Common Nesting Birds
NestWatch accepts data on all breeding birds. However, you are likely to encounter many of these species nesting in your backyards, neighborhoods, and parks. We are seeking nesting data on these species in particular because they are common, widely-distributed, convenient to monitor, and tolerant of nest checking. If you find a nest, use the filters to help discover what species could have made it. Or, click on a bird to learn more about its nesting habits.
Species filters
Nest Type
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Total Species:
American Goldfinch
Spinus tristis
American Kestrel
Falco sparverius
American Robin
Turdus migratorius
Ash-throated Flycatcher
Myiarchus cinerascens
Barn Swallow
Hirundo rustica
Bewick’s Wren
Thryomanes bewickii
Black-capped Chickadee
Poecile atricapillus
Black-headed Grosbeak
Pheucticus melanocephalus
Blue Grosbeak
Passerina caerulea
Brown Thrasher
Toxostoma rufum
California Scrub-Jay
Aphelocoma californica
Carolina Chickadee
Poecile carolinensis
Carolina Wren
Thryothorus ludovicianus
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Poecile rufescens
Dark-eyed Junco
Junco hyemalis
Eastern Bluebird
Sialia sialis
Eastern Phoebe
Sayornis phoebe
Eastern Towhee
Pipilo erythrophthalmus
Gray Catbird
Dumetella carolinensis
Great Crested Flycatcher
Myiarchus crinitus
House Finch
Carpodacus mexicanus
House Wren
Troglodytes aedon
Indigo Bunting
Passerina cyanea
Juniper Titmouse
Baeolophus griseus
Lazuli Bunting
Passerina amoena
Lesser Goldfinch
Spinus psaltria
Mountain Bluebird
Sialia currucoides
Mountain Chickadee
Poecile gambeli
Mourning Dove
Zenaida macroura
Northern Cardinal
Cardinalis cardinalis
Northern Mockingbird
Mimus polyglottos
Oak Titmouse
Baeolophus inornatus
Purple Martin
Progne subis
Red-winged Blackbird
Agelaius phoeniceus
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Pheucticus ludovicianus
Say’s Phoebe
Sayornis saya
Song Sparrow
Melospiza melodia
Spotted Towhee
Pipilo maculatus
Tree Swallow
Tachycineta bicolor
Tufted Titmouse
Baeolophus bicolor
Violet-green Swallow
Tachycineta thalassina
Western Bluebird
Sialia mexicana
Wood Duck
Aix sponsa
Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay
Aphelocoma woodhouseii