An eastern phoebe nest full of young!

We have 3 eggs!

Our first Cardinal nest!! She did a good job.

Flycatchers fledged.

I missed the action of the birds leaving the nest. Watching for them around the yard.

House Wrens

Catbirds growing bigger

Second Bluebird Nest!

A lot of little mouths at the eastern phoebe nest!


Great blue heron rookery

This is a giant tree where the herons are nesting on a small island in the middle of a lake

American Robin Nest

Eastern Bluebird Nest

Some phoebes hatch at the eastern phoebe nest.

Those phoebes are on top of an unhatched egg.

Bluebird Nest Box

“Gangsta” Bluebirds

The Bluebird Box in Chicago’s West Ridge Nature Preserve that yielded 3 successful fledglings last year was TAGGED with gang Graffiti this April. After a first nesting attempt was thwarted by House Wrens, the Bluebirds came back and as of 6/20/2017 have a brood of four.

Petunia’s nest 2017 (3rd yr)

For the last 3 years we have a pot of petunias hanging on the front porch.
We named the dove couple petunia and peter since they keep returning.
I’m sure their previous offspring are still around the house.
On some days at the feeder we have 20 doves 🙂
I like to think I’m helping, my neighbors I’m sure don’t agree….

Barn Swallow Chicks (x5!)

House Wrens

Catbird Chicks

Flycatchers are almost fledglings.

Bluebird’s Second Brood

Robin chicks, 5 days old

This nest is in a playground structure and it gets very hot. I’m kind of worried about how they’re doing. They were getting fed, and at least 3 of them are alive.

Cowbird egg has hatched at the eastern phoebe nest!

His name is bonbon. I named him!

Some photos I forgot to submit of the last fledgling being taken care of before fledging.

Some photos I forgot to submit of the last fledgling being taken care of before fledging. He sure has nice parents! The cowbird nestling already fledged the day before.

Northern Flicker “I’m not ready to go…”

A Northern Flicker fledged with a little help from his sister. Is she laughing after she gives him the shove-off? He flew well for about 100 feet to a tree branch, followed by dad to check on him. Sister fledged about 2 minutes later, followed by mom. I was extremely lucky to witness this event, as I had just gotten the iPhone and scope set up to capture whatever was happening at the nest box.

The other 2 or 3 siblings fledged the following morning. It was hard to tell how many nestlings were inside since they were constantly jostling for position at the hole in order to be the first to be fed when mom or dad came around.

American Robin baby and feeding adult

American Robin about 5 days old, and adult feeding grasshopper to young Robins

Great Crested Flycatcher nest in a wood duck box

This photo was taken on 6/11/17 at Mackay Island NWR in Knotts Island, NC. This flycatcher pair has nested in a wood duck box, and used a snake skin to line the bottom. Four nestlings visible. I am not NestWatching the box. Other camera angles available.

House Finch(?) Nest

Active nest right outside our front door! My children have fun keeping tabs on this little family of birds. We are just learning how to monitor nests. So far, we have not disturbed these birds in any way other than taking photos of them from inside the house with a telephoto lens.

Tree Swallow ready to fledge!

Six baby barn swallows!

This is the third year this pair has used the same nest. The first year they had one brood and last year they had two. Their babies from previous years come visit frequently and we love watching the family all lined up on our gutter above our front porch.

Catbird Fledglings

Doves are almost fledglings.

Feathered Flycatchers

Catbird Hatchlings

Ruby-throated hummingbird

Eastern Bluebirds

White-eyed Vireo nest with vireo hatchling and parasitic cowbird hatchling

White-eyed Vireo nest with two unhatched eggs, one one-day-old Vireo hatchling and one two-day-old Brown-headed Cowbird hatchling. This nest was secured to a poison ivy vine near the edge of a marsh.

Carolina Wren Chicks

A few-days-old, Carolina Wren nestlings (five). The fifth chick is buried beneath the other four.

Eastern bluebird feeding young

Barn Swallow

Mrs. Phoebe At Her Nest.

Maya is doing a good job incubating all those eggs! I don’t know how she fits on top of them all!

House Wrens Hatched

Dove Chicks Growing Fast

Hatched Flycatchers

Black capped chickadee nest in old fountain

5 Fatherless Bluebirds hatched!

The parenting pair of these 5 Bluebirds was broken up when the male died. I took him to a licensed Wildlife
Rehabilitation Center where he died shortly after arriving. The cause was not determined. The female is trying to raise them on her own. I am feeding Mealworm 4 times a day to help her.

leucistic house sparrow juvenile and nest

red-eyed vireo nest

louisiana waterthrush fledgeling

killdeer chick running

feral jungle fowl in key west

mute swan and chick

House wren chicks

Wrens have fledged!

After about a month of monitoring a nest of Carolina Wrens in my backyard, I finally got to see them leave the nest. It has been a lot of fun seeing these little guys grow up.

Time to Fly Little One!

While it may seem that this House Wren was feeding this nestling, it actually was tempting it to join its brothers and sisters who had already fledged. The parent snatched that food out of the nestlings mouth as quickly as it went in. It took a while but the temping finally worked!!


I was mowing the lawn and she flew out. I had never seen a bird’s nest like this, she is now very protected.

House Finch in planter

House Finch in planter

House Finch in planter

House Finch in planter

House Finch in planter

Housefinch built a nest in my flower planter (hanging) and I have been watching. It is right outside my front door.

Blue Birds 2017 First Brood

This is the First Brood of Eastern Bluebirds!!! 2017

Four Nestlings Fledged!

Pair of chickadees

We thought a predator had gotten to this nest and gotten all the hatchlings. The bird house is in rough shape but the chickadees nested before I could replace it. I was quite happy to see that at least two made it!

Eastern Bluebird brood of six

Cow Bird eggs in Chipping Sparrow nest

Eastern Bluebird Eggs

Female Scarlet Tanager With Nesting Material.

I just saw this Mrs. Tanager with nest material and I have been trying to follow them to the nest, but I keep losing them. ( The Mr. Tanager was with her. )

All the nestlings fledged at the northern cardinal nest.

I’m going to miss them…..
Maybe they will lay more eggs in the nest as soon as they teach their fledglings how to survive.

Heron Rookery

Feeding time at one nest in a rookery including perhaps 60 nests.
I visit the site a number of times each year to photograph the nesting habits of the herons and the growth of the young

Red Tail Hawk with his supper

Red Tail hawk with his fresh caught supper

Tree Swallow in a nest box

Was going to clean out after the blue birds fledged but the swallows moved in before I could!

Another Phoebe Egg Has Been Laid In the Eastern Phoebe Nest, Along With A Cowbird Egg.

Why do those cowbirds find every nest in north america?!

Phoeding Time

Taking just before the young fledged Summer, 2016.

great crested flycatcher nest

“old’ bluebird nesting box, entrance knawed out to 3” by raccoons on forest edge of lawn

The Eastern Phoebes Are Back In The Same Nest With 4 New Eggs!

Maya & Dino Are Back!

Northern Mockingbirds

Northern Mockingbird fledglings, ready to leave nest.

Mother Cardinal Keeping The Nestlings Warm.

Great Crested Flycatchers hatched

Five hatched Great Crested Flycatchers. First viewing since hatched, nest additions continue with more feathers, fur, and grass. Snakeskin has been covered over. Photos of single Great Crested Flycatcher are dad hanging around just waiting for eggs to hatch. Now both parents are busy bringing bugs.

Second Dove Nest

This is another Mourning Dove brood that about a week behind the other nest that I have posted.

Great Crested Flycatcher Nest

Mourning Doves

Catbirds have hatched!

check out our back feathers coming in!

2nd go round for daddy bluebird…he has a new female and so far so good!

House Finch Nest

House Finch Fledglings

Attempt #2 Eastern Bluebird

Excitingly awaiting the hatching around 6/6/17 of my second attempt of Eastern Bluebirds.

Ruby-throated hummingbird nest.

Eastern bluebird – Brood #2 highlights

Highlights for Brood #2. Only 2 of the 3 eggs hatched for this pair’s second nesting attempt In total, 7 babies have now fledged over the past 2 broods this season. They are now working on brood #3 with 3 eggs laid thus far.

Forget something?

The last brood just fledged on 2 Jun 17 from Nestbox #1. In Nestbox #1 she was building a nest on top of the old nest before they even fledged. Expecting that she was going to lay again soon I checked Nestbox #1 with the new nest she built….nothing yet. Then, I decided to check Nestbox #2…and this is what I found.

Mother And Father Cardinal Feed The Babies!


New additions

Right when I think all our swallows have nest sites, another whole group of GV swallows appears!

Ruby-throated hummingbird

Black throated hummingbird nesting

This is the second year we have had hummingbirds nest on our patio.

Purple Finch Light Fixture

Great Crested Flycatcher

Catbird Nest.

Dove Chicks Hatched!

Father cardinal hanging out in the trees.

Eastern Bluebirds in Texas

Baby birds

The Empty Eastern Phoebe Nest.

New Robin Nest

This robin and her husband/wife where both running up and down the tree all day building their nest! I went to see what all the commotion was about and found this nest!

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology