Humming Bird that hit our window

This poor Humming bird hit our window, I do not know if it will live or not.

3 unhatched eggs

Mourning Dove Nest on our Patio

A pair of very attentive mourning doves choose our window box for their nest! We lovingly continue to observe them, being careful not to go out unless it’s to water our plants. It’s well sheltered from the sun & wind, however perhaps a little exposed to bird predators. Have made our silent presence know when a crow attempted an egg theft one morning ??


Nest found about 5 feet from ground, in a jasmine bush located next to garage doors.This was a low human traffic area with the exception of opening the garage doors. There are owls, hawks, jays, ravems in area but none were seen near nest. Photos were taken with iphone and Galaxy S9+. Nest easily viewed.

Barn nest

Eastern phoebe nest in our barn on top of light post, cowbird egg was removed from the nest

Tree Swallow pair enters Mt Bluebird active nest

Tree Swallow pair enters Mountain Bluebird active nest of 6 nestlings

Bluebird Brood

House Wren Brood

Bluebird Chicks

Great Egret juvenile with strange curved beak!

There is a rookery (egretry?) in residential Santa Rosa that I was photographing. The trees have many nests of Great and Snowy Egrets and Black-crowned Night-Herons. When I returned home (to Arcata, CA) and reviewed my photos, I noticed this strange beak on one of the juveniles begging food from its parent. I’m not sure if it had fledged yet. Probably a mutation?

At least 3 Bewick’s Wren nestlings

This is a photo of the nest box video as it shows on my TV.

My first Bewick’s Wren nest

Normally I have Black-capped Chickadees nesting in this box, but this year, although they built the nest AND I saw an adult spending the night in the box (via nest cam), no eggs were laid. I didn’t see much activity and went to clean out their nest and found this… I hooked up the nest cam and there were 4-6 Bewick’s Wren nestlings in the box.

Leaser Lake Purple Martin colony

Purple Martin colony in the Lehigh Valley, Eastern PA. 18 Gourds, 53 chicks on June 30, more on the way.

Third nest in the box this year.

Rare am visit.

Pink Bluebird eggs

Northern Mockingbird

Mama and daddy Mockingbird have been busy bringing food to their four babies – here comes another mouthful!

Baby Mockingbirds

The babies are a week old now and growing so fast!

4 Robins near to fledging in parking garage in a

June 30, 2018: 4 robin chicks that look to be near (or at?) the fledgling stage in a busy parking garage with no easy way to get to the outside unless they can somehow fly out an opening on one end of the garage that about 5 ft from the floor with a 12ft drop to the ground on the other side. I am not sure how they will get down from this nest once they do start to fledge, which should be any day now it appears! I am so worried about this phase for them because of the risk of falling to the concrete floor with only pipes to at ceiling level to perch on. Also the risk of frequent cars entering and exiting especially at dusk and dawn, not to mention a very loud scary garbage truck during the week. I’m fretting, to say the least! Any help? Nevertheless, both parents have been extremely attentive to them the entire time. Today, July 1 2018, we heard them for the first time making little chirps when one of their parents flew in with a bill full of food for them. The dad has been very territorial all day with his squawking and swooping around near some bushes and tree outside of the garage not far from the nest. Mom also has no qualms about scolding passerby as they walk past the nest from their cars. This is a recent behavior of hers, so she must be getting very tired of this situation and just wants them all out of this concrete box, especially considering it was over 95°F today and humid.

Eastern Bluebird eggs

Northern Cardinal Nest

Found a Northern Cardinal nest located in a magnolia tree in my backyard this morning!

Eastern Phoebe Second Nest Attempt

First clutch of Eastern Phoebes hatched and successfully fledged. Parents are making a second go of it!



Barn Swallows man the fire Alarm !

photo of new barn swallow nest in apt building summer 2018

First Flight

This baby western bluebird just flew for the first time.

House Wren nest

Mom Currently sitting nest. Hatch expected in appx. 10 days.

Young House sparrow

Kill deer nest

House sparrow

Unknown bird

Eastern Bluebird Eggs

American Robins

Mountain Chickadees

First brood of the year. If you look closely you will see 5 Chickadees, look for yellow beaks or black and white heads.
This pare was kicked out of a different bird house then moved to my bird house and will soon have fledglings.

Mockingbird Nest

All four babies in the nest 06/26/18

Mockingbird Nest

Three of the four babies hatched the morning of 06/23/18!

Mockingbird Nest

Found one more egg in the nest on 06/15/18

Mockingbird Nest

Had watched a Mockingbird building a nest in this small bush at the front corner of our house – I found eggs in the nest on 06/10/18.

Brown Thrasher babies

Fledge Day

A few photos from the flegding of Eastern Bluebirds Jun 24, 2018

House Wren nest in progress

young mountain Chickadees

Camp Grandpa Habitat 4

Unhatched egg removed from nest.

Feeding Chicks

Nest Building

Second brood of the season

Mountain Bluebird nest

In the Bighorn mountains 30 miles east of Lovell WY at 8’990 feet elevation.


Taken this spring.

Hatchlings Can Fly

Although I couldn’t see all 5 hatchlings every visit, today I witnessed them all fly from the nest upon my approach.

Cardinal Eggs!

there is a cardinal nest just below our dining room windows! open the window, look out and down, and there they are!

Tree Swallow chicks

First brood of the season.

Eastern Bluebird babies in a Gilbertson nest box. Box is set up in yard relatively close to the house.

Patio Nest

House Wren chicks feathering up.

House Wren chicks feathering up. Keeping parents busy with feeding visits.

Killdeer nest

Northern Cardinals, 8 days old

Fully-feathered Northern Cardinals now 8 days old

Eastern Screech-Owl

This eastern screech-owl created quite a stir with all the robins in my neighbourhood when it flew out of silver maple in my back yard

Flickers and Blue Jay

I made and put up a Flicker box in the yard. Flickers had 7 young. I was a little concerned as there were a pair of Blue Jays nesting in a Spruce 30′ away from the Flicker box. No problems, 7 Flickers fledged. The Blue Jays had 3 young,

Young cardinals and young cowbird eating sunflowers

My 1st Bluebird Nest Box Attempt

This was my 1st attempt to attract Easterns Bluebirds to my backyard.

2 days after putting up the box, Mom and Dad were busy building a nest.

Shortly after that, eggs were laid (5 total), all five hatch and the incubation process began.

I had purchased a HD nature cam and installed in the box prior to nesting. I was able to view and record the whole process the entire time.

All five babies fledged on June 15th, 2018 without harm.

It was an awesome experience and can’t wait for the next brood.

All gone.

Second nest of the season fledged.

Curve Billed Thrasher

Approximately two weeks in the life of a Curve Billed Thrasher family. Location: Cholla Cactus East of Las Vegas, NM

Brown Thrasher

Northern Cardinals, 6 days old

3 Northern Cardinals, first day with eyes open

Humming birds


Bluebirds are probably 14-15 days old. Photo taken 6/14/2018 by Fr. McKusky.

First Brood Bluebird Fledglings

Bluebird’s Second Brood!


Song Sparrow

Hutton’s Vireo Babies

There are at least two Hutton’s Vireo chicks. The parents built the nest on a crossbeam under our patio roof.

Barn Swallows

Chickadee nest

Male Calliope humming bird

House wren nest.

Red-winged black bird

A new bird at the feeder!!

Trying to identify this bird any bird watchers out there ?

Finch nest in hanging porch pot

This was a successful nestwatch! From beginning to almost end the finches have succeeded in raising 3 more. They remain around our yard, under the decks and hostas as we garden and minimally feed seed now….

Robin Lays Eggs On My Back Porch

We have recently discovered that a Robin has laid eggs on our back porch frame that is at the bottom of the roof and I’m deciding to try and watch them hatch and gets pics and everything…this is a very rare experience for me and I love nature! ??

Say’s Phoebe Chicks up close

We monitored the nest in our house after we noticed it was occupied.
Mother raised them healthy and strong, they left the next today, and these are some memories.

Carolina Wren hatchlings

Berwick Wren Nest at Garden Center

Saw this Berwick Wren’s nest at a garden center this am while looking at some Lemon Balm plants. Knew it was a wrens nest by its small size but wasnt sure which type till I researched Images and Cornell Ornithology site. Is it a dud? Or simply the last to hatch? Interesting location in amongst the garden plants offered for sale here in Santa Rosa CA 95409!

Two little birds

I need some ID, please! You are NOT a N. Cardinal!

This Northern Cardinal nest is well hidden in a bushy cedar tree. I needed a step ladder to get a good view of the three nestlings, which are really packed into the small nest. The mom and dad were in the nearby trees softly chirping their concerns.

Carolina Wren hatchlings

Mourning dove rolling egg into place

A pair of mourning doves nests over my front door, where we watch them on a webcam. This is the fourth brood of the season, egg #1, laid June 10, 2018.


What you see 1 just looking at the nest, and 2 what you see when you set the camera into the geranium.


Babies one week after hatching

The parents of these three birds had laid 5 eggs; two of which were lost when a house wren pilfered the nest two days before the hatch. These babies hatched in spite of the fact that one of the remaining eggs was cracked.

House Wren Hatchlings

House Wren hatchlings one or two days old. Adults visiting box; presumed feeding. Singing in vicinity.

Three Little Eggs

Lark nest

Parasitic bird

Came across this nest in a barn with a high population of barn swallows.

Eastern Phoebe Hatchlings

Eastern Phoebe Hatchlings

Finch fledglings in the snowball bush

This enormous snowball bush in our front yard has welcomed a variety of fledglings . . . cardinals, bluebirds, carolina wrens, and today, house finches.

Baby Bluebirds

Photos both taken on the same day, June 7th, 2018. Saw the father bluebird feeding the nestlings through the hole.

Eastern Phoebe Nest

Eastern Phoebe nesting on the top of my window

Barn swallow nest

Barn swallows are everywhere in my town, on my land I have about 10 nest sites. (Turn phone to see nest better)

Bluebird Nest

Mother Bluebird

This is Mother Bluebird.

Bluebird babies

All five huddled together and ready to fledge. This was the first nesting attempt in this nest box we built this Feb. All five eggs hatched and made it and 3 days later left. Taken May 18, 2018.

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology