in food for female nuthatch

Male white breasted nuthatch bringing in food for female on the nest. He was a little nervous of my presence.

Carolina Chickadee Last Egg Hatching 4.23.17

Carolina Chickadee Mom-Dad Feeding Family

Carolina Chickadee Hatchlings barely an hour or so old and mom or dad are feeding them.

Feeding Time

Daddy finch is tending to the baby finches, 5 total. Mommy bird is taking a break.

Chickadees – St. Louis Park, MN

Chickadees building nest in box equipped with camera streaming to YouTube.

Titmouse parent removes fecal sac

Hybrid Tufted/Black-crested Titmouse parent removes fecal sac from 11 day old hatchling. Very interesting!! Taken with bird cam.

Crowded House

Harriet and Ozzie’s clan, 4 owlets, John, Paul, George and Ringo

White-Tailed Kite Chicks Greet Sunrise

While waiting for their parents to bring food, these White-Tailed Kite chicks become animated as the rising sun reaches their nest high in a stately, broad-crowned pine.

Great Crested Flycatcher Nest Day 9

Bluebird Nest April 25 Day 14

A couple of nest mysteries

You can ignore the first mystery, it was a dead hummer at my feeder then after that I had a couple of nest mysteries, the still shots show what I was up against. First, a Black-capped Chickadee nest…and only one ‘hatchling’ with some four or five other eggs that never hatched. Second, a Western Bluebird nest that after the season was over I found a dead what I think was a female Violet-green Swallow in, underneath- and a couple of Bluebird eggs that never hatched. Two nest oddities.

Bushtit nest building and ‘cleaning’

At the William L Finley National Refuge I observed this Bushtit nest very close to the trail. After capturing some stills of the two adults working on the nest I decided to shoot some video as well. Bushtits make a very interesting ‘sock-like’ nest of lichen, moss, grasses and spider webs. Because the nest is pliable, it’s almost comical to watch the adults as they move around in the nest!

MCHM Robins Videos

These videos accompany my pictures submission.

Scrub Jay fledgling and parent

This is the third day the young Jay appeared out of the nest. He seems to be getting a few last meals from his parent and flexing his wings.


Cowbird stealing eggs from Eastern Phoebe nest the day of their hatching

Robin’s Nest

House Wrens Constructing their Nest

New birdhouse created to attract House Wrens. Birdhouse was installed in March and the pair began their nest construction at the end of April.

New guests in rear yard

New Guests in rear yard

Multiple videos of new guests

Gambel’s Quail Fledglings 4/11/16

All eggs hatched and fledglings jumped out of our patio plant pot. They follow both parents to the great outdoors. Good luck to them!

Patio friend

I had some Eastern Screech Owls nest in my patio, three to be exact. Parents Dewey and Darcy, both red morphs always stayed close by, but in this video, Dora, the eldest flew the nest during the day. She decided to rest for the evening of flying attempts by napping on my patio chair. We just chatted it up and enjoyed the lovely spring weather.

Afternoon relaxin

Decided to visit with my owlet

house wren house cleaning

taking out the trash

Black-Chinned Hummingbirds

Observing a Black Chinned Hummingbird nest since the nest was built.

Baby Flickers are Talking at age 5 days old

After having starlings destroy the flickers nest last year, I became more vigilant in my trapping of starlings. It paid off this year and the flickers have 5 babies. Learn all about my experience with nesting flickers at http://www.kansasnativeplants.com/yard_birds_northernflicker.php

Mourning Dove Eggs

GCF Nest Construction

This is the third your in a row, that this nest box has been used by a GCF pair, perhaps the same pair. It took seven days to complte, and was constructed with straws and grasses, leaves, animal fur, at least, one feather, plastic Publix grocery bag, and last, but not least, at least two different pieces of shed snake skin, added on last two nest construction days. This female appears to have high standards, always shopping for Publix bags. She’s never used a bag from Wal-mart! 🙂

Allen’s Hummingbird vs. Yellow Warbler

Female Allen’s hummingbird is building a nest in this rose tree. The yellow warbler intrudes and a battle ensues. It lasted about 15 minutes before the warbler got the message and left the rose tree to forage elsewhere.

Eastern Bluebirds feeding babies.

Mom & Dad blue feed their newly fledged babies. Second video is of Carolina Wren’s fledging. They made a nest in our file folder holder outside office door.

Bullock’s Oriole being fed

Crows and wood chips

Ever since a neighbor cut down some trees and spread the wood chips around in the woods behind my house, I’ve seen crows congregate there. Sometimes it seemed they were there to enjoy the water that accumulated there. Then I noticed that they liked the wood chips too. Even ate one. I don’t get it. Crows eat wood chips? Big chunks? Is this how they get their fiber? 🙂

Great crested flycatcher fledgling leaving the nest

I was lucky to be able to witness the flycatchers fledging. I saw one fly out so I got the camera and recorded this. They sure aren’t very big when they fledge.

House Wren feeding the kids.

This shows one the House Wren parents coming to feed the kids.

Anna’s Hummingbird Landing at Her Nest

An Anna’s Hummingbird lands at her nest and nestles down over her two jelly bean-sized eggs. Filmed on location at Natural Bridges State Beach, Santa Cruz, CA.
This and other related video clips may be seen at the blog page on my website where I present a three-part post about this hummingbird and her chicks.

Anna’s Hummingbird Returns to Her Nest

An Anna’s Hummingbird returns to her nest to feed her remaining chick (the other had fledged the day before).
Filmed on location at Natural Bridges State Beach,, Santa Cruz, CA.
This is one of several videos that may be viewed at the blog page of my website, where I present a three-part post about this hummingbird and her chicks.

Anna’s Hummingbird Feeds Her Chicks

An Anna’s Hummingbird returns to her nest to feed her hungry chicks. She feeds them a steady diet of sap, insects, and nectar.
You can see this and other related videos at the blog page on my website: http://www.biophiliapress.com, where I present a three-part blog post about this Anna’s Hummingbird and her chicks.

Anna’s Hummingbird Chick Hatched

Less than twenty-four hours old, this tiny Anna’s Hummingbird chick slept next to its sibling which hatched the next day.
You can see this and other related videos at the blog page on my website: http://www.biophiliapress.com, where you will find a three-part blog post about an Anna’s Hummingbird and her chicks filmed on location at Natural Bridges State Beach, Santa Cruz, CA.

Anna’s Hummingbird Chicks Exercising Their Wings

These chicks were a few days away from fledging. They had become increasingly aware of other winged, feathered creatures flying about, and they realized that they too, will soon fly.

Bluebirds fledge 2014

Last three chicks fledging from the box on May 23, 2014, between 3 and 4 PM EDT. I was not quick enough to get the first chick fledging, but it was less than 5 minutes before the second chick.

Annas Hummingbird doing what she does best.

Nashville Flicker

Male Flicker in and on hollow tree, drumming and calling

All of my bird videos (a playlist)

This playlist lists all of the bird videos I have uploaded to YouTube. Hope it works and is useful.

Baby house wrens first appearance and fly the coop (late June, 2011)

45 minutes worth of edited footage (from 5 hours) of 3 baby house wrens making their first appearance and then flying the coop. I edited out sections when nothing happend. (This footage was ripped from a DVD. That is what caused it to be so blurry.)

Baby Mourning Dove Hatches

The video shows the mother dove assisting to remove the shell from the chick as it hatches. Then she takes the shell in her bill and flies with it from the nest.

Feeding Time


This is the third/ fourth time the hummer was spotted in the same area we think it was likely nesting there.

red-tailed hawk nest 2012

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology