Eastern Bluebird Hatchling

In this clutch of 6, the first Eastern Bluebird egg hatched at 6:50 am. This is the second brood for this young breeding pair, who was also born in this same nest box last Spring. What a great way to start Memorial Day weekend!

Titmice in nesting box from several weeks ago

Barred Owl nesting

Third year of our nest box being used by Barred Owls. Hopfully we’ll see the babies soon !


Bluebird Twins

Taken May 25, 2021. Abnormally large 5th egg in bluebird nest. 2nd nest of 2021 season.

Feed me! Baby Black Capped Chickadees

Three young black capped chickadees. Should be four more eggs under there!

Bluebird Eggs

Chickadees fledging!

One of the babies fledged today, the one almost stepping out of the box, and one of the others has been poking their head out to get food very often, see the one being feed. The third baby is just staying in the box for now.

Golden Beauty

Crazy Catbird

Wet Little Chickadee

Hooded merganser nest box

Tree Swallow nest check

Hatchlings in a wreath

Three new hatchlings as of 5-22-21. The wreath has been a cozy and safe place for mother finch to raise her family. This is her seond brood this year.

House Hunting Bluebirds!

Sparrow nest

Two sparrows stuffed a bunch of straw into the space between the roof and wall of our chicken house then left. Do you think they will come back?

Precious robin eggs

This nest is in the rafters of our barn which is a small building with no door providing good flying access. The nest is built right alongside another Robin nest that i am pretty sure never got used.

Wren nest box.

Every year a pair of wrens build a nest in my box. I cleaned it out a few weeks ago from the sticks they had put there last year and am glad to have them back in 2021!!

Robin nest

A robin pair built a nest on an old pallet leaning against one of our outbuildings. Any ideas why they would build so low? Wouldn’t that be dangerous?

Robin’s Nest 2021

Robin’s Nest 2021

Robin’s Nest 2021

This robin mom built a nest in a day, lay egg #1 the following morning, then lay eggs #2-#5 on each of the following days. Photos were taken with a 4K security camera set up to monitor the nest and stream it live on YouTube https://youtu.be/p29GzrtkJhY

Checking For Eastern Phoebe eggs!

Sequoia area

Bird is fascinated by its mirror image

Six Bluebird Eggs!

This is the second brood this year for this young nesting pair. This sixth egg came as a complete surprise, as the parents were born in this same nest box only last year, so they are relatively young. Their last brood produced five fledglings, so I have my fingers crossed that we will have six more to add to my backyard family!


Found in Tehama, State wildlife area on the north edge of Antelope creek,


Gladis (mama bird) pur her nest right in our pergola! Her babies are finally here đŸ„°

Black-capped Chickadee eggs at last!

This year, no troubles with House Wrens taking the nest box. Last year, the wrens evicted the chickadees and built their nest atop the completed chickadee nest. The House Wrens did raise two successful broods, though.

Robins on the gutter

First visit of Bluebirds after fledging

This was my first look at one of the young since I stopped nest box checks a week before fledging. We are first-time Bluebird landlords, and put a lot of thought and effort into giving Bluebirds a chance. One week after the brood of 4 fledged, the parents returned with a couple of the intrepid youngsters.

Alida’s Blues

Tree Swallow Portrait

Does anyone have any requests for bird pictures? FYI I live in New York.

Sweet things

The wreath nest seems to be the perfect spot to raise another brood.

Bright little Goldfinch

Bluebird defense

This male bluebird is protecting his house against some tree swallows, and he is doing a amazing job. His favorite move is the “Wing Flick”.

The Mourning Dove Stare Down

I saw this mourning dove on my drive way and I decided to get a picture. This guy let me get pretty close to him,and honestly I think he was sleeping with his eyes open. It was like he was a statue.

Mating Canada Geese

Great Blue Heron Mama

This heron is taking a break from incubation.

Happy Cardinal

Bluebird with Attitude

House finch fledglings

Five House finch fledglings ~fledged May 4th. Two new finch eggs ~ May 7th and May 9th. Third infertile egg from previous clutch.

Mystery bird nest vs chrysalis?

This tiny thing is about 8 inches of the ground in a hydrangea bush. It’s less than two inches long. The mornings are shaded by a large maple tree. We have no outdoor pets. I don’t know if hummingbirds make nests like this. The hole is a little bigger than a jelly belly, but not as large as a standard jelly bean. Maybe it’s the chrysalis from a swallowtail butterfly, but to me, the top hole looks too finished for a butterfly chewing it’s way out.

Robin eggs

Taken 5/7/2021. Last year’s hatchlings were lost to predators. Let’s cross our fingers this year.

New finch egg in old nest

I just found this new finch egg. This is the same nest that had five fledglings in it just days ago ~ May 4th. The Mama finch returned, cleaned up the nest (with the lone egg that didn’t hatch) and apparently has started another brood!

New brood of finches in Christmas wreath?

As of this morning the previous 5 baby finches left the nest. The parents returned several times checking out different places on the wreath. Later in the day I checked the nest and I was surprised to find one tiny Finch egg. I don’t know if this is the start of a new brood or an egg from the previous brood that didn’t hatch. I will check tomorrow to see if there is another egg.

Question about nest box

I was wondering if I should clear out all the sticks in this box or just some. The sticks about halfway up to the entrance hole. I have had house wrens nest there before. Will cleaning it out increase the chance of nesting? Thanks in advance.

Baby finches in a Christmas wreath

Late March a finch built a nest in my Christmas wreath. On April 3rd I noted 3 eggs. April 4th there were 4 eggs. On April 12th there were 5 eggs. On April 19th all 5 had hatched. Lots of activity over the last week or so.

Hours old goshlings

5 Goslings hatched between sunset 02 May 21 and early morning 03 May. Female on nest for 32 days. Pond located in cow pasture at 1277 Hopewell Road, Guntersville, Alabama.

Eurasian Collared Dove Nesting Cycle

A series of Still shots and video clips showing empty nest to fledged Eurasian Collared Doves flying. Most include a date and time stamp. Some title cards interspersed.

Nest in hanging fern

Saw what looked like a female house sparrow or house finch leaving my hanging fern. Got down the plant and realized there was already a nest with two eggs, one blue and one speckled. Curious what kind they are?

What nest?

I posted a picture of this nest the previous week and I got some results.

1: It’s not an abandoned HummingBird nest.
2: It could be a sparrow nest, either song or swamp sparrow.
3: It would be easier if I put a small object in the cup of the nest to determine the cup size.

If you have any ideas, please leave a comment. The nest is in swamp land/marsh and is roughly two feet off the ground.

5 Baby Eastern Bluebirds rescued

We woke up on Tuesday 4/27/21 and noticed the birdhouse had been tilted on the tree it was mounted on. We went out to investigate the scene and heard little chirps; looked in and saw at least 3 newly hatched bluebird babies. Watched the bird house from our patio for 6+ hours and didn’t see mom or dad bluebird anywhere in the area. We contacted a wildlife rehab center and they recommended we go ahead and retrieve the nest of babies and bring them indoors, feed them and then we drove them to their facility on 4/28. There are 5 babies total and they were all eating well. The birdhouse was mounted on the tree prior to us moving in but we are now moving it to a freestanding pole and adding a stovepipe baffle. We think one of the local feral cats got mom the night before. Dad did appear in the afternoon on 4/28 and sat on a branch in front of the birdhouse making calls toward the nest. 🙁

5 Eggs in a Nest

Beautiful Blue

Territory protectivness

Abandoned Humming Bird Nest?

I found two of these hummingbird nest in my back woods, are these abandoned? Do humming birds come back to their nests?

Male Kingfisher.

This little guy was so proud! He had finally found a mate, and was letting the world know.

Loggerhead Shrike Fledgling!

This fledgling was given part of a dismembered bird to eat, but the poor fledgling has no idea what to do with it the bird tries to wedge it into the V of a branch all to no avail. In the end the adult comes back and takes it back!

Loggerhead Shrike Fledglings fighting over a Beetle!

Window to the World

Baby Bluebird gets a few moments of encouragement from Papa Blue, minutes before he takes his first flight into the world.

Bushtit nest

In a tree I and my German shepherd walk by many times a day. I saw two little birds pecking at a large oblong mass, and they returned several times. I will try for a better photo!

Loggerhead Shrike Fledgling’s “That’s My Beetle!”

Strange Nestfellows

This picture was taken by my son in Waukee, Iowa. The nest is in his fireplace vent. He has seen a house finch entering and exiting the nest. I have two issues:
1) I think the bigger eggs, including the speckled ones and the almost pure white one, are all house finch eggs. My friend thinks the speckled ones are brown-headed cowbird eggs. What do you think?
2) What in the world is the smaller. beige egg?
Your assistance will be appreciated.

Male & Female Eastern Bluebird

Flying Blue Jay

Carolina Chickadee

Northern Cardinal

American GoldFinch (non-breeding)

Baby Bluebird Fledges the Nest! First Flight!

Loggerhead Shrike With An Anole!

This Loggerhead Shrike is butchering an Anole so it can feed it’s fledglings! I guess The moniker “The Butcher Bird” is well deserved!

Two little House Finch babies poking their heads out of the nest almost ready to fledge.

Two little House Finch babies poking their heads out of the nest almost ready to fledge. (And they fledged successfully!)

The Ridiculously Cute Eastern Phoebe

This little Eastern Phoebe has been nesting by our barn for 2 years now! They are amazing parents! This is a female that I named Diva because, well I am sure you can figure that out. Her mate’s name is Duke.

Brown-headed Nuthatch Feeding Young

The Brown-headed Nuthatch pair (was a cooperative breeding situation with former juvenile from prior brood, but that one has moved on) has been tending to their hatched young. Managed to get great videos at multiple angles showcasing feeding, fecal sac removal, and young peeking out. Lots of vocalizations by parents and young. They’ve grown so big!

Spring nest 2021

A pair of House finches built this nest on the wreath of my front door. I guess I will be directing guest to the side door of the house. The mail is always close by when the female is sitting on the eggs.

Young bluebirds

Chickadee Nesting

Date and time stamp on the photo.

Purple Martins in the cold

Mary and Peter and John and Mary guarding their nests

Finch after heavy snowfall

Finch after snowfall


Chickadees are very smart and inquisitive little birds. I believe these birds deserve more attention than they get, because they are just amazing. So just because a bird is not brightly colored or has the most creative song, does not mean it is not truly beautiful.

The Tree Swallow Family Photo

The Bald Eagle

Notice the pines are framing his face.

Great Blue Heron

Chipping Sparrow trying to stay warm

Back when Texas got that big snow storm!

Bluebirds moving in

Loggerhead Shrike Presenting A Dragonfly To One Of It’s Fledglings!

Pat the Owl

Pat the owl found on St. Patrick’s day in our yard in Ridgefield, WA . It was rehomed up in our trees by the Portland Audubon Society!
We watched her for weeks via a game camera, and she just left the nest last week!

Loggerhead Shrike Flies Onto A Branch With A Gecko!

Loggerhead Shrikes!

This Loggerhead Shrike is Feeding one of It’s fledglings a Mole Cricket!

Baby House Finches in nest.

Baby House Finches in nest. Parents are names Amiria and Avolon! How many finches can you see? 3!


I found this egg underneath a bush nest to my grandparents feeders. As many birds were feeding there, I can’t be sure which laid it. It is a bit larger than a penny—white with brown speckles. What species is the egg and HOW IN THE WORLD did it get there? Surely the mom wouldn’t have laid an egg on bare ground….

Eastern Bluebird babies

Eastern Bluebirds nested in my backyard for the third consecutive year, and blessed me this Spring with 5 babies. This is the first brood at 5 days old. Hatch date was April 6, 2021.

American Robin Nest Update

Excitement on my Windowsill—Ansel attacking his reflection, a male Northern Cardinal eating, and a Carolina Wren entering my nest box for the first time!

Ansel flew to my window AGAIN and attacked his reflection. FOR 30 MINUTES. AND HE’S STILL HERE!!!
He won’t stop even through I drew highlighter on the outside of my window to break up his reflection. This time I’m even more sure it’s territorial aggression because another Tufted Titmouse flew up and he didn’t attack it. I’m guessing she’s Ansel’s mate. While I was videoing, a male Northern Cardinal came to eat and a Carolina Wren entered my nest box! This is the first time a bird has entered that nest box.
Ansel still will not leave though. What will make him stop attacking his reflection in my window sill!?

First Bird I’ve Seen in my Nest Box!!!

4/8/2021, 11:30 AM — A Carolina Wren entered my window nest box!!!
I put it out in March, and birds are finally stating to check it out!!!
Today is the first time I’ve seen one enter it, but a Carolina Chickadee and Tufted Titmouse have inspected it before.

Territorial Aggression?

4/7/2021— This Tufted Titmouse woke me up at 8:00 AM to loud chirping and banging outside my window.
Recently, I put out a nest box on my window sill. In case my presence would deter birds from nesting in it, I applied 1-way window-film. Unfortunately, it blocks sunshine from entering my room and it’s reflective on the outside.
I believe this Titmouse was attacking his reflection, thinking it was a rival bird. (I decided to name him “Ansel,” which means “protecter.”)
I drew highlighter on the window to get him to stop, but he hasn’t come back yet so I’m not sure whether it worked or not.
I do have a bird feeder on my windowsill as well, but, since Tufted Titmouse nesting season is beginning, I figured it was probably more likely he was attacking things to protect his nesting territory or claim a new one.
Will birds attack anywhere on their territory or only near their nest? Does he want my new birdhouse?

Hungry Birds

Trio of Cardinals

Carolina Wren

Nesting female

Hummingbird nest with two eggs

After years of seeing hummingbirds flying around in our yard, we’ve spotted our first nest. These two eggs were laid a day apart in this cozy nest, tucked away in a camellia bush just outside our kitchen window.

Carolina Wren Babies

Our “Workshop Nest” built by the Carolina Wren contained two beautiful little eggs, which we were pleased to observe as successfully hatched today (Easter Sunday)!

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology