How many chicks do you see?

This photo was taken for my American Robin nest attempt. Today is the first day I figured out how to see inside a nest that was so high up in a tree with no branches: buy an extension pole that’s long enough, attach a camera to the end, start the video, lift it above the nest and angle it so that it can record what’s inside, lower it back down to the ground, stop the video, then watch it and see what you see.

Nesting baby Robins

Stretching my wings

This Robin nestling is flapping its wings in preparation for learning to fly.

Sleeping Robin Twins

2 Robin Nestlings after the nest fell off the ceiling fan. I replaced the startled babies and they snuggled in to relax. I was able to replace the nest with assistance of packing tape.

Robin Eggs

4 Robin eggs!

Eastern Bluebirds

My backyard Bluebirds.

Song Sparrow nest with a cowbird egg!

I saw the female cowbird exploring around the bush where the nest was, but the nest didn’t have any eggs in it at the time. I suppose she waited until the sparrow laid her eggs. This is my first nest with a nest parasite this year.

Mama Tree Swallow Sits on Eggs

Tree Swallow Eggs

THEY DO USE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I made 4 hummingbird feeders out of recycled containers and decorated them red. I was hoping but unsure that the hummingbirds would actually use them, but they do!!!!! I don’t know it was the same one or not, but Ive seen a female hummingbird at it three different times today!!!

Eastern Phoebes

Nine days later…

Eastern Bluebird

The juveniles from 1st brood are hanging around my nest box while mom sits on her 5 eggs of 2nd brood. Dad feeds the juvis and mom in the box.

Mourning Dove chick finally fledged!

I wasn’t able to see inside the nest for a couple of visits because the parents were so protective and stayed on the nest, but now I don’t have to check it anymore!

Great Crested Flycatcher

Robins nest

Wood Pigeon Wants To Nest In Our Garden

Sleepy Wood Pigeon…

Need Bird ID

Do you now what bird is this? Sorry for the photo, the bird flew right away…Its flight was very heavy and silent, the plumage was mostly gray with white stripes on the back and primaries, too ( seen from flight only ) and the head was black with white dots… I’ve never seen such a bird in my garden.

Red-bellied Woodpecker Trys To Stop A Starling From Entering It’s Nest!

Barn swallows at sunset!

Sorry for the 1-star pics 🙁

Eastern Blue bird nest

Request for help identifying a nest

My son found this nest on the ground in a small park in a residential area of Vancouver (Kitsilano), BC, Canada. We cannot identify it. Is there a possibility there are still birds inside? The card gives an indication of its size.

Why would she do this???

Our first two Great Crested Flycatcher eggs hatched. The chicks seemed alive and fine, but mom removed them from the nest 🙁

Why would she do this?

Need. More. Feathers.

Mama Great Crested Flycatcher has been busy adding TONS of feathers to the nest over the past 48 hours. We expect the eggs to start hatching today or tomorrow!



Wood duck box #3 had 17 eggs, all 17 fledged!

Fledgling Collared-Dove

Perfect Guardian.

It is the nesting site for my Nest Watch project.

Northern Flicker making nest in tree


I use one dollar hummingbird feeder, they last about a year. Hummers love them.

This little guy likes staring contests!

Hummingbird Update

Update: Yay! We got the new feeders! As you can see, we have the red and blue feeder. Then the white and blue hangings are hummingbird perches. We haven’t had any drink from them, but the one female keeps coming back and seems very interested! I LOVE the new feeders, and there aren’t any bees!! Here’s the link for the site down below, also the lady there named Polly is very nice, and she will make sure you get what you need at hardly any price!

Urgent help needed!

My mom was digging in the garden. Her shovel went into the ground with a CRUNCH! Then she saw something oozing out of the side of the hole. She finished uncovering the item. It was an egg! She came in and asked if any birds laid eggs in the ground. I said “not that I know of.” It’s too big to be a snake or turtle egg and also not round enough to be a turtle egg. WAY to big to be a salamander egg or anything like that. I’m pretty sure it is a Wild Turkey egg, but the only logical explanation of how it got there is that a fox, coyote, Coywolf, raccoon or something like that stole the egg from a turkey nest and buried it in the soft garden dirt so that other animals wouldn’t find it. Before I start digging gently with my hands, risking touching raw egg insides, do you think there are more, and if so, is there any possible way we can save them?

Do you think they will actually use these?

Coco Quin, I think this would be a good question for you, since you’ve tried so many hummingbird feeders, 😉 but any answers will be appreciated. I made these hummingbird feeders myself, but do you think they can/will use them? I know they drink with their tongues, but I don’t know how long their tongues are, meaning I can’t be sure that they will be able to reach the sugar water once it gets low. With these dimensions, (#3 & #4 have the same dimensions, and #1 & #2 have the same dimensions), do you think they will be able to reach the bottom?

birds in my area

Dark-eyed Junco Nest – 3rd floor balcony birdhouse

The old bird house on our tiny balcony on the 3rd floor was chosen by a pair of Dark-eyed Juncos for nesting. These resourceful little birds have made some amazing shifts in behavior to adapt to urban development. Even watching them build the nest, we weren’t convinced they’d use it. But the other day, lo and behold… two little eggs!

Baby Magpie fell out of nest!!! Please help!

Curious Wood Pigeon

Magpie Nest

Starling Removing A Fecal Sac!

Tree Swallow Nest Livestream

The pair is currently sitting on 5 eggs. Clutch completion date was May 8th. Stream uses a raspberry pi and wide angle NOIR camera.

Carolina wren nest material

This is the nest of a Carolina wren after the nestlings had fledged from my wood duck box.

Need warbler ID!!!

Sorry for the bad photos! These little guys are so active that my camera lens can’t focus on them! I think it is either a Townsend or a Black-throated Green Warbler. Please comment below.

HELP I’m really worried

Well my bluebirds fledge all 4 of them on the same day but after they left I removed the nest cleaned it and I was done for now it’s been a couple of days and they never came back. They only visited once they went inside came out and left I never seen them in my yard ever since their the babies fledged I’m worried they won’t come back this was there first brood of they year and I got excited for there future broods. A pair of great crested flycatchers came by to check the nest box then left and never returned since. I don’t know what to do it’s almost a week since the babies fledged I’m freaking out

Osprey with moss

This osprey was carrying a long strip of spanish moss to its nest. I estimate the strip to be 5 feet long.

Mystery bird..

I want to know the name of this bird.

Bluebird babies fledging

Video of 3 of our 5 Bluebird babies fledging. Finally got to witness the event & got it on video. So excited to have all 5 eggs hatch & go to fledge. We have hosted many BB families in that (& other boxes) but that box is a particular favorite.

We had a House Sparrow pair show up & compete for that box. My husband dispatched the male. Female showed back up a week later with another male. He had to dispatch that male as well. The Bluebirds then were able to complete their nest & family

Great Crested Flycatcher Mama in Fight Mode

Yesterday, a red-bellied woodpecker landed on the nest box and stuck its head inside. This video shows mama’s reaction. She then left the nest and fought with the woodpecker until it left the area.

Black Redstart male collecting food.

Tree Swallow hatchlings on Mother’s Day

Any Ideas?

So, here’s what I need help with:
We are making Nest Tubes out of PVC Pipes, but I want it to be a good quality Nest Tube that helps fledglings leave the nest. On All About Birdhouses, on Features of a Good Nest Box, it says to help fledglings leave the nest, you can cut grooves into the box to create a “ladder” with “rungs,” or you can staple hardware cloth to the sides. Problem? The staples won’t go through a PVC Pipe, and we can’t reach a saw inside to cut the ladders, because the pipe is to small in diameter.
Any Ideas?

Looks Like We Will Be Having Baby Downy Woodpeckers This Year!

I was watching the female Downy Woodpecker as she ate from the suet feeder. Suddenly, a male flew up and scared her away. Then a female Baltimore Oriole flew up and scared him away. I happened to look out my window at the oak, and I saw both Downy Woodpeckers sitting on the dead limb. I glimpsed a blur of feathers, and it took me a second to comprehend that they were mating! I’m so excited that I caught that out in the wild!!! Ive seen Barn Owls and Bald Eagles mating on camera, but I’ve never seen it with my own eyes out in nature! It was so cool! I have seen the Downy Woodpeckers pecking at it, but they were moving up and down the branch, so I thought they were only searching for bugs. I’m thinking about climbing that tree in search of a nest cavity, but I don’t want to have to go to all that work to drag a heavy ladder up to it if there’s no nest, so do birds typically only mate at or near the nest site, or do they mate wherever?

1, 2, 3 eggs

We took a picture every two days and each time an egg was added.

Robin Trading Places

Male Robin watches over nest and switches places when female returns. Eggs are 5-7 days old.

Black Redstart Nest

Orange you beautiful?

Sweet grape jelly and juicy naval oranges are irresistible for this brilliantly colored Baltimore Oriole!

Red Headed Woodpecker Duo

This beautiful duo is one of two pairs of Red headed woodpeckers calling our woods their home. They LOVE peanut butter suet cakes and go through several every week! They are delightful to watch and can be seen
playing and chasing other birds among the treetops.


American Robin juveniles in my back yard.

Eastern Phoebe 05.10.2020

Eastern Phoebes have hatched! 3 or 4?

Warbler Galore! (Big Birding Day Part 2)

Sorry for the not-so-great pictures. Aside from the three kinds of warblers, I saw a European Starling, two Ospreys, robins, crows, Tree Swallows, Black-capped Chickadees, Downy Woodpeckers, and White-breasted Nuthatches.

Big Birding Day (Part 1)

Wren comes for a visit!

Oh my goodness, i just remembered it was global big day! I can’t believe i forgot!!!!😭😭😭My first time participating in Global Big Day was a fail. I guess my 4 observations will be part of it. So sorry! Oh well.

Global Big Day Birding Pt 2

Global Big Day Birding!

Birding with two of my sisters, we saw about 20 species. It lasted 1 hour and 20 mins. I hope ya’ll had a good Global Big Day!

First Indigo Bunting of 2020

My very first photo of an Indigo Bunting!

First Rose-breasted Grosbeak of 2020!

Ruby Throated or Black-Chinned Female?

Yay! Finally the hummingbirds came and drank at the green feeder! Turns out that would happen when i already ordered the new feeders!😂We will keep the order of the new feeders, and will slowly adapt them to the new ones. Thank you all for your help and support! we haven’t seen bees in weeks, and finally the hummers figured it out. Hugs to everyone!🥰

Limpkin Chiclk’s Just Out Of The Nest!

Hatching today

As I was out monitoring, I found Berlin Dam box #14 had bluebirds actually hatching. Look close and you will see the blue eggs with small pecked out holes.

possible cowbird egg in black capped chickadee nest?

do you the large egg on top of the others could be the egg of a cowbird?

Tufted Titmouse Nest Underway

Tufted Titmouse nest underway inside nest box built according to NestWatch’s plans for Great Crested Flycatcher. 🙂 Titmouse have been going in and out of the box for at least a week now. This box has gone unused for two previous nesting seasons.

Double Dipping?

This is an image on our TV captured by the camera in our nest box. These are two Wood Duck hens usingg the same nest to lay her egg. The 1st one in had been ietting comfortably in the nesting material/down mixture when the 2nd hen plopped in unannounced. Many times when this happens (we’ve observed this before), the two birds will really battle for rights to the nest. This time, though, the 1st hen just looked very confused, tried to sit on the other hen and gather her under her wings. Duck #2 wasn’t having any of that, though, so Duck #1 just simply allowed her to have the box and left! We wish we would know which duck will end up incubating all the eggs but we’ve found that they’re reluctant to wear their name tags…

Welcomed visitor

Baby bird just out of the nest on our back screened in porch. Parents found a hole in the screen and built a nest. Baby hopped right up to the sliding door and looked in.

Getting ready to fledge!

Dad was super motivated to hunt today he was pump when I went to do my inspection he was watching he had a very big bug in his mouth but the baby bluebirds were fine all 4 babies are OK so I took a picture with my polariod camera I got a pretty nice picture and thank you Coco Quinn, Owls3.0, Oaklynn price, HeartForNature, and last but not least Vera. For giving me tip on how to bring more birds to my garden 🙂

2nd fledgling

1st fledgling

on potted fig tree

Brown thrasher nest

Robin eggs

Mama Blue Jay

Notice the pink ribbon through the nest and tied to an adjacent limb? They unwound this from another limb and nest on the same tree when building their nest. They probably spent 3 hours on the ribbon. It is not just wrapped around the limb, it is tied.

The Cardinals Are Hatching!

A neighborhood cardinal nest with 3 eggs has begun to hatch! We’re actually not 100% sure if they are all cardinals or if a cowbird snuck in there, but we are very excited to see the first healthy young!


Parents, nest, and fledglings

Some Robin Nesting in CT

Our house has become popular this year with Robins. We have two nests on opposite side of the house and active nesting is taking pace

A Chip off the Old Block

The Carolina wren on the right was banded by Cornell’s NestWatch program in 2016 (band #2741-54604). Although sex was indeterminate at the time of banding, his nonstop singing and territorial guarding of his turf soon indicated he was a male. He is a daily visitor to our feeders. We call him Randy. On the day this photo was taken, Randy’s latest brood had just fledged from a nest located in our potting shed which, try as we might, we were never able to locate. We did, however, witness Randy and his mate entering the shed through a gap in the roof with food offerings (including peanut splits!) over a period of about 2 weeks.

American Robin

American Robin eggs on my porch light.

Guess the bird!

I know most of us are bored, probably in quarantine. So, i decided to let y’all have a go at this photo of mine, guess the bird and I’ll tell you after!

Screech owls

Bluebird nest

Hummingbird Eggs have Hatched!!

These little cuties hatched Wednesday and Thursday last week (4/29 and 4/30/2020) and this photo was taken Friday (5/1/2020). They are adorable and not doing very much yet, I will keep giving updates.

Very NIce Easter

I was nicely surprised about 3 days after Easter to find a full nest with eggs in the top of my door wreath. I have to open my door to go out,but since we are under quarantine, it isn’t too often. I took pictures when the door had to be opened by using a step stool. I am watching very carefully now as I hope they will continue to grow. I don’t see any flying out of the nest when I come down to go out. I will submit updates soon.

May 3, 2020-spring birds!

Titmouse feeding in tree cavity. I can hear the chicks- both parents feeding.
Tree swallows already have best, but now getting busy.


What a Day At the Horicon Marsh! (Part 2)

HUGE variety of birds in the Horicon Marsh! Palm Warblers, TONS of Canada Geese, Tree and Barn Swallows, Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, American White Pelicans, ducks, Killdeers, Purple Martins, TONS of Red-winged Blackbirds, Common Grackles, Forster’s Terns, Herring Gulls, and much more!

Killdeer “Nest”

Almost stepped on her and the 3 eggs before she warned me off with her shrieking!!!

Is There Such A Thing as a White-headed Canada Goose??!!

Great Crested Flycatchers


There are now 5 eggs in the nest box. Mama has been on and off the nest all day – starting to incubate? We are not sure if she is done laying eggs yet. She has been showing egg-like behavior for 5 days, and there are 5 eggs. So she might still be laying eggs for the next few days – who knows?

Today is the first day we’ve been able to count the eggs, because she has been covering them with various nesting materials. They have been difficult to see. I have had to enter “unknown” for the number of eggs daily until today.

Updates here (a short video is added daily):

(The red bellied woodpecker in the preview image was a winter occupant of the nest box – I am aware that isn’t a flycatcher…)

Breeding: great blue heron

The region’s great blue herons are already fledging young. This one was part of a colony of 7 GBHE nests and countless anhingas.


Breeding: Anhinga

Pick Up Sticks

A House Wren constructs a nest in a Gilbertson-style nest box in my backyard.

The Sparrow Migration!

Many new birds are migrating past my property and I’m so excited! Last week I saw 36 different species just around my neighborhood!

The Baltimore Orioles are BACK!!!

Finally! The Baltimore Orioles are back! My brother spotted the male, and I spotted the female!

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology