bewicks wren

Loggerhead Shrike Fledglings In The Rain!

American Robins Discovers Nesting shelf!

Western Screech-owl male and female in box behavior.

Western Screech-owls pair bonding in their nest box. Male only entered the box with the brooding female with a prey item. Vocalizations are too cool. Both times I saw this behavior the male left with the prey item. The 5 eggs were recently laid.

Baby doves going to rehab

dove nest

Bluebird chicks

4 baby bluebird chicks in nest box

Poor baby!


Recently hatched egg!

7 Black capped chickadee eggs in nest

Mama chickadee took a break from incubating her eggs and I took the opportunity to take a quick picture of the inside of the nest. 7 Eggs! Hoping for babies in a couple of weeks.

Loggerhead Shrike Fledgling!

the very beginnings…….

dove nest

SE Boise California Quail sounds

California quail coming back to her nest, with lots of sound.

Territorial mama Quail chases away squirrel

Nine eggs in the nest. Quails are comfortable with the privacy of their nesting area. Squirrel tries to infiltrate. Boom!

Loggerhead Shrike Fledgling!

North Texas Wrens

Possible cardinal nest

Loggerhead Shrike

May 4, 2019

second image of chickadee nest

I uploaded a second picture that was more centered and showed all the eggs better.

Eggs have arrived in Chickadee nest

Pine tree 4 Robin eggs

Robin’s nest w/ 4 eggs in it

Western Bluebird Chicks

Oak Titmouse Chicks

Loggerhead Shrike Fledgling

SE Boise nest, May 3 2019, 9 eggs total!

I have seen a California Quail sit on the nest and leave occasionally in the afternoon. Nine eggs now. Will check back in three or four more days. Wow!


Robin sunning itself on a warm day

Loggerhead Shrikes


I noticed a nest a few days in a hanging planter a few days ago. I check today an she has laid her eggs. I have never seen anything like this so close before. Literally outside my backdoor.

Birds are the best!

best pics ever

Eastern Bluebird

Front porch nest

wren nest

inca doves

bewicks wren nest!

recently fleged 3 little wrens!

female white-winged dove

Hanging pot

Fairly sure these are cowbird eggs, but could be wrong. Also, wondering what the white one belongs to as well!? Please do tell if you know.

New Osprey nest

The Idlewilde Civic League appropriated funds to have a new pole and nest installed to replace the old pole and nest that were both disintegrating. I built the nest from plans that I downloaded from your website and added a perch on top.

Full House

Five eastern bluebird nestlings twelve days after hatching.

Loggerhead Shrike Fledgling

SE Boise Nest April 30, 2019

SE Boise Nest, April 30, 2019. Three days later, there are two more eggs!

Loggerhead Shrike Fledgling!

Robin on nest

Nest in the East Don Parkland

Eastern Phoebe Nest

I noticed the birds flying to and from the nest site for nearly a week now, but I thought they were nesting in the roof or elsewhere. I saw them go to the nest yesterday.


I was checking one of the Bluebird nests. Thought it was empty until a mama Black-crested hopped up a little and hissed at me. She was laying eggs!

Tale of titmice family

SE Boise ground nest

Back yard nest on ground next to house foundation, east side. The nest was and is protected by a covered ladder, which I now will not use until the nest has been vacated.

Newly hatched American Robins

Nest photos of 3 American Robin hatchlings


She might be laying one a day

She laid another one

Oregon junco under iris

Oregon junco nest, three eggs. Found on the ground underneath large native iris tenax clump, one foot off path on side of house.

Second pair of Black capped chickadees excavating woodchips out of nestbox

this is on 82 Camic Road in Central Square in my parents backyard by the lilac bushes. Just to note on the map of my submission it points where my apartment is not my parents house where the video was taken. I go to my parents house to watch the birds and take pictures. This video is a second pair of chickadees excavating woodchips out of the nest box which is right next to the other nestbox that has the nest in it.

First black capped chickadee nest

I add woodchips earlier in March to the chickadee nests boxes on my parents property and a pair began excavating them out and now have been building there nest with moss from the yard and horse hair from a barn I ride at when shedding season comes. No signs of eggs yet in the nest. I am waiting and checking every once in while because not sure if the chickadees are waiting or are not ready to lay eggs yet. just waiting…….

Front porch nest April 27, 2019, day 7

Canadan Goose

Rare Blue Headed Mallard Duck!

Chickadees and Nuthatchs fighting over nesting cavity

Pygmy Nuthatchs found this nesting cavity first then Red-breasted Nuthatchs toke over then Black-capped Chickadees toke over.

One of our pretty residents


Our First Bluebird Egg

Eastern Bluebird babies at 3 days old

Eastern Bluebird babies at 3 days old. There were 5 eggs in this clutch, and all hatched.

Loggerhed Shrikes

Western Bluebird

Four of the five bluebird eggs have hatched this morning in the bird box outside!


American Robin and Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Loggerhead Shrike Fledgling

Flower box nest

loggerhead Shrike

Loggerhead Shrike

Rare Blue Headed Mallard Duck!

This Blue headed Mallard is very rare and scared duck compared to the other Mallards in the area.

Clutch of Five Bluebirds

Four closely sequenced photos of babies taken the same day they hatched. All five hatched the same day.

Eastern Bluebird hatch day!

Today was hatch day for my Eastern Bluebirds! Here are my four little bundles of joy, with one more egg to hatch. It is going to be an amazing journey watching these little ones grow up!

Loggerhead Shrike

Baby robins

I’m making my whole family use the garage door.

Brown Thrasher Nest – Three Eggs

Bringing Moss Near My Bird House For Nest Material

Mourning dove lays an egg

A pair of mourning doves nests on a small ledge on our house, and we watch them with a webcam. This video shows the female dove laying the second egg of her first clutch of the season on March 23, 2019.

Two babies

Loggerhead Shrike

Nest by my front door

Our Couple

Dolly Madison and George Washingtons Bluebird Nest

They are building away, cant wait for the eggs. Hopefully this week

Loggerhead Shrike Chick!

adult taking flight with juveniles visible in nest box

I just happened to be looking out the window when the adult flew up to drop off food and was able to grab my camera. Taken 04-18-19.

Five pretty blue eggs

Five bluebird eggs photographed while parents are out. Male bird seemed protective and his flapping wings made a clicking sound to warn me to get away.

Loggerhead Shrikes


Loggerhead Shrike Chick Very Hungry!

Carolina Chickadee Nest with Eggs

Carolina Chickadees nested in one of our backyard next boxes, and there are now 7 eggs in the nest.

Wood Duck Nestbox Photos

Wood Ducks have claimed box number D1 for the past four years. This year there are 21 eggs being incubated. Other wood duck females have added there eggs to this nest. A second box was monitored on April 14, and a small female wood duck was observed sprawled across many, many eggs. It appeared she was even trying to incubate them with her wings, head and neck because there were so many and the floor area was so big.

House Finch Nestlings

So happy to see there’s Nestlings after the recent very high winds. I thought the nest would’ve blown out of the near top of the Arborvitae tree as it bent in half as the wind blew with 50 mph gusts.
This nest is in a tree right outside my kitchen window. The birds have been very aware of my presence. Even prior to nest construction. They’ve still decided to build and birth.

Loggerhead Shrikes In There Nest!

Breakfast is Ready

Papa Bluebird brings an insect breakfast to Mama, who is inside the nest box incubating 5 eggs.

Loggerhead Shrike Chicks!

Eastern Bluebird Hatchlings

Four Eastern Bluebird hatchlings. First born 4/12 and remaining three 4/13.

American Robin Nest

First time we’ve had this particular species build a nest in our yard.

Loggerhead Shrike Chick!

First bluebird ever!

Before the pair has begun incubating the eggs. He sits outside the box on his favorite branch talking to me! I can even wash outside on my balcony and he doesn’t fly away!

First ever Western Bluebird Nest

Vermilion Flycatcher nest

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology